Military Technology

Chapter 1441 Dynamic Defense Interception System

Air Force Cui Changsheng Army Lu Qingfeng

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, everyone got to the point. The person who presided over the meeting was naturally Li Weiguo. As the docking unit, the Aerospace Research Institute is also the organizer of the live ammunition shooting experiment. Therefore, as the leader of the Space Research Institute, Li Weiguo naturally became the host of this meeting, and he is the only one who is more suitable.


The live ammunition shooting experiment of the light field area air defense system developed by Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. will be carried out this time. The main test content of this target shooting experiment is to test the area air defense capability of this light field area air defense system in relevant environments.

Especially the defense capability under the enemy's saturated fire attack, such as the attack of dense rocket clusters, the attack of dense missiles, and the sudden invasion to the bottom and other related live ammunition target experiment subjects.


Next, we would like to invite Wu Hao, chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd., to introduce this light field area air defense system, as well as some specific content of this live ammunition shooting experiment. "

After a burst of applause, Wu Hao signaled for someone to turn on the big screen, and then introduced to everyone.

"The light field area air defense system, as its name suggests, is a light field area air defense system developed by our company, which is mainly aimed at area air defense tasks in field environments.

Unlike other field missile air defense systems, our lightweight field area air defense system has many advantages. One of the most important or its most characteristic. It has the advantages of light weight, intelligence, automation, quick response, cheap and reliable.

First of all, compared with other air defense missile systems, it is lighter in size and weight, easy to transport, and easy to deploy.

We adopt an integrated design to house the entire missile defense system in such a small container. Such a container is a light field area air defense system.

Therefore, it is very suitable for transportation. It can be quickly hoisted to the relevant positions that need air defense by air, land, or even helicopter transfer, so as to protect these positions, or points and areas that need air defense protection. "

Having said that, Wu Hao watched everyone's reactions, especially the reactions of the two leaders. Seeing their expressions full of interest, Wu Hao continued to preach.

Secondly, it is intelligence and automation. This light field area air defense system adopts our self-developed intelligent air defense system,

It is able to carry out independent on-duty early warning of incoming targets in the air, find targets, track and identify targets. Once it is determined that it is not our target, the system will automatically lock the target and issue a warning to the personnel on duty. Manual identification is carried out by combat duty personnel. If it is confirmed that it is an enemy target, the air defense interception drone can be launched to intercept the relevant target.

Of course, the entire intelligent defense system can also take different forms of response according to the type of incoming target. If it is a target such as an airplane or a helicopter, the system will be handed over to the on-duty personnel for manual identification and control, and confirm whether to attack.

But if it is a missile, a suicide attack drone, or a high-speed target such as a rocket. Then this requires the defense system to respond quickly and then intercept the incoming target.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to intercept such a high-speed incoming target, which requires repeated training day after day in order to be able to respond in the shortest time.

Moreover, the control of this type of anti-aircraft weapon is very technical, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to apply it unless they are professionally trained. And this limits the possibility of large-scale deployment and application of such air defense weapons.

And our light field area air defense system adopts an intelligent defense system. After identifying incoming missile rockets or suicide attack drones, it will automatically respond, identify, track, lock targets, and target these targets. Quickly intercept.

Even, the whole process does not require personnel to participate, and it is all run by the system autonomously.

Hearing his introduction, many people at the scene began to whisper. Especially in terms of troops, there is obviously some controversy over the technologies such as the intelligent air defense system and autonomous interception introduced by Wu Hao.

Even Cui Changsheng couldn't help asking: "All the systems run autonomously. Is this reliable? Will there be indiscriminate attacks, or the possibility of misfires?"

Wu Hao shook his head immediately when he heard the words, and then replied seriously: "Don't worry about this, our light field area air defense system is very reliable, it will only turn on the automatic defense system after confirming that the incoming target poses a threat to its own defense area. Defend against interception systems and attack incoming targets.

If such conditions cannot be met, the system will not start automatically, let alone fire.

As for the indiscriminate attack, you can rest assured that in addition to being equipped with the IFF system, the image recognition technology it adopts can identify which aircraft are our military models and which are enemy models. After facing our plane, the system will automatically lock, and there will be no misfire. "

In other words, it will only activate this set of automatic defense and interception system to attack the incoming target after it detects a target that is threatening to itself. Lu Qingfeng said thoughtfully.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "That's right, it's like this. This system can distinguish which are our targets, which are enemy targets, which are aircraft, which are missiles, rockets, or suicide attacks. man-machine.

For different targets, this light field area air defense system will have different countermeasures. Of course, it can also be regarded as turning off this system and using manual control, or semi-automatic control. "

His explanation made everyone present nod their heads. With such an introduction, everyone is relieved. After all, the most important thing about weapons and equipment is reliability. If it is not reliable enough, or if there is a misfire or even an indiscriminate attack, then this kind of weapon and equipment will not be used no matter how advanced it is.

Will such an advanced system be easily attacked by enemy hackers and have strong electromagnetic interference? An expert present raised his concerns.

Wu Hao smiled and said, "You can rest assured that there will be no problems in terms of network security and system security defense." His explanation made everyone present nod their heads. With such an introduction, everyone is relieved. After all, the most important thing about weapons and equipment is reliability. If it is not reliable enough, or if there is a misfire or even an indiscriminate attack, then this kind of weapon and equipment will not be used no matter how advanced it is.

Will such an advanced system be easily attacked by enemy hackers and have strong electromagnetic interference? An expert present raised his concerns.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that there will be no problems in terms of network security and system security defense."

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