Military Technology

Chapter 1438 The Sanctuary of Animals in the Desert

An indoor test field that can be suitable for this big guy to let go of the experiment, its internal space must be large enough. In this case, the cost will definitely rise again.

Of course, compared to the whole project, compared to this big guy, this infrastructure cost is definitely nothing.

The reason why he didn't agree immediately was that he wanted to investigate first to see if it was necessary to build this large indoor testing ground.

It's okay to spend some money, the key is that the money is worth the money, and it can't be wasted. He didn't want this large indoor testing field to be used for a few days after it was built, and then to sit idle.

After bidding farewell to Meng Hai, Wu Hao and the others went to inspect the progress of several projects. Then he looked at the time and immediately ended today's work.

After all, Lin Wei was still waiting for him in the hotel, so she couldn't be kept waiting any longer.

Back at the hotel, Wu Hao found that Lin Wei was busy working with a transparent tablet over there. Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and without disturbing the other party, he went into the bathroom and began to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he changed into casual clothes. As for Lin Wei, she was already done with her work, she watched him come out and asked with a smile, "It's over so early today, have you finished your work here?"

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "It's nothing, actually just walk around and ask, under normal circumstances, I will not interfere with their own operation and affect their scientific research progress and rhythm.

The most taboo thing in scientific research is to intervene indiscriminately, and laymen guide experts, so in this regard, I will give them full autonomy. Of course, when necessary, we will also directly intervene. "

Lin Wei nodded when she heard what he said, and then changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about it. It's still early, what are our next arrangements."

Seeing Lin Wei's question, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Let's go eat first, I guess you're already hungry. After dinner, I'll take you and us to the base for a walk. The scenery here is pretty good."

Hearing Wu Hao's arrangement, Lin Wei nodded and said nothing, but there was a hint of happiness and sweetness in her expression. Nothing could be happier than her boyfriend taking time to accompany her in his busy schedule.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei went to eat dinner. As for Zou Xiaodong and his entourage, Wu Hao arranged to attend the reception dinner held by the Northwest Research and Development Base.

Although this kind of dinner was held for Wu Hao and the others, if Wu Hao and Lin Wei really went, it would make everyone very restrained and unable to let go.

So, Wu Hao and Lin Wei didn't go, let Zou Xiaodong and the others play by themselves.

The two of them came to the restaurant at the base and ate something casually. Because it was dinner, the two of them didn't eat too much, mainly light food.

After eating, the two immediately began to stroll on the road in the base.

At this moment, the sky has begun to darken, and at the end of the sky, there is an interesting blush, which is the afterglow of the sun.

There were many people walking and running on the road. After seeing Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they greeted them warmly, but they didn't bother them deliberately.

As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, unconsciously, they held hands and walked toward the sunset.

And this scene was also photographed, and the relevant backlight cut photos were posted on the base's internal community forum, which aroused a lot of likes.

After walking for a long time, the two came to the edge of the huge artificial lake in the base. Through the pipeline drinking water project, Wu Hao and the others entered the hinterland next to the desert from hundreds of kilometers away, and re-stored it in the dry ancient lake, a huge artificial freshwater lake.

This artificial freshwater lake, in addition to providing the necessary water for production and living guarantees for the entire base, is also a weapon, or a basic guarantee, for the base to fight against the reference environment next to the desert.

On the edge of the artificial freshwater lake, millions of Populus euphratica have been planted so far. And some aquatic reed plants also grow under the erosion of water sources.

Now the Populus euphratica forest on the edge of the entire artificial lake has become an oasis wetland, which is full of greenery and vitality. Also, the precious fresh water resources and lush aquatic plants in the hinterland next door to the desert attract many animals in the desert.

From herbivores, such as antelope, argali, rabbits, red deer, wild camels, gerbils, etc., to carnivores, such as wolves, lynxes, foxes, and mountain leopards.

Now it is basically becoming a sanctuary for these animals, or an oasis paradise in the desert.

This is also due to the protection of the base employees. No one disturbs too much, so the animals can live in it with peace of mind.

In addition, the Populus euphratica forest around the base and the area of ​​other desert protection forests are constantly expanding. Through intelligent unmanned tree planting robots, they can basically work 24 hours a day.

With the continuous operation of these tree-planting robots and unmanned grass seeders, the surrounding area of ​​the base has also changed drastically.

Therefore, this place is no longer a barren land in the depths of the desert, but has become a well-known desert oasis. Now everyone knows that there is an oasis stretching out next to the desert, and the top research institute of Haoyu Technology is in it.

In the local area, this is regarded as an advertisement or a gimmick to attract tourists. This naturally aroused the interest of many tourists.

So now the base receives an average of two to three hundred tourists per day, although it is a bit troublesome. But this is also a way to give back to the local area, so under Wu Hao's insistence, the base is still open to the outside world.

When tourists come in, they can spend a day in the base, visit some facilities, participate in some activities, and experience a staff meal in the canteen in the base.

Of course, the price of meals is naturally much higher than that of the employees. Their restaurant meals are for the employees, not for the tourists.

So tourists who want to come in and eat have to pay for it themselves. Of course, there are no special pitfalls. The consumption of the restaurant is not too high, and the food level is good, which has been appreciated by many tourists.

Look, there is a swan over there. Lin Wei pointed to the few swans swimming leisurely on the lake and asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "It's swans. These swans were left behind during the migration process, and some were rescued from injuries. At first we kept them here temporarily, and we thought that we would let them follow the large army by themselves next year." Migrated away, but I didn't expect them to stay here all the time, and they settled here directly, and they didn't migrate anymore."

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