Military Technology

Chapter 1432 The man who wants to

Chapter 1433 The man who wants to "eat flowers"

"The rose varieties that normally grow in the desert Gobi, in order to resist drought and strong direct sunlight evaporation, so the flowers are relatively small, the petals are thin, and the plants are generally not lush enough.

And we, this time, have made related improvements on this rose variety. First of all, we transfer the flower type genes of some excellent rose varieties to this rose variety to replace the original flower type genes.

Such as Corolla, Red Sleeve, Pink Lady, White Rose, Blue Enchantress and so on. That's why everyone can see such a colorful and colorful rose garden.

Secondly, in order to allow these delicate flowers to resist the drought evaporation here, and wind and sand erosion. We also worked hard on the flowers. Increase the thickness of its petals, as well as its surface hardness, so that it can reduce the huge evaporation caused by drought and direct sunlight, so that the flowering period can sing as much as possible. And increasing the hardness of the surface can resist the erosion caused by wind and sand, making the petals less likely to be damaged and increasing its ornamental value. "

"Everyone please look!"

With that said, Yang Fang took the scissors from the assistant's hand, and cut out a budding pink beauty, and handed it to Lin Wei with a smile.

"Our rose petals are harder than ordinary rose petals. In addition, there will be a layer of oily waxy secretion on the surface. This flower oily wax layer can effectively prevent the petals from being exposed to strong sunlight. , water evaporates and loses, thereby prolonging the flowering period of roses.

Therefore, our roses are more directional, and more suitable for making some essential oils, perfumes, aromatherapy, etc. "

Are these roses edible? Followed by Zou Xiaodong, who has been acting as a light bulb, interjected at this time and asked.

Yang Fang glanced at Zou Xiaodong, who was in a bad mood. He asked this question at this time, as if he was burning a piano and cooking a crane, and he didn't understand the style.

However, although Zou Xiaodong is not the senior management of the company, he is still a shareholder and director of the company, so facing this big boss, Yang Fang also smiled patiently and shook her head: "We are still experimenting with this rose variety, so We do not recommend consumption.

In fact, all the roses here will be cut off after a few weeks to prevent the seeds from leaking out and causing genetic pollution to nearby plants.

We don't intend to make it available without confirming its genetic safety and reliability. "

It's a pity to cut them all off, can't they keep them? Lin Wei said with some regret.

Yang Fang shook her head: "The relevant experiment is not over, and cutting it off is also part of the experiment. And we must not let it leak out before confirming its genetic stability and safety.

In fact, we have given relevant instructions and warnings to all tourists who come here. Everyone is not allowed to take away such roses, let alone the branches of the rose vines here.

These days,

We've already caught a lot of tourists. Most of them just look at the beautiful roses and want to pick a few to take back and put them in a vase.

There are also some that are specially used to steal varieties. There are people who really love flowers and want to cultivate them by themselves. There are also some who fancy the huge economic value of these rose varieties and want to steal them back to cultivate and sell them.

Originally, we were reluctant to open the entire rose garden to tourists, but isn’t this to cooperate with our base’s local support plan, so we can only let it in. "

Hearing Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao nodded and said: "Openness must be open, especially in such a large rose garden, it may not be realistic to prevent tourists from entering.

But just like what you said, before the safety of this rose variety is guaranteed, it must not be allowed to flow into the market.

It is also possible to destroy flowers with harsh hands when necessary, and I support your decision. "

Thank you Mr. Wu. Yang Fang responded with a smile when she heard the words.

As for Lin Wei, hearing their conversation, and looking at these blooming roses, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed. As for Yang Fang, as a woman, she obviously noticed this, and then comforted her: "Mr. Lin, don't worry. In this rose variety, we have implanted a fast-growing gene. Even if we cut it all off, as long as Without damage to their root systems, they were able to quickly regrow and bloom again.

As long as the temperature is right, it can bloom, and the flowering period is very long. When it is in full bloom next time, if you want to come and see it, just fly over and see it. We will keep this hundred-acre rose garden forever. Although this is an experimental project, it can be regarded as a gift from Mr. Wu to you. "

Hearing what Yang Fang said, Lin Wei's mood instantly improved a lot, and then she grabbed Wu Hao's hand and rubbed it lightly.

Wu Hao naturally felt Lin Wei's emotions, and then showed him a gentle smile.

As for the people on the side, they couldn't help shivering when they saw this. Showing affection in this show is really killing people, they are already full of dog food.

So can I pick some roses now? Lin Wei couldn't help but filled with anticipation.

As for Yang Fang, she gave her a very positive smile: "Of course, as long as you like, you can take some back home, as long as you don't leak it out."

Hearing Yang Fang's words, Lin Wei shook her head and said, "No, it's not a good influence, and I treat everyone equally, so don't be special."

Seeing what Lin Wei said, Yang Fang also nodded with a smile, and handed Lin Wei the soon-to-be-seen flower basket and a lady's hat.

Lin Wei readily accepted, then happily left Wu Hao and entered the flower field to cut the flowers.

Seeing this, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly. This woman really doesn't care about anything when she sees something beautiful.

Fortunately, Yang Fang was by her side. Seeing Wu Hao's helpless expression, she smiled, and then stretched out her hand to lead the way: "Mr. Wu, there is a gazebo over there, let's wait there."

Wu Hao nodded, and said to Yang Fang while walking, "Let's go, just in time for you to introduce to me the progress of several projects you are in charge of."

OK! Yang Fang nodded, and then led Wu Hao and the others to a high gazebo in the middle of the rose garden.

The tourists who were resting here saw Wu Hao and the others coming, and originally wanted to crowd up, but they were persuaded to leave by the staff.

After walking to the gazebo, they sat down and rested, and then the staff served them tea and fruit snacks. Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei who was still cutting roses in the flower field with a happy face, smiled and said: "I have never seen her so happy outside, but thank you."

Seeing Wu Hao thanking her, Yang Fang waved her hands again and again and said, "You are too polite, this is the best of both worlds, and we have benefited a lot."

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