So in the face of such an 'ideal' attack weapon, how to defend it? Research.

Although many countermeasures have been developed, such as missile defense, anti-aircraft artillery defense, fighter plane defense, and radio interference defense, etc.

However, in the face of such a large-scale drone swarm attack, it is still a bit difficult to deal with.

Large-scale swarm drones flying in the air will not be passively attacked. They will also monitor the surrounding environment at all times, and will choose to evade in an emergency when encountering an attack.

Moreover, the above-mentioned tactical methods, the air defense positions are relatively fixed, and they are easy to be locked and attacked.

So is there a more flexible way? This is also the focus of research in various countries.

Wu Hao and the others are also exploring in this field. Since they developed the swarm array control technology and assisted in the successful development of the swarm attack system, they immediately received related development tasks, specifically targeting this large-scale swarm attack system. Research on the interception technology of man-machine fleet.

The chiefs of the military see far away. After seeing the power of this technology, they are keenly aware of the threat posed by this technology.

At present, we have mastered it ourselves, but if the enemy masters this technology, how should we defend it. If we can't defend ourselves, wouldn't it be that we will end up in a cocoon, and the weapons and equipment researched by ourselves will turn around and hit us.

So the military immediately started the defense and interception techniques and tactics to deal with the large-scale swarm drone attack. Wu Hao, as an important contributor to the swarm array control technology, naturally received the task in this regard.

After continuous research, they have also developed a centralized response method and related technologies for this large-scale swarm of drones.

And the light field area air defense system and the light field short-range air defense laser interception system shown this time are two sets of air defense systems. One of the great functions is to deal with large-scale swarm drone attacks.

But, these two air defense systems can still be used to deal with small-scale and medium-scale drone swarm attacks, but it is still a bit difficult to deal with large-scale swarm drone swarm attacks.

Especially in the face of the scene of drones attacking the sky and covering the sun, the two systems seem to be a bit weak.

So is there a special weapon and equipment to deal with this large-scale swarm drone attack? Wu Hao and the others initially imagined using lasers to intercept.

What do you think later?

It may also be a very good idea to use drones to counter drones. In reality, there are also examples of using missiles to intercept missiles, so why can't drones be used to connect drones.

The attack drone and the air defense interceptor drone are actually the same, but the attack target has changed. Attack drones mainly deal with ground targets, while air defense interception drones only attack these attack drones in the air.

The idea of ​​using drones to intercept drones can be realized only by changing the target.

But it is easy to say, but it is more difficult to actually realize it.

Use a large-scale air defense interception UAV cluster to intercept the large-scale swarm-type UAV group attack that attacks the invasion. The two major fleets attack each other, how to coordinate hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of drones, how to determine the attack target, avoid accidental injury, and how to effectively control it is a very difficult problem.

Wu Hao hadn't brought it up before, because the relevant conditions were not mature enough. Now that this light field area air defense system was successfully developed, he saw that the conditions were ripe, so he immediately started the project.

But, in the eyes of Lin Jiaming and the others, although this idea is very genius and very creative, it is very difficult to realize it in real time. At first glance, it seems very simple, nothing more than changing the goal, but in fact it is very difficult and involves many problems.

The meeting ended here, and they parted from Lin Jiaming who was full of thoughts. Wu Hao and the others immediately returned to Anxi by special plane.

As for Lin Jiaming and the others, they still need to stay here for two days. After completing the relevant finishing work, they will return to the Northwest Research and Development Base with the equipment.

This time, besides Wu Hao, Lin Wei and his entourage, there were two more people on Wu Hao's special plane, Luo Kai and his assistant.

Sitting opposite Wu Hao and the others, Luo Kai looked curiously at the environment inside the private jet. Then he tried the softness of the air seat and smiled at Wu Hao: "This private jet is just fine, much better than what I called a business jet when I came here.

Although that business jet is not bad, but compared with your private jet, it is too far behind, not at the same level at all. "

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Bombardier is also a very good business jet, how can it be as bad as you said."

Luo Kai smiled and said, "It's not bad. Compared with the transport plane I took before, it is really one sky and one underground. You don't know, in the past, our Air Force had a benefit when we went out on business trips, and that was to ride the plane."

Catch the plane? Lin Wei, who was sitting next to Wu Hao, asked curiously.

Yes, that's right, rubbing the plane. Luo Kai nodded and explained with a smile: "Just to see if there is a transport plane or other military aircraft going to the place where we are going or the nearby airport, and then go to the airport. Compared with going by train, this kind of looting Airplanes are certainly much more convenient and faster.

But, calling it an experience is very bad. Military aircraft, do not pay much attention to the so-called comfort. Moreover, the cabin is very empty, and there is no insulation or air conditioning.

It’s okay in summer, there is no problem with riding, but the noise is relatively loud, and people who are not used to sitting can’t get used to it and can’t rest.

But if it’s winter, it’s very cold inside the airport, especially at high altitudes, where the temperature inside is very low. So when we call, we have to wear military coats and wrap ourselves tightly so that we don't get cold.

The more we sit, the more we get used to it. Let us sleep in the transport plane, and we can all snore. "

Hehehe... Hearing Luo Kai's introduction, Wu Hao and the people beside him laughed softly.

And Luo Kai also said with a smile: "The conditions are much better now, and the ride experience of the new transport plane is much better than that of the old Yunba and Il-76.

And now we also have our own general aviation aircraft, business jets, so it is much more convenient to go anywhere. Of course, sometimes everyone is still willing to go to such a military plane, because it is convenient. "

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