Military Technology

Chapter 1485 Anxi's Rich Conditions

Chapter 1486 Anxi's Rich Conditions

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Du Yonghui waved his hands with a smile and said: "What you said is indeed reasonable, but don't rush to make a decision. Since we approached you and offered to propose, then there must be something in our hands that can convince you or Talk about the conditions that impress you.

You can listen to our conditions first, and then make a decision. "

Hearing Du Yonghui's words, Wu Hao looked at Du Yonghui suspiciously. Du Yonghui's words seem very confident, so does this mean that he has already prepared the conditions that are enough to impress him. In other words, he held the conditions or even handles that could make Wu Hao change his decision.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao nodded slightly, waiting for Du Yonghui's speech.

Du Yonghui looked at Wu Hao and smiled, then continued to walk forward: "We in Anxi have always paid great attention to the development of high-tech industries, especially the R\u0026D and manufacturing of chips, which has always been the top priority of our support.

In recent years, due to overseas technology containment and the impact of the "core shortage" environment. Many chip R\u0026D and manufacturing companies have been launched in various places, and tens of billions and hundreds of billions have been invested in them, but they have not seen much effect. Some are completely fraudulent and money-burning projects, which lead to no progress in the project, but a lot of money was spent, and finally they were abandoned.

We at Anxi have also encountered such a situation. Before that, we focused on supporting two chip R\u0026D and manufacturing companies, but they all ended in failure.

Now the related manufacturing plants of these two companies are still idle, and no one is willing to take over.

If you want, we are willing to sell you the relevant chip manufacturing factories left by these two companies at a low price. You only need to pay a small fee to get these factories that have been built and have some manufacturing equipment.

Compared with building a new manufacturing plant, the price of these factories is simply the price of cabbage. In the past few years, other companies have been watching these factories, and we have not let go. Now sell it to you at a low price. After you take over, you only need to carry out some maintenance and upgrades, and it can be used normally. This is equivalent to saving you a lot of time. Compared with funds, I believe that time is more important to you.

I believe you are aware of the state's strong support for the chip industry, and you also understand the strength of Anxi's support for the chip industry. And now we promise that as long as you keep this factory in Anxi, we are willing to increase on this basis.

How, such a generous condition, who can give it in other places. "


These conditions given by Du Yonghui surprised Wu Hao very much. Such conditions are not unreasonable, and from the looks of it, as long as they keep the factory in Anxi, there is room for other conditions to be discussed.

Their factory location is nothing more than considering these factors, either close to the source of resources, or convenient transportation, or seeking policy support.

These conditions given by Du Yonghui,

It also made his heart skip a beat. Although he was moved, Wu Hao still kept calm and said with a smile: "Heh, it seems that you are bound to win this chip manufacturing factory. With such a high price, is it worth keeping this factory?"

Du Yonghui glanced at Wu Hao, then shook his head slightly and said, "You are still too young. When we choose a project, we should not only consider its market economic value, but also its social value, and other things. value.

Under the current environment that supports the development of the chip industry, this chip manufacturing plant is the best achievement.

Secondly, we also need to see a series of social benefits such as the development of subsidiary industries driven by this chip manufacturing plant.

From this aspect, we are bound to win this factory. "

Speaking of this, Du Yonghui turned to Wu Hao and said: "Your boy is also from Anxi, and you should also contribute more to the construction of Anxi.

That's right, although you have contributed a lot to the construction of this city, logically speaking, we can't blindly ask for it. But who made you capable? Instead of humbly begging others, we might as well beg you. Don't worry, the tens of millions of folks in Anxi will never forget your contribution to this city. "

Well, this is playing the emotional card again. Wu Hao shook his head slightly.

This factory is also very important to us, so we need to carefully consider and fully evaluate before making a decision.

Wu Hao said sternly to Du Yonghui and everyone: "As far as my personal feelings are concerned, I certainly hope to keep this project in our Anxi. But as a qualified person in charge of the company, I have to be responsible for the company.

Therefore, each of our decisions must be carefully and carefully. Especially for such a large project, we must be extra cautious.

So we need to investigate and evaluate the idle factories you mentioned, and we will have a result after a full demonstration. Now I can't give you any guarantees and promises.

But don't worry, if the end result is similar, we will give priority to Anxi. "

Hearing what he said, although everyone was a little dissatisfied, they were suppressed by Du Yonghui. Du Yonghui looked at Wu Hao for a while, then sighed and said: "Indeed, it is definitely unrealistic for you to make a decision now. But we are really full of sincerity in this project.

Here, I also rely on my personal identity to make a request to you, and I hope you can give us Anxi more consideration. "

Don't worry, I will seriously consider and make a careful decision. Wu Hao nodded in response.

Well, then we will wait for your good news. Du Yonghui immediately smiled. He knew that it was meaningless to talk about it now, and there was no need to push Wu Hao too hard.

As Wu Hao said, this project is very important, and it will definitely not be decided in a short time. So they have to make persistent efforts to win this project. Although he said he was waiting, he definitely couldn't wait like this, otherwise there would really be no chance.

I believe that after the news is released, various places will soon follow like a shark smelling blood, and I am afraid that will be the beginning of the contest.

In addition, in this regard, Du Yonghui is also very well prepared. On the one hand, of course, it is the favorable conditions, and on the other hand, I am afraid that he has to prepare a "big stick".

Wu Hao and the others have many projects in Anxi. If this project doesn't go well, he doesn't mind making other projects go wrong.

This is indeed a small dishonorable method, but often such a small method is very effective. I believe that after the news is released, various places will soon follow like a shark smelling blood, and I am afraid that will be the beginning of the contest.

In addition, in this regard, Du Yonghui is also very well prepared. On the one hand, of course, it is the favorable conditions, and on the other hand, I am afraid that he has to prepare a "big stick".

Wu Hao and the others have many projects in Anxi. If this project doesn't go well, he doesn't mind making other projects go wrong.

This is indeed a small dishonorable method, but often such a small method is very effective.

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