Military Technology

Chapter 1414 How to Resist the Invasion of Alien Civilization

Chapter 1415 How to Resist the Invasion of Alien Civilization

After glancing at the crowd, Wu Hao said with a smile and eased his tone: "Don't be angry, everyone. Our generation can still witness many historical moments, such as re-landing on the moon, settling on the moon, landing on Mars, and being on Mars. Small-scale settlement, etc., judging from the current development speed of aerospace technology, it can be realized in the past ten or decades."

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes brightened again, and Dong Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, couldn't help asking: "Wu Sheng, you seem very optimistic about the current development of our human spaceflight project."

Of course optimistic.

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "In the long run, it is inevitable for us humans to go out of the earth and go to the universe. When the earth's resources cannot meet our human needs, human beings will actively or passively explore for other fields. and expansion.

Just like the great voyage back then, when the resources on the mainland could not meet human needs, human beings set their sights on the unknown ocean.

Just like humans first explored the ocean, this process will definitely not be a feng shui one, but our goal is clear, and the final result must be fruitful. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, several other people grasped an important point one after another, and started eager to try. In the end, the experienced Jiang Nan was the first to ask the question.

"Mr. Wu, I don't know if you have read a science fiction novel "Three-Body Problem". The author constructed a huge world view and cosmology in the novel. There is an argument in it, the law of the dark forest. The earth in it will eventually be destroyed Under the two-way foil. Therefore, many people are now worried that our human beings’ intensive exploration of the universe will expose the coordinates of our earth’s coordinates in the universe, thereby attracting the prying and invasion of high-level civilizations.

Is this statement correct, and if it is correct, then by then, will we humans have the ability to deal with the invasion of these advanced civilizations. "

Hearing Jiang Nan's question, the other three media reporters also focused their attention on Wu Hao, waiting for his answer. This question is very classic, and it is also a very classic argument or focal point among the public.

It is also a point of view that many people who oppose space exploration will definitely raise. So this question appeared on many occasions, unexpectedly, Wu Hao also encountered it today.

Regarding this, Wu Hao said with a smile: "First of all, I have read the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem" you mentioned, and it is very classic. To be honest, this book also gave me the endless blindness of the universe. think.

But I am not as pessimistic as in the book, and it is impossible for this kind of dark forest law to appear in the real universe.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no risk, there are still risks. The biggest risk may be that we are colonized by alien civilizations. "

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Actually, we have been looking at the entire universe from the perspective of human beings.

Speculate on alien civilizations based on our cognition. In the face of the unknown, we have given countless seemingly correct answers and speculations. Perhaps these erections we have given are all wrong. Are we a little preconceived?

What I want to tell you is that the coordinates of the earth do not need to be exposed, it is here, civilizations capable of interstellar navigation, then their technology for detecting planets with signs of life is far more advanced than we imagined.

In other words, we don't need to worry, or it's useless to worry. Instead of being cautious all day long, it is better to develop the technological strength of our earth before unknown civilizations discover us. In this way, even if these unknown civilizations that discover us threaten us, or invade us, then we have the ability to resist.

Even if we can't resist, then we human beings have the ability to send some people to escape and keep the human fire. Rather than all on the earth, at the mercy of others.

Of course, you don't have to be too pessimistic. Alien civilizations capable of interstellar travel may not be more barbaric than the colonial era in our human history. "

Hearing his words, the three couldn't help but look at the reporter John of the Infant Country Times. But this John was not ashamed of it, but shrugged his shoulders very calmly, and then looked at Wu Hao and continued to ask questions.

"Mr. Wu, all this is your speculation, and there is no evidence, right?"

Of course, Wu Hao said with a smile: "In this regard, none of us can prove it. The only thing we can do is to maintain the necessary vigilance while remaining optimistic.

Compared with living in fear, I think it is the most correct to maintain an optimistic attitude and actively deal with it.

We cannot stop our step into the universe because of these uncertain factors, which is undoubtedly the most stupid. "

Well, Mr. Wu, as we all know, your Haoyu Technology is closely related to your military, so does the entire aerospace project have the support of your military, or is it a military project in itself? This John obviously didn't give up, and immediately asked a more pointed question.

Hearing this question, not only Jiang Nan and Huang Zhigang, a reporter from Xinghua News Agency, but also Dong Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, frowned and cast a glare.

This kind of malicious speculation and smearing is really better at the other party.

So when he heard this question, Jiang Nan, who had a close relationship with Wu Hao, couldn't help but want to remind him to answer cautiously. Even Huang Zhigang couldn't help but worry.

Of course Wu Hao was a little displeased with such a question, but he didn't panic. He gave Jiang Nan a reassuring look, and then said with a smile: "Mr. John, in addition to producing luxury cars, the Rolls-Royce company in your country also provides the military with high-quality aero engines for assembly on fighter jets." .

Do we speculate that the cars it produces are also prepared for military and war because it produces military aero engines?

There are many similar companies, such as K Passenger and B Yin, which produce military aircraft as well as passenger aircraft. Do we have to make such unreasonable speculations?

We are a technology company, and our company is involved in a wide range of industries and fields. Military equipment is just one of the fields we are involved in. In addition, we have also dabbled in a lot, such as smart voice assistants worn on your ears, etc., and many such digital products.

In addition to digital products, we are also involved in artificial intelligence, medical technology, battery energy, biotechnology and other fields.

The aerospace field is also one of the industries we are involved in, and there is nothing special about it. All our space programs and space activities have also been approved by the relevant authorities and notified to international agencies. It is a normal commercial operation project, and there is no other purpose. "

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