Military Technology

Chapter 1443 The Bomb Disposal Force in the Shooting Range

Hearing his introduction, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but feel a little excited. Everyone knows that it is difficult to intercept missiles and rockets, including suicide attack drones, so it is very dangerous and naturally the cost is high.

Maybe a rocket costs only a few hundred dollars, and a suicide attack drone costs thousands of dollars. But the air defense missile used to intercept them, not counting the medium-range and long-range air defense missiles, but the relatively cheap short-range air defense missile, the price of such an air defense missile is tens of thousands, and it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Even rapid-fire guns, or anti-aircraft guns, are used to intercept these small targets. The cost of each interception also reached hundreds of thousands to millions.

Such as Lu Dun 2000, a rapid-fire gun used for terminal air defense, can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of fires each time. What they are defending against is a missile costing tens of thousands of dollars or an incoming suicide attack drone.

But it is such a missile worth tens of thousands of dollars or an incoming suicide attack drone. If it cannot be intercepted, the damage it will cause will be huge.

Therefore, no matter how small-scale a war is, it is a war of attrition for both sides of the war. Once the war starts, the consumption of various resources will be huge.

Therefore, everyone is very interested in this kind of weapons and equipment with relatively low price and cost.

"Xiao Wu, you've talked so much, can you show us the light field area air defense system you mentioned first?" Lu Qingfeng said.

Cui Changsheng also laughed and said: "That's right, your kid's talk is useless. The so-called seeing is worth seeing, you have to let us see what this system is."

Wu Hao nodded and smiled immediately after hearing the words: "Of course there is no problem, leaders, then let's go to the scene?"

Hearing his words, Cui Changsheng and Lu Qingfeng immediately stood up, picked up their hats and put them on, and said to everyone, "Come on, let's go quietly to the shooting range and see if their field area air defense system is like this kid!" It's so powerful."

"Chief, why don't you all have some food first before going." The person in charge of the shooting range quickly got up and said softly.

Regarding this, Cui Changsheng waved his hands again and again, then nodded to Wu Hao and scolded with a smile: "I was hooked by this kid, if you don't go to see it, it's not good to eat anything, we'll talk about it when we come back."

Immediately amidst a burst of laughter, everyone filed out, got into the old warrior jeep on the shooting range, and drove towards the shooting range. The shooting range is still thirty to forty kilometers away from the agency station,

The entire shooting range was surrounded by barbed wire, and people and animals were prohibited from entering.

The shooting range is barren, except for some flat ground, there are also some paved ground. On the shooting range, there are also various buildings erected, as well as some damaged and collapsed building ruins. Looking at the bullet marks and shrapnel on these ruined walls, it seems to give people a feeling of being on the battlefield in West Asia.

During the drive, the person in charge of the shooting range also introduced them to them through the car radio. This shooting range has a long history. It is a large shooting range located in the northwest inland and undertakes many live ammunition shooting tasks. In addition to some weapons and equipment that have been installed here for target training, some experimental equipment will also be placed here.

Just as Wu Hao and the others were heading to their live ammunition shooting experiment area, two military vehicles stopped by the side of the road and saluted them from the side of the road. What surprised them the most was that there was actually a warhead that looked like a missile and the explosion-proof suit that had been taken off behind the car body.

Through the introduction on the radio, Wu Hao and the others knew that this was the bomb disposal and EOD team in the shooting range, which was responsible for some bomb disposal and EOD work in the shooting range.

Whether it is in the daily live ammunition shooting experiment or in the live ammunition shooting test of new weapons and equipment, there will always be some duds that have not exploded. These duds are very dangerous, and some are very unstable, so they need to be removed in time to avoid danger.

Therefore, there is such a bomb disposal unit in the range, which is responsible for the removal of duds in the range. Compared with mine clearance, this work is more dangerous.

The vast majority of demining discharges are infantry anti-personnel mines and some anti-tank mines. The main function of most of these mines is to injure the enemy, not to kill the enemy. So although this job is dangerous, most of it is not very deadly.

But in the bomb disposal and EOD work here, all the big guys are dismantled, and these big guys have huge warheads. And the structure is very complicated, so it is difficult to dismantle it. If it's just detonating these duds, that's fine, not particularly dangerous.

It can be said that when encountering some special tasks, such as experiments on some new weapons and ammunition, in order to find out the cause of the failure of the dud, it needs to be removed manually, which is very dangerous at this time.

No matter how thick the explosion-proof suit is, it's useless. If a big guy explodes, then there will be no scum. Therefore, for them, there is actually no big difference between wearing explosion-proof suits or not.

The reason for wearing it is due to the relevant regulations on the one hand. On the other hand, maybe for them, in case of an accident, I can still leave some dead bodies when I wear it.

Hearing this introduction, everyone sitting in each car couldn't help but be moved, and they looked forward to this group of heroes who were always in danger.

For Lin Jiaming and the others in the project experiment team, after hearing this introduction, the pressure on their shoulders involuntarily increased. What if there is also a dud in the process. For them, it would be great if they could dismantle the fuze on the spot, and then conduct research on the duds to analyze the cause.

However, this means that someone will take risks to dismantle these duds that may explode at any time, and they will feel very sorry. If something happens, they may blame themselves for the rest of their lives, and they will never forget it.

After listening to this introduction, Wu Hao actually had an urge to donate a few intelligent robotic arms for bomb disposal immediately. But after pondering this idea carefully in his mind, he shook his head and endured it.

Donating a few smart robotic arms is very simple, and it doesn't cost much to him, but is it really practical? This Wu Hao couldn't help but put a question mark in his mind.

So don't worry about this matter, let's talk with the leaders of the shooting range and the person in charge of the bomb disposal unit first. If possible, in addition to these, they also want to make some modest contributions.

After all, it is still very difficult to stick to this inaccessible next door. Wu Hao was wondering if he could help the officers and soldiers here so that they could live a better life here.

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