Military Technology

Chapter 1444 Triangle Air Defense Position

After driving for about half an hour, they finally arrived at their test site in the shooting range.

The entire test field is located on a very open flat ground. On the test field, a set of light field area air defense systems are placed at intervals of about 200 meters.

In fact, judging from the appearance, there are three containers, but at this moment the containers have been opened, and the air search warning radar on the top has been erected.

In addition to these three sets of light field area air defense systems, there is also a device similar to the light field area air defense system in the center of the triangle, but obviously very different. The light field short-range air defense laser interception system launched together with the air defense system.

This time, this light field short-range air defense laser interception system is also on the task list of the live ammunition shooting interception experiment.

During the period, a special live ammunition interception test will be conducted specifically for the terminal interception capability of this light field short-range air defense laser interception system.

And it will also experiment with the cooperation and cooperation between the light field short-range air defense laser interception system and the light field area air defense system, and unified control and other experimental tests.

Around the triangular air defense interception position formed by the two systems, there are multiple simulated attack targets. Various models, or target rings, are placed on these shooting ranges to simulate the important targets protected by these two systems.

In other words, during the experiment, incoming missiles, rockets, and suicide attack drones will attack these multiple simulated targets. And these two systems will protect these simulated targets and prevent them from being hit by incoming targets.

Wu Hao and the others accompanied the leaders and led the company's on-site staff to a set of light field area air defense systems.

When the leaders saw this light field area air defense system on the spot, they couldn't help being a little surprised, even a little surprised. Although they have almost understood the basic situation of this system through the previous materials and related introductions. But it looks different when viewed on the spot. First of all, this light field area air defense system is small in size and simple in structure, just a small container.

The container is divided into two parts. The first part is a vertical launch system equipped with air defense interception and attack drones, which occupies two-thirds of the entire container. The other part is equipped with air search warning radar and synthetic aperture mirror radar system.

And in this small container, an intelligent air defense control system, an automatic air defense interception system, a power supply system, a fire control system, etc. are also integrated.

How many interceptor bombs can be contained in such a small container? After sizing it up carefully, Lu Qingfeng asked immediately.

24 to 36, we think this number is basically enough to deal with a dedicated saturation attack. Wu Hao explained to Lu Qingfeng with a smile.

Hearing his introduction, Lu Qingfeng and Cui Changsheng nodded. This number can indeed meet the short-range area defense needs of some defense points.

Let's go, let's go and see that light field short-range air defense laser interception system. Cui Changsheng was obviously concerned about the set of light wilds that Wu Hao and the others hadn't mentioned much before.


; The short-range air defense laser interception system is very interesting.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others did not refuse, and then a group of people came to the middle of the triangle position, and finally saw this light field short-range air defense laser interception system. Like the light field area air defense system, this light field short-range air defense laser interception system is similar in shape to a container.

It's just that the top of the container is different. At this moment, the covers on both sides of the top have been opened, revealing a high-power laser transmitter with a honeycomb composite lens. In addition to this high-power laser transmitter, a synthetic aperture mirror radar system is also integrated, so that it can accurately search for incoming targets in the air and carry out tracking and continuous attacks.

High-power laser weapons are not unavailable before, and many high-power laser weapons are very mature, but this type of laser weapon is very energy-consuming, similar to electromagnetic guns, and requires a lot of electric energy in an instant.

This is also the reason why this type of laser weapon has not been put into equipment on a large scale, because energy is always the key factor limiting its use.

Even if some countries have been equipped with some laser weapons, they always have to drag a huge battery car behind them. The whole system is very large, which is not conducive to the deployment of transshipment. It is too heavy, complicated, and troublesome to use. These weapons are still in the experimental equipment stage.

Although scientists have now proposed the use of flywheel batteries for energy conversion, which can provide instantaneous huge power for such laser weapons or electromagnetic guns, but this technology is not yet mature enough, and it also encounters the same problem.

But this time, Wu Hao and the others used the new technology independently developed to integrate this laser cannon with a honeycomb composite lens group, a super solid-state battery pack, and a set of intelligent air defense control system in such a small container, which is really powerful. .

Xiao Wu, did it participate in today's live ammunition interception and shooting test? Lu Qingfeng was also very interested in this. Not only the two Army and Air Force leaders, but also the experts in their entourage were very interested.

In the anticipation of everyone, Wu Hao nodded and said: "Of course, this time we designed a variety of test items for these two systems, in order to simulate the battlefield environment as realistically as possible, and test the two systems to the greatest extent. performance cap tests to see how much pressure they can withstand.”

Hearing what he said, everyone present smiled immediately, which was exactly what they expected.

At this time, Cui Changsheng smiled at him and the others: "It's a mule or a horse, you'll know if you pull it out for a while. I see, let's stop staying here and go directly to the observation deck of the test control center."

Hearing Cui Changsheng's words, everyone responded immediately. Everyone didn't stay in the triangular air defense position, got on the off-road vehicle, and came to the test control center located on a hill about one kilometer from the entire test site.

The test control center is built on a small hill on the long side of the test. The hill is not high, but it can also overlook the flat area of ​​the entire test site.

The main function of this test control center is to undertake the command and control work of the entire live ammunition interception and shooting experiment. And on the roof of the second floor of the test control center, there is an observation deck.

Standing on the observation platform, you can see the whole picture of the whole test field clearly. Here is also a rostrum where some leaders come to watch the target testing of new weapons and equipment.

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