Chapter 1484 "Invoking the teacher to ask the crime"


Lin Wei and Kong Yuansheng quickly responded. Indeed, this is the most important thing in the future operation of the venue, and it must not be taken lightly.

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui couldn't help but comment: "The whole picture is too realistic, so it will give the audience a deep sense of substitution. Especially those stones just now, people are afraid to get up and dodge, which is easy to cause some safety hazards. You have to pay attention to it.”

Hearing this, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. On the one hand, we will have an explanation and reminder before watching. On the other hand, each seat is actually equipped with a sensor device. When people get up, The virtual screen in the smart glasses will disappear immediately.

In this way, the audience immersed in the picture can quickly return to reality and calm down. "

"This design is good." Du Yonghui couldn't help admiring. The other leaders immediately nodded in agreement. Indeed, such a design can also avoid some overreactions of some viewers during watching, and prevent the audience from being too immersed in it and overreacting.

"If it weren't for the limited time, I really want to watch a real e-sports game here, and I want to see with my own eyes what kind of experience the screen of the e-sports event is like." Du Yonghui said with a little regret.

Hearing Du Yonghui's words, Wu Hao quickly said: "If you like, you can come here to watch the e-sports event at any time after it starts."

Du Yonghui shook his head: "Forget it, I'm here, everyone feels restrained."

Hearing Du Yonghui's words, everyone nodded immediately, which was indeed a kind of helplessness. There are gains and losses, and leaders also have leadership pain points. For example, it is more difficult for them to live the lives of ordinary people now. Even when he wants to go out for a meal with his family, he pays extra attention, let alone in this kind of competition venue. If it is recognized by someone, it will be a big blow.

"Okay, let's stop here today." Du Yonghui immediately said to Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

"This venue is very good. I hope you can truly build this venue into a new business card in our cultural and creative field in Anxi. Let more people get to know Anxi through e-sports events. Like it Let's Anxi."

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui said to Wu Hao: "This technology is very good. I hope it can be applied in more fields in the future and bring out its greatest value."

Lin Wei, Wu Hao and others rushed down to greet him, and Du Yonghui said softly to Wu Hao: "As the leading enterprise of our Anxi, Haoyu Technology should play a leading role in driving the development of various industries in our Anxi.

You, don't always worry about those grand plans and great projects in your heart, but also pay attention to the things around us all the time. No matter how good the space is, no matter how good the moon and Mars are, they are not as good as our own hometown, right?

This project is good,

I hope you will continue to work hard in this regard in the future. "

Wu Hao was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words, but he still won: "Don't worry, as an Anxi native, I will do my best to build our own homeland."

"Well, this is our good man in Anxi." Du Yonghui praised.


Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Wu Hao and Du Yonghui walked outside surrounded by others. Du Yonghui's trip today is not only to unveil the Qinglong E-sports Cultural Center, but also to inspect the work of the Tang Culture Pedestrian Street scenic spot by the way.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with Wu Hao, but Du Yonghui didn't want to let him go, but pulled him along the pedestrian street together.

"Compared to when I first came to Anxi, this place has changed a lot. I witnessed with my own eyes that this place has gradually changed from an ordinary antique block to a lively Internet celebrity pedestrian street." Du Yong looked at the happy tourists around him. , couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"This is the result of your hard work over the years. Without you, our scenic spot would not be what it is today." Kong Yuansheng said.

Haha, Du Yonghui waved his hands again and again: "How can it be said that this is due to me alone, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Even though he said so, Du Yonghui was obviously in a good mood after being flattered by Kong Yuansheng.

The tourists around obviously spotted Wu Hao and Du Yonghui, and waved to him one after another. Many people also raised various equipment and started shooting at him and them.

Some people tried to get closer, but were blocked by security and secret service personnel.

"Xiao Wu, I heard that you are going to Shanghai recently." Du Yonghui suddenly turned his head and asked Wu Hao.

"Huh?" Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You are very well informed. That's right. I'm going to Shanghai next week to participate in an event there."

"It's about the release ceremony of the new lithography machine technology." Du Yonghui said to him.

Wu Hao nodded, although he was a little vigilant, he still smiled and said: "Yes, the new lithography machine technology we have cooperated with several companies has made a breakthrough, and the first new lithography machine has been developed, so we have to go there Participate in the launch ceremony."

Du Yonghui nodded and said, "At the beginning, you promised us that you would build the chip manufacturing plant in Anxi, so why did you settle in Shudu in the end?"


Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Co-author, you are here to accuse me of Xingshi today."

"I don't mean that. It's just that such an important factory is cheaper than the capital of Shu. We all feel a little sad, and we can't figure it out. You Xiaowu is from Anxi, so why are you turning your elbows?" Du Yonghui smiled. said to him.


Wu Hao couldn't help showing a wry smile when he heard the words: "This project is not decided by our family, there are six other companies and one unit.

We certainly hope that the chip manufacturing plant will be built in Anxi, but considering many factors and the opinions of other partners, we finally chose the chip manufacturing plant in Shudu.

Compared with our Anxi, Shudu is still very competitive in some aspects. "

"It's nothing more than policy. What Shu can give, we can also give in Anxi, and we can give more and better. Why don't you fight for it? How can such tens of billions of projects slip away? What about it?" Du Yonghui said full of distress and regret.

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "I really tried my best in this regard, but this project is really not something we can decide on."

Du Yonghui glanced at him, then waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, we in Anxi have always paid great attention to the development of high-tech industries, especially the chip industry, which has always been our key support industry.

How about, is there any interest in investing in another chip manufacturing plant in Anxi? "

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