Military Technology

Chapter 1418 The Emperor's New Clothes

Chapter 1419 The Emperor's New Clothes

When they came to the manor for lunch, they didn't cook, but called the manor's professional chef team to cook for themselves.

The dishes cooked are also very characteristic, and have been innovated on the basis of farm dishes. For example, the well-received tea-flavored fried bacon, wild vegetable salad, steamed fish with peach blossoms, etc., whet everyone's appetite.

After lunch, everyone also began to disband separately, and everyone had their own arrangements in groups. For example, Wu Hao and Lin Wei are used to taking a walk after meals, sitting and drinking tea, and resting for a while. Zhang Jun likes to take a lunch break after dinner, and Yang Fan and Zhou Xi, they heard that there is an ancient temple not far away, so they went there. As for Zou Xiaodong, he was alone and couldn't stand the dog abuse scene, so he went into the room with his equipment to play games.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei walked leisurely on the plank road in the peach blossom forest. Facing such a flourishing peach blossom, Lin Wei seemed a little emotional, holding Wu Hao's arm, talking non-stop.

It was rare to come out to play, and both of them had time, so Lin Wei seemed very happy, and she completely let herself go, not at all like the glamorous and beautiful president she usually appeared in the public eye.

It's so beautiful here, I will definitely take a set here for our future wedding photos. Lin Wei admired the peach blossoms in full bloom, and said longingly.

Wu Hao smiled and said, "What's the difficulty? If you like it, we can immediately find a wedding photography team and ask them to come over and shoot on the spot."

real! Lin Wei turned to look at Wu Hao and asked.

Facing Lin Wei's staring gaze, Wu Hao didn't dodge, nodded and smiled, "Of course it's true, or I'll call now and let them arrange that we stay here for a few more days."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei showed a satisfied smile, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, I don't want to be on the front pages of major media because of this matter.

Besides, it's rare to have two days off. I don't want our vacation to be reimbursed because of this matter. There are still many jobs waiting for us after we go back. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei glanced at the blooming peach forest, and then said seriously to Wu Hao: "And I think it's good to take these wedding photos once, and if there are too many, the memory will not be deep. We have to wait until we really Let’s shoot before we get married, it will be more ceremonial.”

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Then we will have to take wedding photos. We have to find a few places. Is there any place you want to go in particular?"

Lin Wei thought for a while, and then said: "I want to go to the plateau to see the snow-capped mountains, and go to the lake."

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Alright then, we must spare some more time when the time comes, let's go to the plateau for a good tour."

Lin Wei nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao, "Hao, I kind of want to get married."

Um? Wu Hao was taken aback when he heard Lin Wei's words.

You know, the two of them had a consensus and a tacit understanding on the matter of marriage. At the current stage, the two are still focusing on their careers, and there is no rush to get married. After all, their current life has two red books and one ritual accident, which is basically no different from their married life.

Therefore, although Wu Hao was a little puzzled by Lin Wei's sudden request, facing the other party's gaze, Wu Hao nodded and said, "Okay, then accept it. Let's arrange work and adjust the time when we go back. .”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei felt melancholy while being satisfied. Yes, both of them have their own jobs. At this stage, the two really don't have too long to carry out their major life events.

In fact, in their view, this is nothing more than going to get a certificate, and then come back to celebrate with relatives and friends, and have a meal.

But in the eyes of others, their marriage is not so simple. With the current status and influence of the two of them, this wedding must be held, and it must be held grandly. It's not the two of them's business to get married now, but it has become the top priority of the two companies.

This is also understandable, why some celebrities never get married all their lives, and some even if they get married, they are hidden marriages, and they don't hold any ceremony, because it is too troublesome.

So thinking of this, Lin Wei immediately shook her head and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, we don't have so much time now. Let's delay for another two years. At that time, our work will not be so busy, and the company can leave us." At that time, we put down the work at hand to get married, and have a good honeymoon trip."

Wu Hao stared at Lin Wei for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then I must give myself a long vacation, and then I will spend time with you."

Uh-huh! Lin Wei nodded beggingly, and then cuddled him even tighter.

Feeling the softness of his lover around him, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel a little distressed. This girlfriend of his is really sensible, and being sensible makes people feel distressed.

This means that she has no time, but is taking care of him completely.

The public or the society can accept that the president of a media company disappears for a few months, but they can't accept that Wu Hao, a young man with many halos, an outstanding entrepreneur, and a genius scientist, sells for a few weeks.

Now Wu Hao's identity and status are already very unusual, even traveling requires a lot of trouble. There is nothing in Anxi, but if you leave Anxi, you have to report to the organization in advance if you leave the province.

Moreover, Wu Hao hasn't been abroad yet, not because he doesn't want to go abroad. In fact, he has been invited to some foreign scientific forums and business summits. There are also some foreign cooperation projects, in fact, he is often required to come forward.

However, his name has long appeared on the target list of some overseas organizations. In order to ensure his safety, the relevant departments have proposed early on that he should not go abroad unless necessary. But now, according to the current situation, unless it is really necessary, he may really have no chance to go abroad.

This is not a restriction, but a protection. No way, an important person like him is also the thorn in the side of other hostile forces and the first target to be targeted. It is good to have such a safe environment in China, but once they appear overseas, it will give the other party too many opportunities.

There are too many such cases. You must know that there are still people who have been detained by others for some reason and have not returned.

Not only Wu Hao, even Zhang Jun, including Lin Wei, who was around him, became one of the targets of the other party because of his relationship.

No way, who made the other party too shameless. In these countries, under the bright clothes and false masks of these people, this filthy true face is hidden.

In fact, no matter how brightly colored the clothes are, how strict the mask is, it cannot hide the ugly face hidden behind it. These people seem to be wearing the "emperor's new clothes" to swagger through the market, triumphant, but they don't know that all their ugly faces are clearly seen by others.

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