Military Technology

Chapter 1458 The most

There are many reasons for the truce of this conflict, but one thing is that neither side can consume it anymore. Even for this country that occupies absolute power in weaponry and military power, it is the same for the continuous anti-interception of rockets, which has almost exhausted its famous air defense system. If you just accept it if it doesn't work out, and drag it to the end, you may be dragged down by the opponent's cheap and simple rockets.

In addition, there is the conflict between the two countries on the Caspian Sea, which is also a military conflict that has attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, it is also known as a model in drone warfare.

In this war, one country used all kinds of drones to force another country to be helpless, and finally surrendered and admitted defeat.

Although it is a conflict between small countries, a small drone can suddenly widen the gap between two sides with similar strengths. It has to be said that after this war, countries have once again improved their understanding of drones, especially the research and application of various attack drones.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they have raised the attack drone technology or drone tactics to a new level. The swarm array control technology developed by his creativity is applied to the attack UAV, thus solving the problem of large-scale swarm control of UAVs and laying the foundation for the large-scale swarm attack of UAVs.

After the application of this large-scale swarm attack technology in actual combat, some military experts have said that this technology will change the way of warfare and even cause greater war tragedies.

Although this cluster control technology has been strictly controlled by Wu Hao and the others, the relevant core technology has also been handed over to the relevant military departments, and has never been leaked.

However, some overseas countries and arms companies, relying on the public cover-ups and technical analysis collected by Wu Hao and the others, forced to reverse-engineer this technology.

Although there is still a big gap with the swarm array control technology created by Wu Hao and the others, it has been able to support the swarm array control of hundreds or even thousands of drones and realize swarm attacks.

Some countries immediately regarded this technology as a treasure and immediately equipped it in their troops. And a certain army has used this technology in a military operation in recent years.

They first use this large-scale swarm of drones to invade the airspace of the target country, thereby attracting the attacks of these countries' air defense weapons and equipment, and then use drones and cruise missiles to remove these air defense positions one by one.

After removing all the targets, they then dispatched fighter planes to invade in a swaggering way, attacking the targets on the ground.

However, this is an innovative tactic that uses this large-scale swarm of drones to infiltrate and attract attacks against anti-aircraft firepower. On the one hand, it is a kind of consumption for defensive air defense firepower,

On the other hand, it can also expose the hidden anti-aircraft firepower by attracting the attack of ground air defense firepower, and specify the location coordinates for subsequent strikes.

Even without the intervention of other strike weapons, this large-scale swarm of drones alone can destroy a country's air defense system.

As for some weak countries, this large-scale swarm-type UAV fleet alone can completely control and execute almost all strike plans and related tasks.

At the same time, relying on the advantage of drones staying in the air for a long time, a certain army has also made great progress in combating their so-called terrorists.

In the past, it may be necessary to grasp clues first, and then call fighter planes or missiles to attack. The whole process takes a long time. During this period, the target can easily perceive the danger and transfer in advance.

But now, it only needs to confirm the target, and it can call the attack drone cruising nearby in the air to attack the target, very quickly, without giving the target time to react.

Because of the excellent performance of large-scale swarm drones on various battlefields, some military experts pessimistically believe that such large-scale swarms of drones are defenseless.

Unless the ground has a super air defense system, or has an air force with strong combat effectiveness, it can deal with the attacks of these drone clusters.

That's right, this has also become the consensus of many military experts. The best way for the opponent's large-scale swarm drone fleet is not ground air defense firepower, but fighter jets. Relying on the ultra-high speed of fighter jets, it can have an absolute advantage in dealing with such large-scale drone groups in the air.

After all, most of these drones are powered by propellers in order to increase the time in the air, and the speed is far inferior to fighter jets equipped with advanced turbofan engines.

Moreover, to deal with these drones, it is too necessary to use air-to-air missiles, which is too costly, and can be dealt with with its own cannon.

In this way, the cost of interception can be greatly reduced.

However, there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, you must have a super air force, especially a fighter force, which is a prerequisite for implementing this effective interception.

As for the attacker, in order to solve this problem, or to make up for this weakness, it will generally give priority to attacking various airports in the invaded target country, making it impossible for the airports in the invaded country to take off and land fighter jets, forming a large-scale swarm drone fleet. creating condition.

When the opponent's country is powerful, it is definitely not enough to rely on drones alone, and the plan to destroy the opponent's airport first is also not feasible. As a result, several sets of tactics were created, such as the cooperation between drones and manned fighter jets. Let the manned fighter jets be placed in the drone cluster. In this way, even if the opponent touches fighter jets to intercept, there will be fighter jets from the attacking side to deal with it.

There is another way, that is to use drone fleets to cooperate with missiles, use drone clusters to cover missile attacks, and even create variant tactics to use missiles to clear obstacles for drone cluster attacks.

And in terms of continuous strikes on the ground, this large-scale swarm of drones is also very advantageous. If it is to dispatch fighter jets or bombers, the cost is high, and there are certain risks, and it is easy to be plotted and attacked by some participating air defense firepower.

The use of this large-scale swarm of drones can replace the role of fighter jets and bombers, so that the main body of the air strike force can strike targets on the ground and eliminate the remaining enemies of the enemy.

It doesn't matter even if it is attacked by the enemy. The cost of a single suicide attack drone like this is very low. Even if dozens or hundreds of drones are dropped, it doesn't matter. They are consumables anyway.

In this way, it will be able to greatly reduce the cost and cost of military operations, and reduce casualties. It can be said that it has almost become the "ideal" attack weapon in the hands of various military powers.

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