Military Technology

Chapter 1413 The pace of exploring the universe will not stop

Chapter 1414 The pace of exploring the universe will not stop


Speaking of this, Wu Hao said with a gentle smile: "Of course, in addition to the time required, you have to prepare a considerable amount of money to buy a round-trip ticket. The price of each ticket is not too high, and most people can able to afford it.

It will not be like now, space travel is only the patent of the rich, our goal is to let ordinary people have the opportunity to travel to space. "

"Wu Sheng, can you tell us about the price of each ticket?" Dong Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, immediately asked with interest.

This question also aroused the interest of several other reporters, and they cast inquiring glances one after another.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said, "According to our current technology and cost control, we are confident that the price of each ticket will be around 700,000 to 800,000 US dollars. As the recycling technology becomes more and more mature, the price will further drop, and will eventually be controlled at around US$100,000 to US$200,000."

"The price is also very high. I'm afraid it will be difficult for ordinary people to afford it." Huang Zhigang said slightly disappointed.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled: "According to the current technology, this price is already the limit we can control.

Compared with the ticket prices of several other companies or other spacecraft, our ticket price is already very cheap.

Although this price is a bit high for most of us ordinary people. But for many middle-class families, it is not unaffordable.

In the future, we will continue to explore in this field and strive to further reduce the price of ferry tickets to a range that most of us can accept and afford. "

"Mr. Wu, we learned that in addition to the manned spaceflight project, you are also developing your own space station, as well as projects such as lunar cities. Regarding this aspect, can you tell us more about it. Also, does this mean that your future The focus of development has shifted from the general consumer market to the commercial aerospace field." Jiang Nan changed the topic and raised a very targeted question.

Wu Hao sorted out his thoughts after hearing this question, and then replied: "Yes, we are conducting research on the space station. The inflatable and expandable space experiment capsule we launched before is an important part of the space station project. The application of inflatable and expandable technology in the construction of space stations, the exploration of alien planets, and the construction of research stations and settlements.

We plan to build an international commercial scientific research space station open to the world in space in the next five years or so. This space station will be open to the world. It mainly undertakes the main functions of scientific research, commercial project research, and space tourism.

The entire international commercial scientific research space station will accommodate eight to twelve daily researchers, and a maximum of sixteen to eighteen people will be accommodated during the rotation period.

At that time, it will become the space station with the largest number of people in orbit in the world.

Moreover, this space station will achieve partial self-sufficiency in materials and establish a complete space ecosystem suitable for human survival.

At that time, the space station will be able to provide food to researchers and tourists in the space station, such as vegetables and fruits, as well as grain, and even meat protein.

This also means that we can operate this international commercial scientific research space station at a lower cost, and it also means that it will lay a solid foundation for our deep space exploration and exploration of alien planets.

When the relevant conditions are ready, we will build a commercial scientific research station on the moon and accommodate about ten scientific researchers to live and study here.

This is the first phase of the project, and the second phase of the project will be expanded on this basis. In addition to adding a series of basic living facilities, it will also increase the number of people that our research station can accommodate to about 30 to 40 people.

As for the third phase of the project, it will continue to carry out further expansion on this basis, so that it can accommodate more than 100 permanent residents.

By then, the entire lunar ground research station will be self-sufficient. By extracting fresh water from the lunar soil, and related energy, provide fresh water supply for the entire base, as well as power supply. And we will also build multiple plant factories on the surface of the moon to achieve complete self-sufficiency in food.

If everything goes well and works normally, we will also try to use the resources on the moon to build a truly permanent large-scale settlement, that is, a lunar city.

By then, this lunar city will be able to accommodate more than a thousand people, and become a bridgehead for our human beings to explore deep space, as well as a space station for entering and leaving the earth. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao spread his hands, looked at the surprised people, smiled and said: "Of course, for such a brilliant engineering project, it is definitely not enough to be close to us, it needs more people to join in. Only by working together can this grand plan be realized.

And this project will also become an important preparation and rehearsal for our exploration of deep space. If this project is successful, then we are confident that we will realize the long-term residence of humans on our neighboring planet Mars, and even establish a real Mars. City.

In addition to Mars, there are many secrets in the entire solar system waiting for us to explore. For example, several satellites of Saturn, several satellites of Jupiter, and Pluto, Ceres and so on.

Only by developing step by step in this way can we have hope and the possibility of truly sending human beings out of the solar system to explore the wider galaxy and the boundless universe. "

"What you said is so far away, can our generation really achieve it?" Jiang Nan couldn't help asking.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "Compared to the universe that is more than 10 billion years old, the lifespan of our human beings is too short. Obviously, such a huge universe cannot be explored in one generation, or in a few generations. Yes. This requires our human beings to work hard and explore continuously, so that it is possible to explore more unknowns.

Just like the sea, even now that technology is so advanced, we can't guarantee that we know enough about the ocean. We must know that humans have been in the ocean for thousands of years. From the earliest canoes to the great voyages, and now the prosperous marine activities, we still don't know everything about this vast ocean.

Compared with this ocean, the universe is more vast and boundless. Therefore, this requires us to search for it from generation to generation. This road is destined to be long and difficult. But no matter what, our pace of exploring the universe will not stop. "

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