Military Technology

Chapter 1442 Falling Point Prediction

Regarding network and system security, Wu Hao gave a detailed professional introduction. But with the exception of some experts, everyone else was confused. But the general meaning is heard, that is, this system is very reliable and safe in preventing hacker attacks.

However, Wu Hao did not talk too much about anti-electromagnetic interference. Because of this, except for them in this conference room, everyone present here can be called experts in anti-electromagnetic interference.

You must know that whether it is the Air Force, the Army, or scientific research units such as the Institute of Space Research, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic countermeasures are included in their daily key research, because in modern warfare, electromagnetic countermeasures are also part of the entire war. an important part of.

In addition, everyone knows that the more advanced weapons and equipment are, the more susceptible they are to electromagnetic interference. This light field area air defense system is also different, even if it has special anti-electromagnetic interference design and protection measures in the design and manufacture.

However, in a high-intensity and complex electromagnetic environment, especially under the enemy's high-intensity electromagnetic suppression against us, the performance of this light field area air defense system will definitely be affected to a certain extent. Not only them, but also other weapons and equipment.

Fortunately, the scenes used by this light field area air defense system are all aimed at some small-scale point targets and some secondary low-value or low-level targets for defense, so the impact is not great.

So after a brief talk, Wu Hao then continued with the following introductions and explanations.

"It is also due to this system, so its response is very fast. After the active defense interception system is turned on, the intelligent air defense system will immediately identify the target, lock the target, and launch an air defense interception against the incoming target. Man-machine interception. The entire reaction time can be shortened and completed within one second, or even tens of milliseconds. It can be said to be very fast. In this way, the best time can be seized to conduct more effective attacks on incoming targets. interception.

And such a quick response can buy as much time as possible for the entire interception process and increase the success rate of intercepting incoming targets.

Such a reaction time cannot be achieved even by skilled and elite operators. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded. Indeed, although none of them are weapon theorists, such a fast reaction time is indeed impossible for humans to achieve. This is a reality.

"Secondly, this system will also conduct autonomous regulation according to the type of incoming target and even the location to be attacked, so as to maximize the interception success rate of various incoming targets, reduce the cost of interception, and avoid unnecessary loss.

for example,

This intelligent interception system will calculate the pre-drop points of these missiles, rockets, and suicide attack drones, and attack those incoming targets that may threaten our defensive positions or defensive targets.

As for those incoming targets that do not pose a threat to the defensive positions and defensive targets, you can choose not to intercept them. In this way, excessive consumption of ammunition for this light field area air defense system can be avoided, while reducing the cost of interception, it can also increase its continuous combat time. "

After his words fell, everyone sitting there nodded. Obviously, I agree with this feature very much. After all, it is our fine tradition to be diligent and thrifty in housekeeping, and to eliminate waste.

According to what you said, why do I feel a bit like the Iron Dome defense system in Israel? I remember that it can also calculate the landing point of incoming rockets, and selectively intercept those rockets that threaten the defense area bomb. Luo Kai said.

Hearing Luo Kai's question, the others also nodded and looked at Wu Hao. According to this, it is indeed a bit similar, so they want to see Wu Hao's answer to this.

Wu Hao didn't panic, but replied with a smile: "It's not surprising, we have studied and used it for reference in the process of developing this system.

Of course, compared to the Iron Dome defense system, our light field area air defense system is more advanced and smarter.

Iron Dome intelligence intercepts rockets, and cannot predict the landing point of controlled missiles and suicide attack drones. This technology is actually not difficult, as long as the landing point can be calculated according to the flight trajectory of the rocket.

But our system is different. It can calculate and estimate the landing point or attack target of incoming missiles and suicide attack drones, so as to carry out selective interception, and this system is autonomous. run without human intervention.

So in comparison, our technology is more advanced. "

"No matter the flight trajectories of missiles and suicide attack drones are changeable, how can we accurately predict their landing points." An expert with flowers on the epaulettes present doubts.

Wu Hao looked at the expert and replied with a smile: "You are right, missiles and suicide attack drones do have multiple flight trajectories in the air, and it is difficult to predict the target or landing point of their attack.

But it is not impossible. In fact, all ground-to-ground missiles and suicide attack drones will enter the attack route before attacking the target.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid terminal interception, such targets will increase their speed before attacking. Therefore, by monitoring the flight status trajectory of incoming missiles and suicide attack drones in real time, we can basically Calculate its landing point according to the upper estimate, and intercept incoming targets that may pose a threat to our defensive positions. "

In this live ammunition shooting test, will this test be carried out? The expert obviously still has a lot of questions, but he still wants to see the actual target performance of this light field area air defense system before asking.

But Wu Hao nodded: "Yes, the focus of our test this time is still on the active defense system, so there will be another interception test in this area."

After listening to his answer, the expert stopped talking immediately. Seeing this, Wu Hao continued to speak.

"Finally, the biggest feature of our light field area air defense system is that it is low in cost, cheap and durable.

The price of this light field area air defense system is very cheap. Compared with ordinary short-range interception systems, the price of this system is very cheap. Therefore, it is suitable for a wide range of equipment.

Secondly, it uses an air defense interception drone, which uses low-cost drones for interception. This air defense interception drone adopts a modular design and is easy to manufacture on a large-scale assembly line, so its price is very cheap , the price of each of them is even cheaper than individual air defense missiles, so as a consumable, its single interception cost will be very low, and it can withstand a large amount of consumption. "

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