Military Technology

Chapter 1425 Don't give face

Chapter 1426 Don't give face

As for the Linghu headquarters park of Haoyu Technology Company, it is relatively comprehensive, and many core and important laboratories and experimental projects have been designed in it. These include the legendary core technology laboratory, as well as Wu Hao's personal laboratory and so on.

However, those who can enter these core laboratories are all excellent talents selected from a million. And many of them need to go through layers of interviews and tests. These people are engaged in research on this cutting-edge technology with far higher benefits than others.

They don't need to worry about money, they just need to do research with peace of mind.

However, who these people are has been kept under strict secrecy. This move is also to protect these technicians from being targeted by people with ulterior motives.

At present, there are less than a thousand technical researchers in the Shanghai Technology Research Center, and many of these people are foreign scientific research and technical personnel. These people are engaged in research work on various projects and technologies, but most of them are still only research on some systems and software algorithms.

The appearance of Wu Hao naturally aroused the cheers of all the employees. Everyone is very excited and pleasantly surprised. Can you not be excited that your big BOSS and the idol you admire appear in the area?

Wu Hao greeted everyone, and his speech was inspiring. Then, under the leadership of the person in charge, conduct an inspection on related projects and departments.

Overall, the operation here is still very good. The managers from Anxi have brought Anxi's management methods, operating philosophy and company culture here. It seems that the working environment is very relaxed and free, but the work efficiency is very high.

Moreover, the employees have a strong sense of identity and belonging, which makes him very satisfied.

Held meetings with the management of the Technology Research Center and relevant project leaders, and listened to their reports in the studio. As for Wu Hao, he made on-site instructions based on the reported situation, and made arrangements for the following related work.

The staff size of the Shanghai Technology Research Center will continue to expand, and it is expected to maintain around 5,000 to 6,000 people. This process does not need to be too fast, and it should be done step by step.

The recruited talents do not seek quantity, but should pay attention to quality, and attract truly capable and outstanding scientific researchers. At the same time, it also has the task and responsibility of sending fresh blood to the company headquarters.

Work hard and encourage some excellent technicians to go to Anxi headquarters to work. As long as they can settle down in Anxi, they are not afraid of them flying back.

After finishing the work here, Wu Hao immediately began to prepare for the return journey.

In fact, since he came out of the station, he has been receiving related invitations and various phone calls. However, he declined them all.

On the one hand, he was short on time for this trip, and on the other hand, he didn't like to meet these messy people.

So after coming out of the technology research and development center, he didn't go back to the hotel, but the team went directly to the airport, where the special plane was already waiting.

For Wu Hao's hasty departure, this made the crowd feel sorry but also complained. There are even some old guys who couldn't help calling him.

For example, Lao Ma received a call from Wu Hao after boarding the plane.

After seeing the call, Shen Ning did not reject it but asked Wu Hao. Wu Hao thought for a while, and then connected the phone.

Teacher Ma, how come you have the time to call me today.

The old horse's hearty laughter came from the phone: "Haha, why, I can't call you anymore. I heard that your kid made a surprise appearance in Shang Hai today, and the whole Shang Hai is about to explode. .”

That's as exaggerated as you said, so I'll help others stand up. There is no way, the kindness is hard to turn down. Wu Hao said angrily after talking.

Haha, Tang Fusheng does have some tricks, he can invite you to the platform. Lao Ma made a joke, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you go to the platform, you have thought about the feelings of other car manufacturers.

When they saw you appearing on someone else's stage, they went to the platform to help, and their faces turned green. You don't know how many people are scolding you behind your back at this moment. "

Wu Hao smiled and said indifferently when he heard this: "If they scold, let them scold. I can't control their mouths. Anyway, I'm already on the plane now, so what can they do to me?"

"You kid, you run fast enough. I still invite you to hangzhou for tea. I have the best Shifeng Longjing here, and you don't want to try it." Lao Ma seduced on the phone.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "I'm afraid your tea is not delicious, forget it, next time. I guess if I go now, I'm afraid I won't be able to get away."

Hehe, the old horse was not angry, but immediately smiled and said: "You really made me right, this group of people couldn't get an appointment with you, so they found me.

I usually like to be chivalrous, so I called you with the cheek. How about, let the plane change its course and land directly in Hangzhou, and I will send someone to pick you up.

Let's go boating directly in Taihu Lake. I have a few good cooks here, and they cook very good dishes with their own hands. I don't want to try it. "

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, and then continued to decline politely: "Forget it, next time, I will go to the Northwest after I go back.

Besides, we can meet soon, there is no rush for a few days. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lao Ma nodded and said, "That's right, we can meet again in a few days, within a few days. That's fine, let's get together again at that time."

After exchanging pleasantries with Wu Hao, Lao Ma hung up the phone, and then looked at the people sitting opposite.

One of the eyes, a middle-aged man in his fifties who looked a little rich, broke the silence and asked, "He doesn't want to come."

The old horse shook his head and said: "This kid is smart, it's impossible to come.

The reason why he agreed to Tang Fusheng to come to the platform this time was, on the one hand, of course, because of his close cooperation with Tang Fusheng or B Asia Auto, and he couldn't save Tang Fusheng's face, so he came to the platform as a last resort.

On the other hand, this kid also wants to use the influence of the auto show to further promote their related technologies, especially the super wireless remote charging station project.

Let's see, the headlines of tomorrow's major forums are all about this aspect. "

How could such a brat have such a big arrogance, even if you invite him personally, you don't even give face to him. On the other side, the author, a skinny old man in his sixties, couldn't help but annoyed.

The old horse took a look at the skinny old man, waved his hands and smiled and said, "I can't say that. With this kid's current achievements, we don't need to be far behind. And in some respects, we are not as good as him at all.

Besides, I am at home now, what face can I have. He gave it as a surprise, and it is human nature not to give it. "

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