Military Technology

Chapter 1439 Live Ammunition Targeting Experiment


"It's so pitiful." Lin Wei couldn't help but feel distressed as she looked at the few swans playing on the lake.

Wu Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this, and said angrily: "They are poor farts, look at how happy they are now, there is no shortage of food in the lake, and there is a warm water area in winter, the water will not freeze. Here Everyone loves them very much, and they often feed and take care of them, which also allows them to avoid the harassment of natural enemies.

There is such a good place, why do they have to migrate so hard. "

Hearing what he said, Lin Wei said angrily at him, "If you say that, what a swan has become."

Wu Hao naturally understood the meaning of Lin Wei's words, and then he spread his hands and smiled: "People endowed the swan with many beautiful stories and meanings, but in the end it is just a bird, and how smart a bird can be. Natural selection, Survival of the fittest, they migrate to survive. Now that there is such a good place that can meet all the conditions for their survival, why do they migrate.”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei rolled her eyes: "You can't say something nice, it's a big spoiler."

"Then say something, tell you the story of the ugly duckling and the white swan?" Wu Hao said with a smirk.

"Go!" Lin Wei feigned anger and thumped him, then snuggled up to him, and the two of them walked slowly.

The lights in the base have been turned on, but no matter how bright the lights are, they can't cover up the colorful and multi-colored Milky Way in the sky, as well as the dense stars.

The dense stars are scattered in the entire starry sky, and the background is set off by the colorful Milky Way, which looks extraordinarily beautiful and dreamy.

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the starry sky, Lin Wei couldn't help being mesmerized.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful." Holding Lin Wei in his arms, Wu Hao stared at the sky and couldn't help sighing. Although the conditions in this desert are harsh, there are also its magnificent and charming places, such as the starry sky. The starry sky in the desert is far clearer, denser, and more dreamy than the starry sky in other places.

Lin Wei put her head on his arm, looked at the starry sky and said, "It's hard to imagine that these stars are all suns. How many earths are there that give birth to life in these suns."

Hearing this, Wu Hao stroked her head with his hand with a smile, and then said with a smile: "What you said is not accurate, or not rigorous enough.

Most of the stars in the sky are stars, but a few are not. For example, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, etc. are all planets in the solar system.

In addition, there are some artificial satellites, comets, meteors and so on.

As for how many planets have life like our earth, I don't know, maybe there are many, maybe it's the special care of God for us.

But I believe that in this vast universe, if there is only our earth, it would be a waste of space. "

"It seems to be right. Only our words are really a waste of space." Lin Wei smiled and asked: "Do you think that we humans will really be able to go out of the solar system or even out of the Milky Way one day?"

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Just like what I told you, the ancient human ancestors looked at the vast sea just like we look at the starry sky now, looking at the ocean and sighing. In the end, they conquered the ocean, and in the end Is it free to sail in the ocean?

Believe me, there will be such a day. "

"I believe it, but unfortunately I can't see it." Lin Wei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

As for Wu Hao, he hugged Lin Wei tightly, and then comforted him with a smile: "Maybe I can let you see that our lives are still very long, maybe we can witness a certain moment in our lifetime. Or maybe, in our lifetime Well, we have broken through the forbidden zone of life and mastered the secret of longevity and even immortality.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said with a smile: "It's too early to say this now, it's unrealistic. Then let's talk about something realistic. In my lifetime, I will take you and us to Mars for a tour.

How about you, dare to take an adventure with me. "

Lin Wei snuggled tightly into Wu Hao's arms and said softly, "As long as you're here,

I dare. As long as you are with me, I am not afraid of anything. "

"Okay!" Wu Hao hugged Lin Wei tightly and didn't say anything, but his attitude already showed everything.

"It's windy, let's go back." Lin Wei hooked her hair with a finger, and then said softly to him.

"Okay, go back." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Although it will be May soon, the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge. After the wind picked up at night, people couldn't help but feel a little cold. Although Wu Hao and the others were wearing coats, they still felt a little cold. So the two didn't stay outside too long, and then returned to the hotel.


Early the next morning, Wu Hao and the others got up, packed up and got ready.

Today they want to take a special plane to a shooting range hundreds of kilometers away to participate in the live ammunition shooting experiment of a new weapon of Haoyu Technology.

This is one of the main purposes of their visit to Northwest this time, and almost all other tasks are incidental.

Wu Hao had been looking forward to the live ammunition shooting experiment of this weapon for a long time. Not only he is looking forward to it, but also the chief of the military is looking forward to it. Among the leaders who came this time were not only the chiefs of the military, but also Wu Hao's old acquaintances in the Air Research Institute and other units.

Originally, it was inappropriate to participate in such a new weapon shooting experiment as Lin Wei. Wu Hao even planned to part with her temporarily and asked her to meet Anxi first.

But after some coordination and permission from the leaders, Wu Hao took Lin Wei and the others to a military field airport hundreds of kilometers away on a special plane.

This is a live ammunition shooting range of the military in the northwest. The range is very large and often undertakes a series of live ammunition shooting experiments. Therefore, the facilities of the shooting range are very good. Not only does it have its own field airport, but it also has its own station and office facilities.

Before Wu Hao and the others came, a scientific research project team from Haoyu Technology Aviation Technology and UAV Research Institute, under the leadership of Lin Jiaming, had arrived here more than ten days ago and started the relevant preparations and preparations for live ammunition shooting. Test works.

The live ammunition shooting experiment was very difficult, and the chief inspected many leaders, so members of the project team like Lin Jiaming felt pressured.

Not to mention their big boss, Wu Hao will also come to observe. So Zhou Xiangming's pressure surged. These people have been fighting here for more than ten days.

The long hours of outdoor work have made their skin dark, and many of them have even been sunburned and peeled off.

But when they thought about the project they were working on and the live ammunition shooting experiment they were going to conduct, none of them felt bitter.

In other words, they don't think about this at all now. What they think about now is how to ensure that the live ammunition shooting experiment can be completed smoothly and on schedule. If the new weapon they worked so hard to develop can shine in front of the chiefs and their own big boss, then their hard work will not be in vain.

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