Military Technology

Chapter 1484 Preparing to build a chip manufacturing plant

Chapter 1485 Preparing to build a chip manufacturing plant

Investing in a chip manufacturing plant?

Wu Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help being a little surprised. Unexpectedly, after turning around, Du Yonghui was waiting for him here.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but smiled and shook his head and said euphemistically: "Leader, now we have invested in a chip manufacturing plant."

Hehe, Du Yonghui said with a smile: "Don't refuse yet, the chip manufacturing factory you mentioned is jointly invested and held by your eight major companies.

Excluding the simple scientific research unit, the research institute, there are still eight companies that jointly hold shares, which also means that the production capacity of this chip factory, or to put it bluntly, all the chips produced will be shared equally by these eight companies . Although you hold more shares, but you have to share them equally with the other seven companies, the share of production capacity you get may be pitifully small.

According to your current market size in digital electronic products, a large number of chips are required every year. Relying on such a small share may not be enough at all.

Instead of spending so much money to purchase from other factories with relatively backward technology, it is better to have a dedicated chip manufacturing factory. environmental impact.

The second one is that chips have always been an important weapon and means for some overseas countries to restrict the development of our domestic technology companies. Obviously, your project has touched the bottom line and sensitive nerves of these countries, and they will definitely spare no effort to target and attack in the future.

In such a harsh environment, it is still unknown how long this project can last. Rather than being so frightened, it is better to plan ahead and hold the chip manufacturing plant in your own hands. In this way, even if extreme situations are encountered in the future, it will not be reduced to the tragic situation of no core available like H Wei, causing a series of business projects to be shut down.

The last third is that the "core shortage" situation has lasted for several years. With the continuous development of our domestic and even the entire international economy and industry, even with an optimistic estimate, the "core shortage" situation will continue for several years.

Therefore, if such a chip manufacturing plant is built, it can ensure that you can meet your own needs in the future when there is a shortage of chips.

Moreover, while meeting your own needs, you can also supply external goods and earn extra money. "

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui smiled and said: "I believe that the other cooperative companies of your project must have been planning similar plans. Take h as an example, they are suffering from 'shortage of cores'. , now that there is such an opportunity, how could they miss it.

Another example is that the two companies, Lxiang and Haichao, have been developing in the fields of servers, cloud computing, and supercomputing, and these fields are naturally inseparable from the support of high-performance chips.

In the past, without this condition, they could only spend a lot of money to buy it. Now that there is such a condition, do you think they will not be tempted?


L thinks that although he is a computer giant, his development has been stagnant in the past few years, and there has not been much development. They have always hoped to find new breakthroughs, and I suggest that the chip manufacturing industry may be a good choice.

In the end, there are companies like Corn and Qiandu. These are typical speculators. How could they give up such a good outlet.

So many companies have such a strategic plan, so as the initiator of this project and the provider of important technologies, have you not been tempted? "

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui showed a playful smile at Wu Hao, which obviously means that he has already figured out the little things in Wu Hao's heart.

Wu Hao couldn't help laughing bitterly at this. As soon as they had a little thought over there, Du Yonghui and the others here smelled it and took the initiative to attack.

Of course, this will not be a leak within their company, because there are not many people in the company who know about this plan. Wu Hao and the others are preparing to build a chip manufacturing plant to deal with extreme situations that may arise in the future.

Although there is a chip manufacturing factory that cooperates with the eight major companies, as Du Yonghui said, no matter how large the factory is, it cannot meet the needs of the eight giant companies.

Now that there is such an opportunity, I am afraid that every company has careful thinking in this regard. And they have also received relevant news that some companies are indeed planning to build their own chip manufacturing plants.

So in this regard, Wu Hao and the others naturally cannot lag behind. In fact, their plan was proposed earlier, and the feasibility of the entire project as well as related businesses and markets have been demonstrated and analyzed in detail.

I believe that the leak of the news should be at this moment, and Du Yonghui and the others got the news.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be satisfied for too long, let alone anyone. So it's okay to be known, but Du Yonghui took the initiative to open his mouth and caught him off guard, which made him quite depressed.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly: "You must have been engaged in intelligence work before, I'm stoned."

Hahahaha... Hearing Wu Hao's depressed answer, Du Yonghui and several leaders at the scene burst out laughing.

Du Yonghui patted Wu Hao's arm and said with a smile: "This matter is not for anyone, and there is no need to hide it. And I also think you should not hide it from us. We Anxi will always be your strong backing, and we can do anything Tell us.

You are still an X member, and you should have the awareness in this regard. "


Wu Hao paused, then shook his head and said: "We are still in the demonstration and preparation stage for this project, and the specific related plans have not been completed. As for the location of this chip manufacturing plant, we have not yet decided."

If there is anything else to consider, let us put it in Anxi. A leader next to him spoke immediately.

That is, our conditions in Anxi are so superior, and the support for the high-tech industry and the chip industry has not diminished in recent years. And you, Haoyu Technology, are also our key supporting industries in Anxi. Such a good condition should not be placed in Anxi. Another leader spoke up.

Hearing the speeches of the two leaders, Wu Hao smiled and did not speak.

Du Yonghui looked at it and said with a smile: "What they said also makes sense. In addition, the factory is located in Anxi, which is not far from your headquarters. This is conducive to centralized management of the industry and full utilization of resources."

Regarding this, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "Of course the conditions in Anxi are superior, and it is indeed an ideal place to settle down. However, we must also consider other factors.

On the one hand, the relevant conditions provided by other places are also superior, to be honest.

On the other hand, we must also consider the rational layout of industries and disaster recovery control. The industry is too concentrated in one area. Once some emergencies occur, it is likely to cause a huge blow to our company, and even shut down the entire company.

Therefore, it is now a decentralized distributed structure, so that even if an emergency occurs in one place, other places can still operate normally. "

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