Military Technology

Chapter 1424 Turn Ideals into Reality

Chapter 1425 Turn Ideals into Reality

This is not his stage, nor is this press conference his home field, he is not the protagonist. So Wu Hao didn't say much, but just briefly talked about it.

Even so, Wu Hao's appearance has attracted the attention of many people. Whether it is the practitioners of other auto companies in the auto industry or these media reporters, they can't help but become interested in his appearance at the station, or they are jealous, or worried.

After the press conference, under the guidance of Tang Fusheng, Wu Hao appeared at the booth of B Asia Automobile, and visited the new products exhibited this time. The so-called good people will follow through to the end and send Buddhas to the west. Now that he has come, Wu Hao will naturally not be short of these things, and he still has to do enough to behave.

Of course, their appearance naturally attracted the attention of many media reporters.

This is a show, and everyone understands that Wu Hao's appearance naturally attracted the attention of the media, and these new cars and B Asia Auto will also follow Wu Hao to attract the attention of the media and the public.

At this time, the media also had the opportunity to ask him and Tang Fusheng various questions. Compared with Tang Fusheng, Wu Hao was obviously asked more questions. Apart from the matters related to the press conference, there were other things. For example, the unmanned experimental spacecraft launched and returned successfully some time ago.

Wu Hao picked out a few questions related to cars and answered them. During the period, he praised B Asia Auto for a while, which made Tang Fusheng laugh from ear to ear. Finally, this is an opportunity to promote their super wireless remote charging technology and super wireless remote charging station project.

We plan to build 300 super wireless remote charging stations across the country within two years, and renovate more than 3,000 charging stations under the national power grid, adding 30,000 super wireless remote charging parking spaces.

These charging stations and charging parking spaces will be distributed all over the country. Basically, first-, second- and third-tier cities will be covered, and even some important traffic node cities, high-speed service stations, provincial highway service stations and other important traffic arteries will be covered.

In this way, the electric vehicle you buy is no longer just a tool for urban commuting. Like other fuel vehicles, it can also take a trip as soon as you say it. Through these super wireless remote charging stations all over the country, high-speed, and provincial roads, you can achieve a high-speed charging experience in the shortest ten minutes. In just over ten minutes, we can fully charge a battery that exceeds 100 degrees.

And in these ten minutes or so, you can go to the toilet in the service area, or have a cup of coffee or something to eat. After you come back, the battery is fully charged, you don't need to worry about anything, you just need to drive away and continue on your way.

Our super wireless remote charging station has cooperated with ETC, and it will automatically deduct the fee according to your charging degree.

If there is no ETC, everyone can also use payment software to pay. Of course, in terms of experience, the automatic deduction of ETC is sure to be convenient and fast.

Speaking of which,

Wu Hao took a breath and continued: "Of course, in the future, we will distribute the relevant super wireless remote charging technology to various cooperative car manufacturers, so that even at home, we can achieve such a fast wireless remote charging experience."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao's purpose of coming to the auto show has been achieved, so he didn't stay at the scene for too long, and left the scene immediately.

Tang Fusheng prepared a sumptuous reception luncheon, of course not only Tang Fusheng but also a so-called insider at the banquet. Wu Hao naturally knew what these people were paying attention to, but he didn't plan to talk to these people, but pushed it all to Tong Juan. Wu Hao himself doesn't like talking about things at the dinner table, let alone take it seriously. It's nothing to communicate, but Wu Hao took it with a light smile when he really wanted to talk about things.

Under the regret of all the people in the circle, the banquet ended successfully. Wu Hao bid farewell to Tang Fusheng and the others, returned to the hotel for a short rest, and then went to their branch company and technology research and development center in Shanghai.

After Zhang Xiaolei was transferred back, the vice president of the Shanghai branch was temporarily in charge. As for who will take over here, the personnel department, including Zhang Jun, is not in agreement.

As for Zhang Xiaolei, who has the right to recommend, it is rare to give up the recommendation. There were originally two vice presidents in the Shanghai branch, and one was directly handed over to the public security department except for the problem. The other one has average ability and can't take on the big responsibility, so he can only manage it on his behalf.

So the position of general manager of Shanghai Branch has been vacant, which has aroused the expectations of many people in the company. After all, he is a feudal lord and the person in charge of a branch company in an important area of ​​the country, so he is very important.

It is also true that because of the comparative record of competition, Wu Hao and the others plan to put it aside, test these people first, and select a person with outstanding ability and trustworthiness to take up this important position.

As for the Shanghai Research Center, it is one of the three technology research centers established by Haoyu Technology in several super first-tier cities.

These three technical research centers were respectively set up in Shenzhen City, Shanghai City, and Beijing City. Make full use of the regional advantages and rich talent resources of these three super first-tier cities, set up technology research centers, attract outstanding talents, and use them for their own use.

There is no way, Anxi is still a bit biased, and many outstanding talents are reluctant to come here, because the development prospects are relatively narrow, and they have more choices and development opportunities if they stay in these big cities.

This is the general psychology of young people. In order to attract outstanding talents, they set up these three technology research centers.

Of course, the real core technology and project research are still placed in the Linghu headquarters in Anxi, as well as the Northwest R\u0026D Center.

The relevant technicians of these three technology research and development centers need to work in the Linghu headquarters in Anxi or the Northwest R\u0026D center for one to three months every year. Those who participate in the research and development of core technologies may have to stay there for a long time.

Compared with these three technology R\u0026D centers, the Northwest R\u0026D Center has a very special status. It can be regarded as an important scientific research base of Haoyu Technology, and many of its core technologies will be placed here.

Generally speaking, those that are not important core technologies are not qualified to be placed here.

Although it is located in the hinterland of the Gobi Desert in Northwest China, the natural conditions are harsh. But the living and working conditions are very good, and the most important thing is the high subsidies here.

Therefore, many employees who do not have a family or are under financial pressure will choose to work here. Of course, there are still some people who are purely for Atami's job. For example, many members of the aerospace technology research and development team have fallen in love with this very fulfilling job.

Because this job can give full play to what they have learned, realize the ideals in their hearts, and let them turn their ideals into reality.

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