Military Technology

Chapter 1434 Mecha, codenamed

Meng Hai smiled and shook his head when he heard the words: "No, rather than calling it a Gundam, I prefer to call it a Mecha."



The eyes of Zou Xiaodong and the accompanying people couldn't help but sparkle, each of them stretched their necks as if seeing a peerless beauty or a rare treasure, and looked at the huge mech, or robot, standing in the middle of the hall in front of them.

Wu Hao's eyes were naturally full of interest. He knew about this project before and saw this big guy in photos and videos. But the photos and videos are far from the shock of being on the scene. The reality, especially the powerful aura displayed by this robot, makes everyone feel a sense of oppression at all times.

Seeing everyone's interest, Meng Hai also introduced to everyone.

"Our mecha (robot) project number is hyjq_0001, code-named "Xing Tian". This project is under the auspices of Mr. Wu, and is jointly organized by our Institute of Automatic Machinery Technology, Brain-Computer Interaction Mind Control Laboratory, and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. A high-level secret research and development project established.

This Xingtian mecha, or the Xingtian robot, is a human-controlled mecha, or humanoid robot, that we finally established based on the company's existing technology through continuous integration, innovation and development.

The entire "Xing Tian" humanoid robot is 3.4 meters high and weighs 1.5 tons. The relevant technology and structure of the entire robot have absorbed the advantages of our previous intelligent mechanical arm, intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic limb, super intelligent mechanical exoskeleton and other equipment. Relevant key technologies are integrated and innovated to obtain an optimized mechanical whole.

In fact, you can also look at it this way. Our original intelligent robotic arm and those large robotic arms can be regarded as the initial derivatives of this project.

In the entire "Xingtian" humanoid robot, we have used a total of 170 new high-torque motors, which are distributed in various joints of the body to provide flexible and powerful limb movements for this "Xingtian" humanoid robot.

Such a powerful robot naturally needs to be equipped with a super power source. We have equipped it with our company's super solid-state battery, so that it can provide more abundant power for this big guy.

Even if we equip this "Xing Tian" humanoid robot with a 100-kilogram super solid-state battery, it can only maintain more than four hours of exercise.

However, this standby time is enough for it to complete many things. "

Hearing Meng Hai's somewhat proud introduction, the light in everyone's eyes became even more dazzling.

Zou Xiaodong looked up at the head of this "Xing Tian" humanoid robot, and then asked eagerly: "How does this mecha get in, and how does it control it?"

Hehehehe... Hearing Zou Xiaodong's question, Meng Hai and other researchers all laughed.

Meng Hai shook his head with a smile and said, "Our "Xing Tian" humanoid robot is currently using remote control technology. At present, it does not meet the conditions for a driver to drive himself."

remote control? Hearing Meng Hai's answer, everyone couldn't help being a little disappointed and a little confused. Such an advanced mecha, why use remote control technology to control it. Thus,

Wouldn't it greatly limit the use environment of this mecha.

It would be great if people could just get in like in movies and TV dramas.

Meng Hai naturally felt the disappointment and doubt in everyone's expressions. However, he explained with a leisurely smile.

"This "Xingtian" humanoid robot is still only a prototype and is in the research and development testing stage. So for the sake of insurance, we have adopted wireless remote control technology.

Of course, although wireless remote control technology has some disadvantages, such as being susceptible to interference, there is a certain delay, and so on. But it also has its own advantages. First of all, unmanned can leave a very valuable and huge internal space for the robot, which can be used to equip more components and more battery energy, and increase its own battery life and standby capacity.

Secondly, unmanned can be applied to many occasions, because there are no people, so there is no need to worry about danger, let alone casualties. In this way, it can be used in dangerous areas where people cannot go, such as demining and detonation, and some high-risk rescue and disaster relief missions.

Finally, and most importantly, the remote control technology of our "Xing Tian" humanoid robot is different from the traditional remote control technology.

We use an advanced brain-computer interaction system to wear relevant sensors on the driver's body, so as to feel and record the motor nerve electrical signals, muscle contraction, limb spatial displacement, and brain wave signals on the driver's body. Thus, let's control our "Xing Tian" humanoid robot one-on-one. "

Hearing Meng Hai's introduction, Zou Xiaodong reacted and said, "Why do I feel that this is a bit like the tactile simulation suit in our VR equipment. That suit also collects the wearer's body movement data and transmits it to the game character. Let the game characters have the same real and flexible movement posture as the player, and bring the player a more realistic experience."

That's right, that's where our technology comes from. In other words, the set of technologies in the smart vr system itself is the initial derivative project of our project.

What a big move. I'm afraid this project has already started. Zou Xiaodong sighed.

Although he is a shareholder of the company, he is mainly responsible for the production of this product, and the research is out of his control, let alone these projects involving related company secrets.

"Yes, this project started very early, but we have been engaged in the development of relevant key basic technologies in the early stage, laying the foundation for the formal development later. It was not until the relevant key technologies were broken through that our project team officially approved the project. Established." Meng Hai nodded and said.

Hearing Meng Hai's series of introductions, the accompanying staff member who followed Wu Haolai was actually a young man in a younger grade who asked excitedly, "Is this human-computer interaction control system a bit like the one in "Pacific Rim"?" The same 'floating neuron connections' used by mechs."

Meng Hai and a group of researchers laughed when they heard the young man's question. Then he looked at the young man and everyone with a smile and shook his head: "There are similarities, but there is still a big gap in principle and technology.

To put it simply, we also rely on human brain waves and human motor nerve bioelectrical signals, as well as the spatial movement displacement points of limbs and joints to comprehensively calculate and control.

There is brain-computer interaction control technology, but there are also other related control technologies. Several control technologies are jointly controlled to learn from each other. "

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