Military Technology

Chapter 1419 Curiosity of the family members

Chapter 1420 The curiosity of the family members


The people who went out to play in the evening returned to the wooden house, and everyone began to prepare their dinner today. It's dinner, but it's actually a barbecue party.

All the ingredients are freshly delivered. Wu Hao and the others only need to change the knife, skewer the skewers, marinate the ones that need to be marinated, and then burn charcoal to prepare for the barbecue.

Under the night, everyone sat on the platform, eating barbecue and admiring the night view. Because it is on the outskirts of the city, without the lights of the city, everyone can see the starry sky above their heads and the colorful Milky Way very clearly.

For those of them who are busy working in the city, it seems that they haven't seen such a beautiful starry sky for a long time.

Not to mention the beautiful starry sky, people who live in the city, haven't seen the stars for a long time?

Wu Hao sat in front of the grill, holding a portable hair dryer in one hand and holding a lot of skewers in the other.

The manor provides them with fruit wood fired charcoal. These charcoals are hard, strong and durable, and are very suitable for barbecues.

Wu Hao fiddled with the skewers in his hand, and looked at the people sitting there not far away talking and laughing.

Yang Fan came over with a tray, which contained some freshly skewered vegetables. Wu Hao glanced at the skewer in his hand, then took out a skewer, took a sip carefully, and then smiled.

"These are ready, take them over." Wu Hao smiled at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan took the skewers, and said to him: "Boss, these are almost ready, let's eat some first, and then grill them later."

"It's okay, you can eat this too." Wu Hao said with a smile.

At this time, Zou Xiaodong over there came over with a beer and said to him: "Okay, you go and rest for a while, leave it to me here."

"No, you play your game."

Zou Xiaodong pulled Wu Hao up and said, "It's okay, let me bake it and try my handicraft."

Seeing that Zou Xiaodong had said that, Wu Hao nodded, then came to the table and sat down. Seeing him sitting down, Lin Wei at the side put some skewers on him and greeted him.

As for Zhang Jun, he gave a glass of beer and said, "Come on, let's have a drink. Thank you for your hard work."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile, then took the beer and had a drink with everyone, then picked up the skewers and ate them.

"This mutton is not bad. I heard that the owner of the manor brought it back by air directly from Qin Bei." Wu Hao said with a smile while eating.

Zhou Xi nodded and said: "It's not bad, it doesn't have any smell, and it's very fat.


As for Zhang Jun, he rolled the skewers over and over again, and smiled at everyone: "The boss here invited me and Haozi several times, but we didn't come. This time, they will naturally not miss this opportunity. You didn't find out Well, there are not many people in the huge Taoyuan."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Lin Wei nodded and said, "No wonder we walked in the Taolin during the day and didn't meet many people. This boss has a heart."

Wu Hao nodded: "Okay, this time I have accepted his love. When I leave tomorrow, I will call personally to thank you."

"It's really nice here. To be honest, I am looking forward to this kind of life. When we retire in the future, we hope to have such a manor. It should not be too big, but smaller, so we can take care of it."

"In this way, we can receive some guests, and at the same time, we can grow our own land and vegetables, take care of the elderly, and walk the dog." Zhou Xi said with a look of hope.

Zhou Xi's words instantly opened up everyone's chatterbox, and Lin Wei felt the same way, thinking about it chirping with Zhou Xi and Wei Xiaoya.

As for Wu Hao, Zhang Jun, and Yang Fan, the three of them looked at each other tacitly, then raised their glasses and clinked each other.

The girls chatted for a while, then Zhou Xi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned his gaze to Wu Hao and asked, "Mr. Wu, I heard that you are going to launch a manned spacecraft next year. I don't know when there will be a chance, let A few of us also went to space to take a tour."

"What kind of news is this?" Wu Hao complained, then glanced at Yang Fan and said with a smile: "Why, didn't Yang Fan tell you about these things after returning home?"

"Him?" Zhou Xi glared at Yang Fan, and then complained to Wu Hao: "You don't know, this guy is just a piece of wood, he never takes the initiative to tell me about the company and work when he comes home.

Even if I asked, he was reticent and refused to say more. I was in a hurry to ask, so he just said something about the company's secrets, and no disclosure is allowed, which made me mad. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Zhou Xi's words, everyone laughed one after another, and Yang Fan, who was the protagonist in the words, couldn't help but blush.

Wu Hao smiled at Zhou Xi and said, "He is right in not telling you. According to the company's confidentiality regulations, some content cannot be leaked. You should also know about this, so you must actively support his work. "

"Of course I support it, but just tell me a few words to let me know what he is doing. I don't want to know if it's too profound and confidential, and I don't understand it.

Besides, your company doesn't make mushroom bombs. Is there any secret that even I can't know? " Zhou Xi complained to him.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "I'm sorry, there are some things that you can't know. There are some things that let you know that it is not good for you, and may even become the target of people with ulterior motives."

"So serious?" Not only Zhou Xi, but also Lin Wei and Wei Xiaoya were surprised.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Yes, you know that our company has been involved in many fields and industries, and some technologies are at the international cutting-edge level.

These technologies not only have very high economic value, some of them also have very important military value.

So whether it is our business competitors, or some overseas groups with ulterior motives, naturally they will do everything possible to steal these secrets from us.

As the most important people around us, you are also among the goals of these people. It's okay if you don't know some things, but once you know, it may bring you danger.

Also, it's not that I can't trust you. It is because you have not received professional training in keeping secrets, and you are likely to reveal these secrets inadvertently. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the girls and Zhang Jun and said, "Well, when we go back, let's invite someone to give you a class on confidentiality for your family members, and you all go and listen.

Of course, you are not the only ones, I think family members of important departments and important positions in our company can come and listen.

Regarding this matter, after you go back, you ask the people below to come up with a plan. "

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun looked at the three girls and nodded immediately: "I should learn it, and I should pay attention to it."

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