Military Technology

Chapter 1492 Huge Bonus

Chapter 1493 Huge Bonus

The game starts, the first is the BP link of the two teams. The so-called BP refers to "BAN and PICK". BAN is actually commonly known as a ban person, which also means prohibition and taboo in English. PICK is a choice, that is, to choose the game hero I want to choose.

From this point of view, the BP link of such a 5V5 sandbox battle game is the same, showing that the opponent's hero is banned, and then the hero used by our side is selected. In this regard, the two sides can be said to be fighting wits and courage, which hero is against which hero, and which hero is suitable for matching with which hero. Which hero has high damage, which hero has group control, and which hero has high defense, etc.

It can be said that the BP link at the beginning of the game can already determine about 50% of the outcome of the game. If the BP is not ideal, it will be targeted by the opponent. Then even the best players can't reverse the decline.

Generally speaking, in the BP part of the official game, the coaches of both teams will come to the field to guide and participate in BP. In some games, data analysts from both teams will be allowed to play and participate in the BP session.

An e-sports team is not as simple as just a few players and coaches, there are many people who silently contribute behind it. For example, the data analyst of the team, what other intelligence analysts, team leaders, managers, business operations, logistics, and even nannies and so on.

Only when all aspects are closely coordinated can a team exert its maximum combat effectiveness, and thus it is possible to achieve their best results.

But today, because it was an exhibition match, the members of both teams came from different teams, so naturally there was no coaching market. All the team members BP by themselves, some will choose the target hero according to the opponent's choice, and some will directly release themselves and choose the hero they are good at or like.

Anyway, it's an exhibition game, just play well and show off your style. Of course, everyone still hopes to win. For all the team members, there is only one thing they desire, and that is victory. Even if this is just an exhibition match, no one wants to lose.

What's more, the prize money for this exhibition match is relatively generous. There will be a total of three exhibition matches tonight, with a best-of-three rounds system. The winner of each game will receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan, of which the MVP winner will receive a bonus of 30,000 yuan, and the winner of the three exhibition games will receive a bonus of 300,000 yuan. A prize of 100,000 yuan will be awarded. For these players, this is simply a red envelope welfare.

And the bonus pool of the "Fengshen" e-sports festival peak battle this time has reached 50 million, and most of these bonuses are obtained from the sales of accessories in the game.

Every year, the operator of "Feng Shen", that is, Wei Media, will release a set of new accessories for the year, that is, game virtual and peripheral products such as new skins. Part of these proceeds will be put into the bonus pool for the event bonus of the annual grand ceremony peak battle. According to the proportion of the event bonus, the overall champion of this event will receive more than 30 million of the event bonus. This also makes this game one of the few e-sports games with the highest gold content in the world.

And as the player base continues to expand,

The scale of bonuses is also constantly increasing. According to the current growth rate, it is estimated that the size of the bonus pool next year will reach 70 to 80 million, and it will be a matter of time before it breaks 100 million.

Because of the generous bonuses and the very good peripheral commercial value, the "Fengshen" e-sports event has received positive responses from players and teams around the world, and many professional teams have been organized to participate in the competition.

After many competitions in competition regions around the world, in the end, a total of 20 teams stood out and came to Anxi to participate in the double-elimination competition. The whole schedule is one week, and the final will be held a week later. The winning team in the final will receive a bonus of more than 30 million yuan, while the runner-up and third-place teams will receive the rest of the bonus. As for the defeated and eliminated teams, they can only get some consolation prizes.

Because of the smart MR virtual reality display technology used this year, it has attracted extra attention from gamers and fans. Many overseas gamers and team fans bought tickets to experience the smart MR virtual reality display experience in person.

According to the statistics of the tourism department, more than 200,000 tourists have poured into Anxi, and this is not over yet. With the start of the competition, there will be more and more tourists.

When Wu Hao and the others came to the venue today, they had already experienced this kind of enthusiasm. When they came out, not only were there no empty seats in the venue, but also a large number of people gathered outside the venue. Many people were still wandering outside the venue, but most of them gathered together, waiting for the big screen outside, watching the competition inside all the time.

The show just now was also broadcast live to the big screen outside and the Internet simultaneously through the perspective of MR mixed reality screen, which even caused the audience who did not enter the venue to exclaim in surprise.

This, this is too cool.

Oh my god, it's a whole new world.

It's so beautiful, it seems to go in.

If there is a scalper ticket, I will add money, and I will go in no matter how expensive it is.

Scalper tickets, it's impossible, what kind of game do you think it is, all of them are scalper tickets. This time, Wei Media adopts the form of ticket sales that binds players and user accounts, in order to prevent scalpers from taking the opportunity to hoard tickets and raise prices on the ground. Even if some players want to transfer and refund tickets, they can only do so through the official platform, and they cannot be transferred in private.

Moreover, all the venue tickets for this competition are designed with a paperless QR code, and all players need to scan the code to enter, which also eliminates the transfer of tickets. Even if you want to get a paper ticket, you need to go to a designated machine or service desk to print it, and you can't forge it at all.

I really wanted to go in, but what I got was a ticket for the game the day after tomorrow.

Brother, you still have a chance to go in, but I didn't grab it. There are too few sources of tickets for domestic distribution, and every time they are released, they are scrambled for less than ten seconds.

That's right, it's too few. I still got my tickets through overseas channels.

Overseas channels are not easy to grab. I robbed it several times before I got it. And the enthusiasm of overseas players and fans to watch the game is not lower than ours.

I also heard that many of the VIP rooms in this competition were reserved by foreigners.

The game is about to start, there are too many people here, it's so hot. Brothers, is there any good place to go, let's go and watch the game while having a drink.

We know there is an Internet cafe not far away, why don't we go to Wulian to sit.

Internet cafes, it’s boring, this kind of game screen, the computer screens in Internet cafes don’t look like fun at all.

Or find a bar nearby and watch it together.

I guess it's hard to find, there are so many people, there is no place at all.

How about we find an e-sports hotel, I remember there is an e-sports hotel not far from here, which provides smart VR game equipment, let's go and have a look.

Oh, there's such a nice place, let's go then.

Go together, go together.

Count me in, I paid for the drinks today.


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