Military Technology

Chapter 1435 Create the

"These technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages. We will gather them together and learn from each other. In this way, the whole set of control technologies will be more mature and reliable.

Secondly, our brain-computer interaction control system, including motor nerve bioelectrical signal perception control technology, is a one-way receiving system. That is to say, our driver only transmits consciousness outwards, but does not receive consciousness, thus avoiding the bridges that appear in the movie, where too much data transmission into the human brain will cause the human brain to be overburdened. thereby endangering life and health. "

Speaking of this, Meng Hai seemed to have seen through the thoughts of many people present, and then continued to speak: "The benefits of doing this are obvious, that is, it reduces the technical difficulty and protects the safety of the driver.

However, there is a disadvantage, that is, the driver cannot feel the mecha in real time, Mr. Hu said the state of the robot's body.

In order to solve this problem and make up for this defect, we use the tactile simulation system in the smart vr device. Transmit relevant data in real time through sensors all over the Xingtian mecha (robot) body. When the relevant parts of the Xingtian Mech (robot) body are severely damaged or malfunction, these sensors will also quickly transmit data back. And the same part of the driver's body will feel, and the driver can feel the relevant situation for the first time. "

Speaking of this, Meng Hai said in a calm tone: "Of course, this is only the first prototype we developed, and the related technologies are not perfect enough. We need to continue to conduct continuous research, optimization and improvement, and finally create this machine that will change the future. The ultimate weapon in land warfare."

Meng Hai's words made everyone start gearing up and eager to try. It wasn't enough for Wu Hao to be present, so these people didn't rush to speak, but showed that hopeful look.

Naturally, Wu Hao had sensed everyone's demeanor and gaze. Not enough, he was not in a hurry, but asked Meng Hai: "What stage is the prototype of this Xingtian Mecha (robot)?"

Seeing Wu Hao's question, Meng Hai immediately put away his smile and replied seriously: "Currently, the development of the prototype No. It is still very good, and it has met our initial expectations.

Of course, some problems have been exposed during the testing process, and we are currently actively improving and optimizing. "

Wang Yuhua nodded when he heard the words and asked: "So, can you demonstrate the real machine control to us all now?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Meng Hai responded with a smile: "No problem, you can do it anytime, I'll let people prepare."

With that said, Meng Hai began to signal for people to get ready. As for Wu Hao and the others, they also watched the whole preparation process while listening to Meng Hai's introduction.

A tester with a strong system, wearing a black jumpsuit, walked over surrounded by several people. Then start wearing the related equipment with the help of other technicians.

Because it is a test equipment, the test equipment on the body looks a bit crude, and various dense cables can still be seen on it.

Wu Hao looked carefully and found that the equipment on the tester was a bit like a lightweight full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system. However, compared to the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, it is more complicated, with various sensors all over the body. Wearing a lightweight helmet on his head,

There are also various sensors in the helmet. The eyes are wearing a vr glasses, which should allow the driver to share the first perspective of Xingtian mecha (robot) in real time.

Wearing these, the tester then walked onto a square platform similar to a ring, surrounded by guardrails.

Correspondingly, on the periphery of this Xingtian Mecha (robot), there are also related isolation belts to prevent personnel from entering.

Start the intelligent human-machine connection control system and start loading.


1%, 10%, 20%... 90%, 100%

The loading is successful, and the connection test of the intelligent man-machine connection control system is carried out.

Immediately, the tester began to raise his hands and move, and at the same time, the arms of the Xingtian Mecha (robot) in the isolation zone in the middle of the hall also raised and moved.

This big guy over three meters moved his hands, which made everyone present a little nervous.

Then, the tester moved his arms, neck, waist, and legs. And then, the corresponding parts of this Xingtian mecha (robot) also moved.

There is no delay in the whole control process, it can be said that there is no delay visible to the naked eye.

After the test activity was over, the tester immediately held a high-five salute to everyone.


The Xingtian Mecha (robot) Yue in the middle of the hall clapped his hands and clasped his fists to salute. The loud sound resounded throughout the hall, making everyone startled.

Immediately, the tester began to lift his feet and began to walk in the surrounding square ring.

At the same time, the Xingtian Mecha (robot) also started walking in the square area inside the isolation zone. And the body and hands are also doing various movements with the testers.

After showing these, the tester controlled the Xingtian Mecha (robot) and walked up to Wu Hao and the others, then knelt down on one knee and extended his right hand towards them.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled, then walked over, and made palms with his right hand and the huge mechanical right hand of the Xingtian Mecha (robot).

In this way, he carefully saw what the mechanical arm of this Xingtian mecha (robot) looked like. Thanks to Wu Hao's accumulated technology in intelligent robotic arms and intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic limbs, the mechanical hand of this Xingtian Mecha (robot) is just an enlarged mechanical hand, just like the fingers of a real person's palm.

The inside of the palm is not all steel, but has a layer of rubber similar to fingerprints, which can increase the friction of the entire manipulator's grasping, making the grasping and pinching objects more stable and not easy to fall off.

Of course, when a real person touches it, it is naturally rough, a bit like a car tire. And the whole hand is very big, much bigger than the palm of a human, a bit like the palm of a gorilla or even King Kong.

After high-fiving Wu Hao, the testers got up and took a few steps back, and then started some other test items. The most important of these is the handling of some items.

Those objects that are very heavy for humans were easily picked up by the Xingtian Mecha (robot) under the control of the testers, which made everyone on the scene applaud while being surprised.

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