Military Technology

Chapter 1411 The universe is wide enough to accommodate everyone

"Military Technology ()"!

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down, and the make-up staff gave Wu Hao a little make-up, and the interview began immediately.

Naturally, Jiang Nan was the first to ask questions. On the one hand, she was here on behalf of CCTV, and on the other hand, she was Wu Hao's friend, so everyone wanted her to start.

Jiang Nan didn't refuse, and her rich experience in interviews made her deal with it very calmly. After scratching twice in his black notebook, Jiang Nan smiled at Wu Hao and said.

Thank you Mr. Wu for accepting our interview in spite of his busy schedule. First of all, I would like to congratulate you. The launch and recovery of the manned spacecraft were very successful, thus creating a new era in our country's civil aerospace field.

Hearing this, Wu Hao nodded and replied with a smile: "Thank you, I appreciate the award. However, I want to correct you here. This is just a test of an unmanned experimental spacecraft. It is still a long way from manned launch. .

As for creating a new era, I think we are being exaggerated. In fact, there are still many aerospace companies with potential and technology in our country. We are just a few companies ahead of them, and that’s all. "

You are humble. Jiang Nan praised with a smile, then glanced at the notebook and asked formally: "The successful launch and recovery of the unmanned experimental spacecraft has aroused widespread praise from the public. However, we have also noticed that among these praises, there are still some Many other voices.

For example, some people questioned that our country already has a space manned spacecraft, as well as its own space station, personalized launch vehicle, moon car, and Mars rover.

Why do you want to build your own launch vehicle, manned spacecraft, lunar rover, and even heard that you are planning to build a space station. Isn't this a waste of resources? What do you think about it? "

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "Actually, this question is easy to come back to. We can compare them to cars, mobile phones or smart wearable devices, or other consumer products.

Are we going to shut down or stop production just because one of the car manufacturers or mobile phone wearable device manufacturers produces cars or mobile wearable devices?

The same is true in the aerospace field. To develop our country’s aerospace industry, and even the world’s aerospace industry, there must be competition. Only competition will drive various aerospace companies to strengthen research and development, continue to innovate, and promote the development of the entire industry.

Our country has its own space manned spacecraft, space station, various types of launch vehicles, lunar rovers and Mars rovers. So why can't we have one more set, or several different sets of space manned spacecraft,

What about the space station, various types of rockets, the plans or technologies and products of the lunar rovers and Mars rovers.

A single branch is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom together and the garden is full of spring.

Now that the country has liberalized the aerospace field and allowed private enterprises to enter, it is hoped that private enterprises can play a greater role in the aerospace field and promote and promote the development of the entire industry.

Although at this stage, we are still far behind the national team, we also have our advantages and characteristics.

The universe is vast enough that it can definitely accommodate more aerospace technology companies to explore.

From this point of view, many countries in the West have already moved ahead, and we need to catch up. "

Mr. Wu, may I understand that you have always regarded aerospace companies in the Western world as your competitors. John, a reporter from the Babyland Times, interjected.

Everyone couldn't help looking at John's sudden interruption. Jiang Nan was a little annoyed at being interrupted suddenly, but he didn't move, but looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao looked at the old John, then shook his head and smiled: "Not only these aerospace companies in the West, but in fact every aerospace company is our potential opponent.

We have an old saying, "A peer is an enemy." To put it simply, in the market competition, all peers will be your potential opponents.

So for me, without particularly strong geographical attributes, I will never underestimate any competitor.

Of course, compared to competitors, I hope that we are partners and teammates who go on adventures together.

As I said earlier, the universe is big enough for all of us. In the face of the unknown world, we can only succeed in these unknown fields if we cooperate with each other and unite with each other. "

So, you want to partner with a Western aerospace company? John grasped the point, and then asked.

Of course, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "If there is this opportunity and possibility, of course we are willing to cooperate, not only with these aerospace companies, but also with the aerospace departments of Western countries.

For example, on the lunar patrol rover that we are about to launch in the fall, there is 20 kilograms of airspace load left, and we want to open it to the world. As long as they are willing to cooperate and have good plans and projects, we are willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with them. Whether the other party is in the East or the West, we are all the same. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Jiang Nan, Huang Zhigang and others nodded. Wu Hao's words were very good. He not only answered John's question, but also showed sincerity.

While the two nodded in praise, Dong Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, seized the opportunity and asked Wu Hao: "May I ask Mr. Wu, do you plan to let more young people from Xiangjiang and Aowan join us?" Come to your space exploration project. Many young people in Xiangjiang and Aowan have the dream of exploring space. In addition, we have also noticed that many college students in Xiangjiang and Aowan have also proposed their own related projects , I don’t know if you have any special care for college students from the three places.”

Oh, I don't know where this sense of superiority comes from.

Wu Hao smiled, and then replied to her: "Of course we welcome more outstanding young people to join our space exploration project. The universe is huge, and we need more young people who are dedicated to exploration and research in this field." Join in and explore the unknown world together.

Not only Xiangjiang and Aowan, our space exploration projects are also open to the whole world. As long as you have skills in related fields and are enthusiastic enough about space and space projects, you can pass the application assessment to join.

As for our solicitation of proposals, this is open to young people all over the world. As long as their proposals are good enough, we will adopt their proposals and let them join in.

For the sake of fairness, and in order to be able to use resources better and more repeatedly, in the process of program selection, we treat everyone equally, and there is no division of geographical quotas. "

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