Military Technology

Chapter 1479 Hot Summer Gaming Carnival

Chapter 1480 Hot Summer Gaming Carnival


The Summer E-sports Festival, also known as the Summer E-sports Carnival, is an annual e-sports event organized by Wei Media. In addition to attracting a large number of tourists to participate in each carnival, it will also attract a large number of game companies to release and showcase their latest e-sports game masterpieces.

In addition to game companies, there are also some e-sports equipment manufacturers. These e-sports equipment suppliers will bring their latest e-sports equipment products, such as mainframes, keyboard and mouse accessories, gaming chairs, computer desks, monitor graphics cards, etc., attracting the interest of a large number of game and e-sports players.

In addition, there are some industries related to e-sports games, such as live COS activities based on game e-sports tasks, which are also very popular among young people.

As the e-sports market is booming, it has a huge influence among young people. Therefore, today's real-life COS activities are no longer limited to players and COS enthusiasts themselves, but also attract many professional actors to join, and even some celebrities will appear on the scene as COS characters.

These businesses use celebrities to attract attention and promote their products. The reason why these stars are willing to condescend to the COS role is because they are given a lot of money on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because this activity has a huge influence among young people, so they come here to show their faces.

Moreover, some of these young idol stars are also game and e-sports fans, and there are many well-known Internet addicts and e-sports fans among the stars.

Today, this carnival event or festival has been held in many circles, and it has also become one of the domestic and even international large-scale e-sports festivals that the majority of e-sports and game enthusiasts like.

Therefore, it has received a lot of attention from the outside world. And this year also caught up with the opening of a new professional e-sports venue, so the scale of the event is unprecedented, and it has become one of the most important annual events of Wei Media this year.

Lin Wei has been busy with this matter these days. Although there is an event organizing committee in charge, she still asks questions from time to time, and even does some things by herself.

The reason why Wu Hao agreed so readily was because of his girlfriend's request on the one hand. On the other hand, it is naturally because he is also more interested in this project.

He also wants to go to the field to see how this newly built professional e-sports venue is, and also wants to experience what kind of experience it will be when MR mixed reality technology is applied to watching e-sports games.

As the carnival approached, more and more spectators and tourists came after hearing the news. Although the carnival organizers only sold 80,000 tickets for the week-long carnival, according to statistics from the tourism department, more than 100,000 people flocked from all over the country and the world. The carnival period is not a tourist peak period, and the more than 100,000 new tourists are obviously here for this event.

This made the entire Anxi tourism department, including the management committee of Tang Culture Pedestrian Street, very excited, and it also increased the pressure on event organizers like Lin Wei and Wei Media Company.

So many people rushed in at once, but there were only 80,000 tickets, which meant that tens of thousands of people would not be able to enter the venue.

Whether these audiences who cannot enter the venue will be dissatisfied, and whether there will be any problems, everyone has no idea. Although the tourism department, the Tang Culture Pedestrian Street Management Committee has received more people than this, but the situation is different, especially these are young people. Whether there will be some security problems due to this, everyone is not sure.

As a result, the preparations for the safety of this event also began to be intensively prepared. In addition to mobilizing a large number of security personnel on site, they are responsible for the security tasks of venues and even scenic spots during the event. Many police officers and special police officers were also called to carry out patrolling and control to prevent some unsafe incidents from happening.

Everyone is even worried that there will be football hooligans like football matches, because some riots will occur because the team they support loses the game.

And it's not over yet, there are still more and more tourists coming here in a steady stream, which makes Lin Wei and the Tang Culture Pedestrian Street Management Committee both painful and happy.

On a very sunny morning, Wu Hao drove to the Tang Culture Pedestrian Street Scenic Spot to participate in the unveiling ceremony of the professional e-sports venue.

As the chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology and the chairman of Wei Media Company, Wu Hao should come to this kind of event both emotionally and rationally. Moreover, Wu Hao is also Lin Wei's boyfriend, and Haoyu Technology is also one of the contractors of this large e-sports stadium.

Before entering the scenic area, Wu Hao saw obvious changes from the car window, and the crowd outside the scenic area increased. The closer to the scenic spot, the more people there are.

The security personnel of the scenic spot are already on standby, ready to take measures such as current restriction to ensure the normal and stable order inside the scenic spot.

Although vehicles are not allowed to pass through the scenic area, the road to the professional e-sports venues has been cleared, which also allowed Wu Hao and his team to drive directly into the scenic area and park in front of the venue.

This is not a special case for Wu Hao, because besides them, there are other leaders who participated in the event. It is impossible for them to get off the car outside the scenic spot, and then walk one or two kilometers to the venue.

As the organizer of this event, as well as the owner and operator of this e-sports venue, Lin Wei has already come to the venue to welcome the unveiling guests.

Jian Wu Hao got out of the car, and Lin Wei couldn't help but smile. And some surrounding tourists couldn't help screaming and cheering when they saw Wu Hao get out of the car.

In order to attend this event, Wu Hao also heard Lin Wei's arrangement, and specially packed up and dressed up. I put on a shirt and leather shoes, and arranged my hair.

Not to mention, he really looks like a domineering president with such a tidy up, at least in the eyes of many girls, today's Wu Hao is very handsome, he is like the leading actor in an idol drama.

Following the cheers and screams, Wu Hao came to Lin Wei's side, looked at Lin Wei and said with a smile, "How about it, it's not too late."

Lin Wei smiled and shook her head, then stretched out her hand to help him tidy up his shirt: "It's just right, the leaders will be there soon."

The way Lin Wei tidied up Wu Hao's shirts caused screams and envy from the young people beside him.

The girls were envious and jealous, of course, because Lin Wei snatched away a diamond king like Wu Hao, the prince charming in their hearts, so naturally they were very envious and jealous, why weren't they the ones who helped Lin Wei tidy up her shirts.

The same goes for the boys, they were all fantasizing about why they were standing in front of Lin Wei, and it wasn't them who asked Lin Wei to help tidy up their shirts, but Wu Hao. Why, they are not as handsome and rich as Wu Hao.

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