Military Technology

Chapter 1410 Overwhelmed

"Military Technology ()"!

After checking the return capsule and confirming that it is safe and normal. Immediately, the staff began to pack the return capsule, put on the relevant orange protective cover, and then the accompanying crane hoisted it onto the transport vehicle.

Then the convoy transporting the return capsule will quickly go to a military base not far from here, which is also the airport of our country's largest and contracted tactical training base, where a Y-8 transport plane is already waiting on the apron. As soon as the return capsule arrived, it was immediately loaded onto the transport plane, and together with some accompanying technical staff, went to Haoyu Technology Northwest Research and Development Base.

When the return capsule is transported to the manned spacecraft research laboratory in the Northwest Research and Development Base, a formal opening ceremony will be held. Then check and study the relevant instruments and equipment in the return cabin, as well as the human test model carried.

After the relevant research work is over, the researchers removed the relevant important instruments and equipment in the return capsule. As for the return capsule, it will be transported back to Anxi, and finally placed in the Linghu headquarters park of Haoyu Technology, becoming an art exhibit. It is not only to add the technological and cultural connotation of the entire park, but also to silently explain the relevant achievements they have made to the tourists and visitors who come to visit.

In fact, according to the design requirements, this return capsule can be reused. It's just in the testing stage. In order to be able to understand the technology and process of the entire return capsule research and manufacture, several more such return capsules need to be manufactured. In the end, these return capsules can only be eliminated. Instead of being disassembled or rusted and dusted, it might as well play some other role.

After all, this is the return capsule of their first unmanned experimental spacecraft after the successful experiment, which still has a certain meaning.

As for the return capsule of the first manned spaceship in the future, it is estimated that it will not be their turn. A museum has already come to the door, and the background is very big. From this point of view, there is a high probability that the return capsule of this manned spacecraft will be donated to the museum for display in the future.

Haoyu Technology's first unmanned experimental spacecraft was successfully launched and recovered, which naturally won the attention of the whole world. So in the past few days, the major news media have been introducing relevant reports about the launch and recovery.

As for Wu Hao, he hasn't been idle these days, because he has to deal with many things and many people.

First of all, it was naturally the congratulations of many people. Whether they knew each other or not, they all sent congratulatory messages at this moment, or they called in person to congratulate.

Friends, elders, and leaders who knew him called him to greet him and congratulate him. Many of them are out of sincere congratulations and concern. They are also happy and proud that Wu Hao and the others can achieve such achievements.

Especially looking at Wu Hao and his elders and leaders who have grown up all the way,

I am sincerely happy in my heart. I didn't expect that those little boys who had just come out of school would have achieved such great results now, which is really remarkable.

Of course, there are also routines. These people are either envious, jealous, or regretful after eating, all kinds of things, but because of the intersection and face, they have to call or send emails to congratulate.

Although he said so in his mouth, he probably didn't think so in his heart.

There are also some people that Wu Hao doesn't know. These people sent emails or called, and naturally wanted to get in touch with Wu Hao in the name of congratulations. There were people with various purposes, most of them he didn't bother to answer, and only a few responded out of politeness or other needs.

In addition to these people, there is another group of people who are enough to give him a headache, and that is the many media reporters. The successful launch and recovery naturally attracted the attention and reports of many media. As the founder and person in charge of the legendary Haoyu Technology, Wu Hao naturally became the subject of interviews that many media hoped to interview at this time.

Although there were many reluctances, it was really hard to push it away because of the need for publicity, so he ordered several influential and heavyweight media to conduct a joint interview.

The joint interview was still held in the park. The weather in April was very good, with blue sky and white clouds, and the park was full of flowers, which was a lively scene.

Therefore, the location of the joint interview was chosen outdoors, on the terrace on the second floor of the coffee shop by the artificial lake. As for the back, there is a clear and calm artificial lake, and seven central buildings.

When Wu Hao arrived at the scene, the reporters were already waiting and getting ready.

Seeing Wu Hao approaching, these reporters immediately rushed to greet him. Looking at these familiar old faces, Wu Hao couldn't help laughing.

Sister Nan, why are you here in person? Wu Hao looked at Jiang Nan who was smiling, and couldn't help but smile. Although Wu Hao's influence and popularity are getting bigger and bigger, his relationship with Jiang Nan has always been maintained, and he is usually considered a good friend.

Seeing Jiang Nan's sudden appearance, Wu Hao's face naturally revealed surprise. When the other reporters saw this, they showed envious expressions.

This naturally made Jiang Nan enjoy it very much, and then smiled at Wu Hao: "Hehe, the public reacted very strongly to your unmanned experimental spaceship this time, so I just wanted to meet you and do an interview. Thinking of it being so difficult to make an appointment, it really is a big boss."

Hearing Jiang Nan's joke, Wu Hao showed an embarrassing expression: "Isn't it scary? I have been bombarded with various phone messages these days, and I am devastated and embarrassed."

Why is it tiring to listen to congratulations? Jiang Nan asked with a smile.

Tired, dealing with all kinds of people, all kinds of problems, really tiring. Wu Hao nodded and smiled, then shook hands with several reporters next to him and said hello.

There are also old faces and old acquaintances, including Huang Zhigang, a reporter from Xinghua News Agency, Dong Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, and John, a reporter from Yingguo Times.

Currently, these four media outlets were selected by Shen Ning after comprehensive consideration. For such a joint interview, there should not be too many media reporters, so the four companies are more suitable. In this way, the frequency of the interview can be controlled, so that the interview time will not be too long and Wu Hao will not be too tired.

In addition, if the time is too long, these media reporters will have enough time to ask questions, and it will be more troublesome for Wu Hao to deal with it.

If there are too many reporters and the time is too short, then there will be no questions to be asked, and the interview will be meaningless.

Therefore, considering so many factors, Shen Ning reduced the number of media reporters to four, and these are all influential and heavyweight media, each with its own target areas and people covered. Moreover, many of these people are familiar faces, and the interview process will not appear too blunt.

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