Military Technology

Chapter 1433 This TM is Gundam!

Chapter 1434 This TM is Gundam!

How are other projects going? Wu Hao immediately got to the point.

Seeing that he got to the point, Yang Fang immediately put away her smile and replied seriously: "Currently, various projects are progressing smoothly. As for the cultivation of drought-tolerant plants, we have cultivated 13 varieties, among which the Haloxylon gene is the main one. There are eight species, and five species are selected for genetic engineering with other drought-tolerant and target plants.

Now the thirteen drought-tolerant new varieties are in good condition, and the super Haloxylon we have bred has met the conditions for small-scale planting experiments. "

Small-scale planting, how much do you plan to plant, and when to start? Wu Hao asked immediately.

Yang Fang replied: "We plan to do a small-scale test of 10,000 acres this fall, 10 kilometers west of the base, near the rocket launch site of our base, to observe and study the adaptation and survival of these super shuttles in the wild. , especially the ability to survive winter."

Ten thousand mu, such a large scale? Wu Hao frowned involuntarily. Didn't you mean small-scale trial planting? Is this 5,000 mu still considered a small-scale?

Yang Fang explained with a smile: "10,000 mu sounds like a lot, but it is actually very small. This is a comprehensive test before the launch of this super shuttle, so it must have a certain scale, otherwise the collection of relevant data will not be comprehensive and accurate. , it is likely that there will be problems in the promotion and planting of our super Haloxylon in the future."

Hearing Yang Fang's explanation, Wu Hao nodded this time and said, "Are you enough people for 10,000 mu?"

Yang Fang smiled and shook her head: "No problem, we use the intelligent unmanned tree planting equipment in our base for planting, which is very efficient and does not require a few people. It is precisely because of this that we have the confidence to directly plant trees." Shout out the 10,000-mu trial planting plan."

Well, just have faith.

Wu Hao praised, then looked at Yang Fang and said, "next year is still at this time, I will bring people to see your achievements. Among these people are relevant leaders, and some friends from the company. These people may influence The future direction of this super Haloxylon. How about it, do you have the confidence.”

No problem, we promise to hand over 10,000 mu of super Haloxylon forest to you around May 1 next year.

Well, then I will personally congratulate you. Wu Hao clapped his hands in praise.

While they were talking, Lin Wei suddenly waved her hand towards them. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled, then got up and said, "I'm going to go to the fields, are you going?"

Hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fang immediately shook their heads. Apparently, they are reluctant to go over to eat dog food again.

Wu Hao didn't force it either, and immediately put on a straw hat that was handed over to him, and then walked towards Lin Wei in the flower field.

Seeing Wu Hao approaching, Lin Wei happily showed off the fruits of her labor to him. Wu Hao looked at the rose branches neatly placed in the flower basket,

Can't help but smile: "I'll help you."

Um! Lin Wei nodded, then handed him the flower basket, and went to cut the flowers on her own.

Wu Hao looked at the excited Lin Wei, and said with a smile, "Over there, that one over there is very beautiful."

This one, no, it’s already bloomed, it’s not pretty. Lin Wei pointed at the blooming red rose and shook her head, then cast her eyes on the purple enchantress on the other side.

Wu Hao smiled, then picked up the scissors and began to pick and cut. The two cut the flowers again and again, laughing and bickering, very sweet.

As for Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fang, who were watching the two people in the flower field from the gazebo, they couldn't help being speechless while watching the excitement. What are they doing when they are full and have nothing to do? There is no one for such a large group of people to watch the big boss show their affection.

After staying in the flower field for about forty minutes, Lin Wei finally enjoyed herself, and then the two walked out of the flower field with a big bouquet of roses in their arms.

Obviously Lin Wei loves these roses very much, and took many photos with her own equipment and even a big camera. In the end, reluctantly, he stayed in the flower field.

Although they can take them away as long as they want, for the sake of safety and to establish a correct image, they must strictly discipline themselves. Even if they like it, they must not violate relevant regulations, let alone treat them specially.

Back at the base, Wu Hao and the others rested for a while, and let Lin Wei stay in the hotel. Wu Hao took Zou Xiaodong, and then went to other laboratories in the base to inspect and work.

Although Lin Wei is his girlfriend, she is not a high-level executive in the company, so she cannot enter some laboratories and some experimental projects, let alone know about them.

Although Lin Wei had some regrets, she also understood Wu Hao's decision, and then she stayed in the hotel by herself, and began to show off the photos she took to Zhou Xi and other friends.

Wu Hao led Zou Xiaodong to the Northwest Research Center of the Institute of Automatic Machinery Technology. This is the largest and most important research center of the Institute of Automatic Machinery Technology besides the Anxi headquarters, and many major projects are carried out here.

Wu Hao and Zou Xiaodong came here, on the one hand to inspect the work, and on the other hand, they also came based on a project that the research center is currently working on.

After receiving the notice, Chu Menghai was already waiting for them outside the laboratory. Seeing Wu Hao and Zou Xiaodong, they immediately came up to meet them.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zou, you are welcome to visit the Northwest Research Center of our Institute of Automation Machinery Technology. Meng Hai warmly said to him.

Haha, Meng Hai, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Wu Hao said enthusiastically to the researcher Dana.

Meng Hai replied with a smile: "It's been a long time, I thought Mr. Wu had forgotten about us."

How come, aren't we here? Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Meng Hai joked with a smile: "Are you here to see us this time, or are you here for that big guy."

Haha, maybe both. Besides, isn't that big guy also the result of your research, how can you tell them apart? Being guessed, Wu Hao responded with an embarrassed smile, and then got to the point.

"I heard that the research and development of that big guy has made a breakthrough, so I rushed here. How about it, take us to have a look."

No problem, your way please. Meng Hai also took the lead very readily.

Under the leadership of Meng Hai, Wu Hao and the others came to the gate of a warehouse that looked like a relatively large-scale warehouse. After passing through strict access control, everyone finally came to one.

Immediately after Wu Hao, Zou Xiaodong and several entourages were stunned by the big guy standing in the middle of the empty hall.

This, this is your research and development project! Zou Xiaodong's tone was very surprised, even trembling.

Of course, how about this big guy! Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Zou Xiaodong stared like two copper bells, and then excitedly said: "This is a fucking Gundam!"

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