Military Technology

Chapter 1440 Attention from the Army

Not long after Wu Hao and the others arrived at the field airport, a military business jet also arrived. It was a Bombardier business jet from the Air Force. However, the fuselage painting is not like the usual painting of the Air Force, and there is not even the logo of the Air Force. It is very similar to a general civil aviation aircraft, but the serial number and the bright red flag behind it all prove that this is not an ordinary civil business jet.

The plane slowly stopped on the apron, and Wu Hao and his group greeted them on the apron together with the person in charge of the shooting range.

The first to come out was a general of the Air Force (Note 1) that Wu Hao was very familiar with, followed by a general of the Army. Both of them are wearing ordinary clothes, so they are easy to identify.

Following the two leaders is the entourage of the two, including many of his acquaintances, such as his old friend Luo Kai, and Director Li Weiguo of the Institute of Space Research.

Haha, Xiao Wu, we meet again. The leaders of the Air Force greeted Wu Hao kindly after seeing Wu Hao.

Good leadership (Note 1)!

The leader's surname is Cui, and his name is Cui Changsheng. Wu Hao has dealt with him many times before, so he is very familiar with him. This leader also takes good care of him.

Wu Hao also did not expect that he would actually come to watch this live ammunition shooting experiment in person.

Let me introduce to you, this is General Lu Qingfeng Lu of the army, he is also very interested in your live ammunition shooting experiment this time.

Hello sir. Wu Hao hurriedly shook hands with him and said hello.

"Haha, then I'll call you Xiao Wu just like Old Cui. Although we haven't met, I've heard a lot about your name. I've wanted to come over to meet you, a young hero, for a long time. No chance.

This time I heard that you are going to conduct a live ammunition shooting experiment, so I will follow. To be honest, our army is also very interested in this light field area air defense system. You must know that, in comparison, we are facing more serious threats from enemy missiles, rockets, and air strikes.

So in recent years, our Army is also conducting related research work in this field. Especially for the attack defense work against a large number of rockets and surprise missiles, we have been doing it all the time.

So I heard that your live ammunition shooting experiment is aimed at this kind of situation, so we came here uninvited, and please forgive me. " Lu Qingfeng shook Wu Hao's hand and said cordially.

You are too polite, we can't even invite a distinguished guest like you. It's really great that you can come. Originally, we planned to see when we had the opportunity to find relevant leaders of the Army to give a special report meeting.

Haha, that's great. We open the door to an excellent company with strength and responsibility like you, and we welcome you warmly. Lu Qingfeng said with a very cheerful smile.

Xiao Wu, I don’t need to introduce you to these people. Cui Changsheng pointed to Luo Kai and Li Weiguo who were following behind and said with a smile.

Haha, old acquaintance. Wu Hao stepped forward to greet the two with a warm handshake.

Luo Kai looked at the familiar boy in front of him, sighed, and joked with a smile: "You boy, after leaving the capital, I didn't expect you to become more and more powerful. The first manned spaceship has been launched. It succeeded and returned smoothly. What’s the matter, when will we send people into space.”

Haha, it's still early. Wu Hao laughed and laughed.

I said you were not being honest when you laughed, but I heard that you plan to send people into space next year. Li Weiguo on the side nodded and pointed at him and said.

Li Suo, we meet again. Wu Hao chuckled, and immediately greeted Li Weiguo.

You kid, your ability is getting bigger and bigger. Li Weiguo looked at Wu Hao who was looking at him with a smile, and couldn't help sighing.

This is all the leaders and elders taking care of me, otherwise, we would not be able to develop and grow so smoothly. Wu Hao replied with a smile. Although his words were polite, they were also true. Indeed, the smooth development of the company is naturally inseparable from the care and care of Li Weiguo and his elders and leaders.

So in his heart, Wu Hao was very grateful to them.

Li Weiguo shook his head and said: "This is the result of your own hard work, I really didn't expect that you have grown so fast, you have already started manned spaceflight.

I heard that this autumn, you will also launch a two-ton lunar rover to the moon. "

I have also heard that this will be the world's first commercially used lunar scientific research rover, and it has created many firsts. Luo Kai also said with a smile.

While they were chatting, the two generals came over after greeting the others, and happened to hear Wu Hao's conversation just now.

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile: "I've also heard that this is a mobile probe with the largest volume and weight that humans have launched on an alien planet.

Xiao Wu, it's amazing, you have gone ahead of many countries. "

You are laughing, this is just a scientific exploration. It is still unknown whether it will be successful or not. It is too early to say. Wu Hao shook his head and answered with a smile.

Cui Changsheng standing next to him smiled and shook his head: "No matter what, this spirit of brave exploration is worthy of admiration from all of us. Moreover, I believe in your strength. For your lunar rover, many of us have I am looking forward to it with enthusiasm. I believe that your strength will definitely create brilliance."

Thank you leader! Wu Hao thanked.

Haha, Cui Changsheng waved his hand, and then greeted everyone: "Let's go, let's stop standing here."

Immediately, under the guidance of the person in charge of the shooting range, everyone took the military off-road vehicle of the shooting range, and then went to the shooting range station not far from the airport.

The entire shooting range resident is not very big, just a few buildings. Everyone then came to the comprehensive office building at the front, and came to the meeting room on the second floor.

The meeting room has been furnished, with red banners, fruits, tea, and camouflage tablecloths, which is very army-like.

After everyone was seated, they didn't start grouping immediately, but continued to chat. Along the way, Wu Hao was introducing them about the lunar rover they were going to launch in September, and the launch and recovery mission of the unmanned experimental spacecraft carried out by Do you still have money? Everyone seemed very interested.

Before that, many people thought that manned spaceflight was out of reach for them, and it was a cutting-edge and important task at the national level. But unexpectedly, the kid in front of me, relying on a company, actually created a manned spaceship, and used their own rocket to launch this unmanned experimental spaceship into space. After traveling in space for three days, it landed safely , I have to say that this is really powerful.

(Note 1: I have been greeted, and some titles and words should be used as little as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles. So it may look awkward, everyone understands)

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