Military Technology

Chapter 1436 Mecha's

At this point in the test, I have a preliminary understanding of the basic performance of this Xingtian mecha (robot). However, everyone didn't seem to have a good time, or that although the whole testing process was an eye-opener for everyone, it was not enjoyable.

I always feel that the current venue or project is limiting the performance of this Xingtian mech (robot), but everyone also understands that this is only the first prototype, and it is very rare to have such an eye-catching performance. What is there to be harsh about?

The test basically came to an end, and Wu Hao and the others also came to the testers. At this moment, the tester has taken off the smart vr glasses. Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming, he immediately greeted them.

Wu Hao still has some impressions of this tester. He was one of the testers of the original intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

how do you feel? Wu Hao asked the tester.

The tester nodded with a smile: "It's great, it feels very powerful, there is no delay, and the movement is very smooth."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words: "Compared with our previous heavy-duty intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor, do you think it is easier to operate, or more handy."

Hearing Wu Hao ask this question, the tester thought about it carefully, and then said: "I don't think the two can be compared, at least for now. The heavy-duty intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor is worn on the body. The feeling of restraint is uncomfortable, but it is not very comfortable. And if it takes a long time, it will consume a lot of physical and mental energy for the individual.

As for this Xingtian Mecha (robot), from the current point of view, the control is relatively simple, the movement is very smooth, the delay is very low, and there is no such strong sense of restraint. After wearing the smart vr glasses, you can clearly control the first-view screen information of the Xingtian Mecha (robot). So, I think this one is more manipulative.

And as far as the battlefield is concerned, the heavy-duty intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor is definitely not the opponent of this Xingtian mecha (robot). "

Hearing what the tester said, Zou Xiaodong said with a smile: "That's for sure, the two models are much different in physique. And no matter in terms of weight, strength, or power, they are not at the same level."

Indeed, Meng Hai also nodded in approval and said: "Although the two are similar in some respects, they are very different in function rooms, purposes, and positioning.

If the heavy-duty intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor belongs to the protective equipment for individual soldiers, then this Xingtian mecha (robot) can be regarded as an armored vehicle or a tank.

Although the strength gap is relatively large, this Xingtian mech (robot) cannot completely replace the heavy-duty intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor.

It's like armored vehicles can never replace the role of infantry. It can only be said that these two types of equipment have their own advantages and disadvantages. "

Wu Hao looked at this Xingtian mecha (robot), then nodded his head and thought for a while: "This Xingtian mecha (robot) is also widely used in the civilian field, especially on some construction sites, and Special job site, all have very big effect.

However, I think that its greatest value, or its most suitable use, is still in the military or on the battlefield.

With heavy intelligent mechanical protective exoskeleton armor,

Intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, armored combat vehicles, and tanks together form an armored assault force to attack the enemy. Under the attack of such a powerful and sharp assault force, even a strong defensive position would be vulnerable.

Of course, it is the most suitable and the most effective for combat, or in complex terrain, such as the mountain forest environment.

In these areas, heavy weapons such as armored combat vehicles cannot reach, and air support is weak. Relying solely on traditional mountain troops to fight, the casualties were very high. Especially in the face of unknown enemies hiding in the jungle and mountains, it is very difficult to deal with, and the combat difficulty is very high.

And if the mountain troops can be equipped with such Xingtian mechs (robots), it is equivalent to moving heavy armored vehicles and heavy firepower to the inside, and facing those enemies who are hiding in the mountain jungle and equipped with light firepower, it will produce overwhelming combat. Advantage. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded involuntarily. Everyone can see that the most suitable place for this Xingtian mecha (robot) must be the battlefield. So it itself is a peerless magic weapon, otherwise it would not be included in the company's top secret project.

How about its armor protection? Zou Xiaodong on the side asked.

Since it is a military weapon and equipment, such a big guy must be the first target of the enemy's heavy firepower on the battlefield, so it must have a certain defensive ability.

Meng Hai nodded when he heard the words and replied: "In terms of defensive capabilities, it is still relatively good. We have installed some modular alloy armor on the fuselage of this Xingtian mecha (robot), which can withstand direct fire from 12.7mm heavy machine guns, and can also withstand the direct fire of heavy machine guns. Resisting the direct fire of a 25mm small-caliber rapid-fire gun is equivalent to the defense capability of our tracked armored vehicles.

In addition, we have also equipped it with a laser active defense system, which can defend against most incoming rockets and anti-tank missiles, and has a strong battlefield survivability.

Of course, its biggest opponent, or nemesis, is the armor-piercing projectiles fired by enemy main battle tanks. As we all know, the mainstream tungsten-core armor-piercing projectiles in the world can penetrate the average armor of about one meter. So in the face of such a Xingtian mecha (robot), it can basically be penetrated with one shot.

So when encountering enemy tanks, unless we can take the first shot to destroy the opponent. Or before the enemy tank hits you, quickly rush to the enemy's main battle tank to get close, so that the enemy tank becomes the object of your subordinates to play with. "

Hearing Meng Hai's introduction, Wu Hao smiled. Indeed, this is also the biggest trouble when this type of mecha or mechanical exoskeleton armor is put into the battlefield, or the problem, that is, it is easy to become the target of attack by local armor forces.

Although this type of mecha or mechanical exoskeleton armor can resist the attack of light weapons and the attack of low-caliber artillery, it cannot withstand the attack of the enemy's medium-caliber and large-caliber artillery, especially armor-piercing direct-pointing artillery, unless it can avoid , otherwise it cannot be defended.

Even the laser active defense system can only target some rockets and missiles. It is impossible to intercept artillery shells and high-speed pure warheads such as tungsten-core armor-piercing projectiles.

However, this does not mean that this Xingtian mecha (robot) is useless, on the contrary, it can play a great role on the battlefield.

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