Military Technology

Chapter 1412 Come on an instant space trip

"Military Technology ()"!

Although this is the case, if the projects or solutions provided are equally excellent, of course Wu Hao and the others will consider their own people first.

Moreover, apart from the evaluation and screening by the expert group, the selection of the entire plan and project is finally confirmed in the hands of Wu Hao and the others, which means that they have the final decision-making power.

At this time, Huang Zhigang, a reporter from Xinghua News Agency, took the opportunity to ask the first question: "Mr. Wu, we noticed that you have two unmanned experimental spacecraft launch missions this year. Does such a dense launch mean that this spaceship will soon be launched?" Quickly carry out a manned mission and send people into space."

Wu Hao looked at Huang Zhigang and nodded with a smile and replied: "Yes, we do have two unmanned experimental spacecraft launch missions this year, and these two experiments are mainly to verify the safety and reliability of our Voyager spacecraft. If the next two experimental launches can be completely successful and meet our expected requirements, then we will start the manned project immediately.

In other words, astronauts will be sent into space. Of course, this requires a process. After all, it is not so casual to send people into the sky. It must go through a series of verifications and experiments to ensure that our spacecraft is reliable and safe enough before it can actually carry people.

So in this regard, we will also cooperate with relevant authorities, aerospace agencies, and all sectors of society, and strive to promote the healthy and stable development of this project. "

Does this also mean that you will conduct your first manned launch as soon as next year? Huang Zhigang grasped the key points in Wu Hao's words and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and did not deny it: "This mainly depends on the next two launch experiments. If it goes well, there should be no problem with the manned launch next year."

Hearing what he said, the eyes of these reporters instantly lit up. This is definitely explosive news. Haoyu Technology will launch a manned launch next year. Such rapid progress is rarely seen in the manned spaceflight projects of various countries, and even in these commercial projects.

Mr. Wu, you mentioned in the previous interview that your dream of developing manned spaceflight technology is to send more people into space. Does this mean that your first manned launch will be open to the public, or is it Recruiting volunteers for Relax to get involved? John, a reporter from Babyland Times, asked.

Wu Hao looked at the foreign reporter and shook his head: "Our dream is to send more people into space to explore the vast universe. But everything must be realistic and down-to-earth. At this stage, our current conditions Not enough to open to the public.

Manned spaceflight is a very complex and systematic project that requires professionals to operate, so there are astronauts who have received professional and systematic training.

Only these strictly trained astronauts can calmly deal with any problems during the flight of a manned spacecraft. So at this stage, we are temporarily closed to the outside world.

After our manned spacecraft has been fully verified, we will gradually consider opening it to the public.

Of course, this time will not be too slow, it should be much faster than we imagined. "

how long will it takes? John asked.

Wu Hao smiled and spread his hands: "Sorry, I don't know now, everything depends on the progress of the entire project, maybe next year, maybe the year after, or maybe it will take longer. After all, this is a big project, we Just have to be patient."

So after opening to the public, will it also be open to the world, allowing people from other countries and astronauts to participate, or take your manned spacecraft for space travel. John was afraid that others would rush to ask questions, so he raised his voice to ask questions immediately after Wu Hao had finished answering.

And this naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the other three media reporters, and they all frowned and glared at John and begged. But the foreigner didn't seem to care at all, but stared at Wu Hao and waited for his answer.

Wu Hao frowned slightly at this foreign reporter's aggressive and even powerless move, but he still nodded and replied: "Our entire project will be open to the world. In theory, people and astronauts from all over the world should meet the relevant conditions. , then you can join this project, or take our space manned spacecraft for space travel.

But you should also know that we are being treated unfairly in the world, and this unfair treatment will affect the opportunities of many people and many astronauts to travel in space. This is not because we are unwilling, but because the unfriendly counterparty has set relevant restrictions. "

Seeing that this John still wanted to ask questions, but was suppressed by Jiang Nan, she immediately asked a question that readers or the public were more concerned about: "Mr. Wu, I believe that the successful launch and return of your experimental spacecraft has also caused a lot of problems. A lot of people are interested. May I ask our people to take your manned spacecraft to travel around in space, what conditions are needed, can you tell us about it.”

John on the side was a little upset when he saw Jiang Nan asking him questions, but there was nothing he could do about it. His behavior just now caused everyone's displeasure. If he made any more rude actions at this moment, he might be invited out.

Hearing Jiang Nan's question, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Actually, it's much easier than everyone imagined, and there are not too strict requirements. Our manned spaceship is very intelligent, and it basically does not require members to carry out control, and only switch to manual control in emergency situations.

Even manual control only needs one astronaut to complete, and the operation is very simple, requiring only some training.

In the future, if people want to use it to travel in space, on the one hand, they need to have a little better physical fitness, which can be achieved after some training. Manipulate technology to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

Finally, there are two requirements, one is to have time, and the other is to have some money.

Let’s talk about the time first. If you want to travel in space, you need to make an appointment for registration at least half a year in advance. We will conduct a review and inspection of the applicant. If all the conditions of the applicant can meet our requirements, then he can receive our invitation offer .

After receiving our offer, these lucky ones will receive a 12-week relevant training course. After passing the relevant training course, they will be able to receive a certificate of completion issued by us and a ticket to board the spacecraft. Next, these lucky ones need to wait for the launch time to come, and then set foot on the spacecraft for a space trip as soon as they say it. "

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