Military Technology

Chapter 1437 What kind of weapon is this big guy equipped with?

Moreover, compared with these armored combat vehicles and main battle tanks, this humanoid mecha is more flexible and maneuverable, especially in complex environments, which is unmatched by armored combat vehicles and tanks.

Finally, we came to a field that everyone was most concerned about and was most curious about. Zou Xiaodong was the first to raise this question.

What kind of weapons can such a big guy be equipped with?

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's greeting, Meng Hai laughed: "There are many weapons that can be equipped. The most common ones are automatic machine guns and small-caliber artillery.

For example, we can equip it with a 12.7mm Gatling machine gun, making it a mobile firepower fortress.

Or equip it with a two-link 20mm rapid-fire gun. In this way, its ability to suppress enemy positions on the battlefield is still very strong.

Or, we can add a 40mm automatic grenade launcher to it, with sufficient ammunition, can quickly launch a large number of grenades to the designated area, turning the enemy's position into a sea of ​​flames.

In addition, we can also install rocket launchers, rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and so on.

If the size continues to expand, we can also equip it with larger caliber artillery, and some other weapons are also available. "

Judging from Meng Hai's narration, the weapon firepower of this Xingtian mecha (robot) is not strong, but it is not weak either. Maybe its firepower is comparable to that of an ordinary armored combat vehicle.

But its mobility, especially the ability to adapt to various terrains, is unmatched by armored vehicles. Moreover, its powerful firepower continuity can also play a huge role on the battlefield.

In addition, of course, it has a strong battlefield survivability. Unless it is hit by a large-caliber artillery or missile rocket, ordinary small-caliber weapons cannot cause damage to it at all.

Therefore, in addition to being suitable for complex terrain such as jungles and mountains, it is also suitable for a battlefield, that is, urban combat. As we all know, urban warfare will be a main battlefield in future wars. In the narrow streets of the city, it can be said that it is very unfavorable for armored vehicles to fight, because these armored vehicles cannot compare attacks from all angles.

And such a Xingtian mecha (robot), which is essentially a humanoid robot, can be suitable for entering some small spaces to fight, and it is difficult for ordinary light weapons to hurt it.

It can be said that it is very suitable to use it to clean up the remaining enemies hiding in the buildings in the alleys of the city.

In addition, this Xingtian mecha (robot) is also suitable for security patrols in post-war cities and other areas. Its powerful mobility and sense of oppression can greatly deter those remaining enemies. And when encountering an attack, it can respond quickly to quickly eliminate these remaining enemies.

When will the second prototype be completed. Wu Hao asked Meng Hai.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Meng Hai thought about it carefully, and then answered: "The development of the Xingtian Mecha (robot) No. testing phase.

We plan to manufacture four to five such prototypes before next summer, and start the field test phase, and send them to the Northeast,

Xijiang, the plateau, and the south conduct extreme tests in different environments to test its reliability in extreme environments. "

After listening to Meng Hai's answer, Wu Hao nodded, then looked at this Xingtian Mecha (robot) and said, "Hurry up, I hope to officially introduce it to military leaders at the Military-civilian Technology Integration Exchange Exhibition next spring. .

Also, if possible, I hope to send it to the Zhushi Air Show next fall. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Meng Hai and his scientific researchers became excited. Being able to participate in a domestic cutting-edge technology exhibition such as the Civilian-Military Technology Integration Exhibition and officially introduce it to the military proves that Wu Hao has great recognition for the performance of this Xingtian mecha (robot), and also has great trust in them.

It will be their greatest honor to be able to participate in Zhushi Air Show, the main air show in the world today, to show their latest masterpieces to military industry colleagues all over the world.

Of course, no glory can compare to the weapons and equipment they developed, which can play a role in national defense construction and perform well in defending the country.

Compared with those praises, this is their greatest commendation and their greatest wish.

You can rest assured that we will hand over two qualified Xingtian mechas (robots) to you in time for the military-civilian technology integration exchange exhibition next spring. Allowing you to take them to trade shows to show military leaders what it's capable of. Meng Hai assured Wu Hao.

Well, I'll wait and see. When the project is successful, I will personally congratulate you. Wu Hao responded readily.

Thank you Mr. Wu. Meng Hai and other project scientific research and technical personnel thanked each other.

Wu Hao waved his hand, then looked at the surrounding environment and asked with a smile: "Are there any difficulties or problems in your life in your research and development work?"

This is also the most frequently asked question during his inspection work. If there is any problem or request, as long as it is reasonable, he will take the opportunity to help solve it in time. If it cannot be solved on site, he will deal with it as soon as possible after returning.

Everyone knew this too. Hearing Wu Hao's question, Meng Hai opened his mouth, but he still didn't say it, with some hesitation in his expression.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and asked: "If you have any problems, just speak out openly. If I can help you solve it, I will do my best to help you solve it. If I can't help you solve it, I will do nothing if you bring it up.

So, while I'm here, if you have anything to say, hurry up. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Meng Hai finally didn't hesitate, and immediately said to him: "In our current research and development work, there is indeed a problem that hinders the progress of the entire project."

What's the problem, just say it. Wu Hao waved his hand, and immediately acted vigorously. At work, he likes to be straightforward, and he doesn't like the kind of circles and bureaucratic accents. Everyone who has dealt with him knows this.

So seeing Wu Hao's expression, Meng Hai immediately replied seriously to him: "That's right, this Xingtian mecha (robot) is relatively big, and it's hard to judge its full performance based on our current venue conditions." carry out testing.

But if it is placed outdoors, it is easy to leak secrets. So we wondered if we could build a large indoor test field for us to use for follow-up related tests of the Xingtian Mech (robot).

In real time, not only our project, but many projects also need such a large indoor test field. It's just that due to the conditions, it has not been mentioned. "

Hearing Meng Hai's words, Wu Hao thought for a while, and didn't agree immediately, but said to him: "Well, I'll ask someone to do a survey later, and then I will give you a formal answer after studying it."

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