Military Technology

Chapter 1493 Wonderful alignment


The on-site BP session is coming to an end. Both parties have selected four game heroes that they like and are good at, and now they are waiting for the last move.

The first choice was the Xiqi camp. After a long period of hesitation, the five contestants chose Erlang Shen Yang Jian only when the time was about to end.

Immediately, a door of void appeared in the area in front of the battle room, and a handsome three-eyed general in silver armor walked out leading a black fine dog. The fine dog surrounded him in a circle, and then sat quietly beside him. As for the god general, he stretched out his right hand, and a three-pointed two-edged knife appeared out of thin air, and then he straddled the ground with a pestle.

Immediately afterwards, the Yin-Shang camp did not think for long, but chose Kong Xuan as a hero directly but tit-for-tat.

At the end of the BP link here, the game will officially begin.

Several game commentators at the scene also began to comment on the lineup, and everyone was surrounding the final choice of both sides to explain.

"Sure enough, it's still Yang Jian vs. Kong Xuan. Strictly speaking, Yang Jian can't beat Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan's big move 'Five Colors Divine Light' is really powerful. I can't figure out why the Xiqi camp or the Xiqi team why To release Kong Xuan, such a powerful hero should not be released."

"I don't think so. They released Taoist Duobao in the last move. If they choose to ban Kong Xuan, Taoist Duobao must be released. This game will be even more difficult."

"Indeed, Daoist Duobao is more threatening to the opponent's hero camp. In comparison, Kong Xuan is a good compromise."

"Actually, Yang Jian is not bad either. Yang Jian has strong mobility and is not weak in combat power. More importantly, he can cooperate with several other heroes, and he can even let dogs chase him when necessary. He is a good and powerful hero."

"But Yang Jian is too fragile to resist Kong Xuan's attack at all. The front line is under a lot of pressure in the early stage."

"Actually, it would be better to replace it with a real Taiyi, or Guangchengzi."

"Guang Chengzi is alright, Taiyi real person is still a bit weak in laning."


Following a burst of light, the five game heroes from both sides disappeared, and then reappeared in the midst of the Chinese army's battle with their heads bowed.

Since it is a battle game, it is natural to have your own faction base. The story background of this "Fengshen" is the battle between Shang and Zhou, so the bases of the two camps naturally have more characteristics, so it is designed to become the command center of the ancient army, that is, the big account of the Chinese army.

Of course, because it is a fairy tale, the style of this Chinese military tent is definitely not so ordinary. The large tent of the Chinese army in the Xiqi camp is designed above the clouds, with cranes flying and fairies dancing, which is a scene of a fairy family.

As for the great battle of the Chinese army on the Yin and Shang side, it was designed on a floating island, and the floating island had other architectural forms with completely different styles, which looked spectacular.

The victory goal of the two camps is to destroy the opponent's Chinese army and win the battle. But it's not easy, because if you want to break through layers of defense and destroy the opponent's central army, you need to destroy the surrounding defensive cities and strongholds step by step, as well as the opponent's heroes to guard them.

Therefore, it is necessary to let one's own hero grow up quickly, and then defeat and kill the opponent's hero, so that there is a chance to destroy the stronghold city.

At the beginning of the game, the troops of the two camps were divided into three groups, and they began to meet fire and line up in the middle area. Different from traditional sandbox battle games, the player's perspective of this "Fengshen" game is a first-person perspective, which means that players will play their own heroes in an immersive way to fight in the game.

And the map of this "Feng Shen" game is not just a two-dimensional map, it is a complete three-dimensional map. In addition to canyons and rivers, there are also mountains and some floating islands in the sky.

Some heroes have the ability to hide from the ground, so they can walk underground, while some heroes,

You can also jump into the sky and walk between the floating islands.

Because it was an exhibition match, the two sides played very proactively and let go of their hands and feet, hoping to show their talents in the exhibition match.

First blood, that is, the first kill happened in the third minute. Lu Yue, the No. 4 hero of the Yinshang camp, wanted to walk in the middle, but was discovered by Nezha, the No. 3 hero of the Xiqi camp who was playing wild in the forest, and cooperated with the No. 5 hero Tu Xingsun to kill him.

The whole process was very smooth. First, Tu Xingsun Dundi went over and released the immortal rope directly, trapping Lu Yue, and then Nezha flew over and took Lu Yue away for a round of output.

Immediately there was a burst of warm applause and cheers at the scene, it was so enjoyable, this kind of game, this kind of viewing angle. When a battle occurs, the map will take the initiative to zoom in, allowing people to watch the battle process very close.

When the battle is over, it will quickly zoom out to the overall situation. In addition, in the viewing angle of the smart MR glasses worn by the audience, there are three auxiliary viewing angle screens, and the audience can also switch the viewing angle screen independently according to their own needs.

Wu Hao, who was in the guest seat under the stage, also sat with Lin Wei and watched with relish. Not to mention, it's very interesting, especially the picture is so real, it really makes people feel like watching a movie or TV series.

Moreover, the sense of urgency and uncertainty of the event made the audience even more nervous and excited. Even some leaders who were relatively restrained at the beginning gradually let go of their restraints during the competition, released their ego, and started cheering one by one.

"It seems to work well." Wu Hao said with a smile.

When Lin Wei heard his words, she took his arm and said, "It's all thanks to your support. I know that there are many different opinions in your company on the application of this technology, and there are even many people who disagree with me. It’s quite a criticism.”

"Hehe, after all, it is the advanced technology that everyone has put in so much hard work and hard work. Everyone hopes to use it in more important and valuable fields. So when we heard that we are going to use it in gaming and e-sports venues Above, there will definitely be some people who can't figure it out. Especially some elderly scientists, whose brains and thoughts can't turn around for a while. So we have to understand this and don't blame them." Wu Hao explained with a smile.

In their view, the application of this technology in this Qinglong e-sports cultural center can continue to verify and optimize this technology and increase its commercial practicability. On the other hand, it can also be used to show this technology to more people, thereby increasing its market value.

In the end, with the insistence of Wu Hao and the others, this technology was able to be used, and it finally appeared in front of everyone.

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