Military Technology

Chapter 1497 Facts speak louder than words

Of course, under strict security measures, these surreptitious interviews only took some fragmentary pictures. Because soon, people will be discovered and topped, and some who tried to sneak into the important area were stopped in time.

Finally, under everyone's expectation, Wu Hao made a simple response on his official social account.

He responded: "There is an old saying in our country called 'Facts speak louder than words'. There is also an old saying called 'Don't fight an unprepared war'.

Since we dare to launch such a large-scale patent infringement lawsuit against seven companies in 27 countries, we are fully prepared.

This is not the result of the rumors that everyone said, or a sudden decision. In fact, the effects of today are the causes of the past. We don't want to spend time and effort filing these lawsuits, it's not an easy thing for us, it takes a lot of our attention.

However, these companies have been trampling on our technology patent rights unscrupulously for a long time, which has seriously endangered our legitimate rights and interests. After our repeated communication with the relevant companies involved was ineffective, we were finally forced to take legal measures to protect our legitimate rights and interests.

We hope that the laws of various countries can protect our legitimate rights and interests and give us fairness and justice. We also hope that everyone can support our move to protect our own legitimate rights and interests. Although we are reluctant, this is also a forced and helpless choice. Please understand.

We hope that through this worldwide patent rights protection action, we can enhance everyone's protection of patent rights, so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all patent owners and enterprises. "

The content of Wu Hao's response was quickly reprinted by major media, and appeared in the media focus and headlines of the day and even the next few days.

The major media are also actively analyzing this practice, and invited famous lawyers, legal experts, university professors, etc. to analyze this matter comprehensively.

CCTV specially invited several experts and scholars in different fields to conduct a special program in the focus program.

Professor Wang, as a senior legal expert who has been engaged in intellectual property rights for a long time, what do you think of Haoyu Technology's large-scale patent rights protection lawsuit this time?

The camera showed a bald Professor Wang who was about fifty years old sitting behind the host stage in the studio. This Professor Wang smiled and said: "First of all, this incident was very sudden. After Haoyu Technology announced that it will Before the news that 17 countries sued seven companies involving 1,439 patent infringement cases at the same time, there was no news.

This is very abnormal. Many previous patent litigation cases basically have a continuous development process. For example, after the negotiations between the two companies collapsed, they will start to sue and so on.

But this time, according to the news disclosed so far, there was contact and talks between Haoyu Technology and these companies, but it was very low-key, and there was not much news, and the movement was very small.

So after the news came out, everyone was surprised, including the CEOs of these seven companies. This can be felt from the content of their replies. Obviously, they are also a little confused, and they can't believe the large-scale lawsuit suddenly launched by Haoyu Technology.

This undoubtedly caught these seven companies by surprise, but these are big companies, multinational giants, and they all have a very complete team of legal lawyers. They are very professional and good at dealing with such incidents.

Therefore, Haoyu Technology's sudden attack will not have much effect. Moreover, such a large-scale lawsuit will itself disperse power, and it is still a one-to-seven, such a winning rate is actually not very ideal. "

This professor Wang was very reserved. He originally wanted to say that the winning rate was very low, but he suddenly changed his words and chose a more euphemistic wrong word. But everyone understood the meaning of the words.

I don't think so. A middle-aged man in his forties or fifties wearing a suit next to him spoke.

"Since Haoyu Technology dared to launch such a large-scale patent protection lawsuit, it shows that they must have been prepared, otherwise it would not be so sudden, and they chose to simultaneously target so many giant companies in so many countries.

It is obviously unreasonable to say that he was acting on a whim.

And based on my understanding of Haoyu Technology, including its founder leadership, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. Although they are young, they act in a very calm and sophisticated style.

And they are very capable, otherwise it would be impossible to develop a small company into a world-renowned technology giant in just a few years. These people are obviously not ordinary people.

So such a big decision must have been carefully thought out, and it must not be an impulsive decision. As for what they want to achieve, it's really hard to say. Maybe they really want to protect their own patent rights, or they may use the guise of protecting patent rights to secretly plan other things. "

The host said at this time: "You mean that Haoyu Technology may have other plans. This time, it is using the cover of patent rights protection to confuse the other party."

"From the current point of view, there is such a tendency. But this should belong to its important secrets, and we outsiders must not be able to guess. Who knows what medicine is sold in Wu Hao's gourd, we can only wait and see." The expert Shrugging and laughing.

The host nodded, looked at the middle-aged man next to him who looked younger, about forty years old, also wearing a suit and tie, and had a little thinning hair, and asked: "Dr. Yang, you are an expert in technology, you Can you analyze this matter from a technical point of view, and whether Haoyu Technology has a chance of winning in this patent protection.”

This Dr. Yang raised his glasses with his fingers, then nodded and said: "Analysed from a technical point of view, Haoyu Technology still has a good chance of winning.

If other companies want to develop this technology, they must bypass or break through the technical patent fortress built by Haoyu Technology.

From this point of view, it is difficult. Therefore, other wireless remote charging technologies that appear on the market now are more or less suspected of infringing the patent of Haoyu Technology's wireless remote charging technology. "

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