Military Technology

Chapter 1498 Who is the thief?

"In addition, there are Haoyu Technology's transparent reality glass, intelligent voice assistant, cluster control technology, and the most important new lithium battery technology and super solid-state battery technology, etc.

In terms of technology alone, Haoyu Technology is at the international cutting-edge level in these fields. The subsequent series of technologies are bound to be affected by it, or touched to some extent.

Of course, this is not simply a technical issue, but also involves the laws of various countries and a series of other factors. Therefore, it will be very difficult for Haoyu Technology to win these lawsuits. "

Hearing the guest's words, the host couldn't help asking: "It seems that experts are not very optimistic about Haoyu Technology's move, so..."

Before the host finished speaking, he was interrupted by Professor Wang on the side: "No, it's not that I don't like it, but I think Haoyu Technology's move this time is a bit sudden. This kind of intellectual property cases are very common no matter in which country. Very complicated and requires a very lengthy litigation process.

Therefore, I think that the final result may be that the two parties shake hands and make peace, and the case will not continue. Otherwise, whoever loses the lawsuit in the end will have a bad face. "

I agree with Professor Wang's point of view, it is indeed the case. But Dr. Yang continued: "The purpose of the lawsuit is naturally to protect rights, stop the infringement and recover losses. So as long as the other party is willing to settle and shows enough sincerity, the other party will definitely agree."

I don't think it's that simple. The sudden arrival of Haoyu Technology shows that Wu Hao and the others must have been planning for a long time, and they may have another purpose. Professor Wang said lightly.

Just click on this kind of thing, and it cannot be analyzed, otherwise it is easy to deviate from the topic and cause some adverse reactions. Especially for such argumentative programs, we should be more cautious.

In addition to domestic media, overseas media are also actively reporting. Except for some media that reported the notarization, most of the western media reported this matter with a strong color of prejudice.

A certain media: "We taught the savage hunting techniques, and the savage turned his head and attacked us with a fork. The country that has always been good at stealing and copying the technology and patents of Western companies, now some companies stand up and want to defend the patents they have stolen. rights and interests."

A media article in "How do western companies deal with the groundless accusations from that red country?" "In this article, the whole thing is explained in detail, and then it analyzes the related designed infringing patented technologies, and finds a "father" for these patented technologies in the West.

The meaning is very simple. It is to find an earlier similar technology in the West for your patented technology, and then slander Wu Hao and his team that their technology originated from that Western technology, and Wu Hao and his team stole it first.

A certain media even bluntly stated that these patented technologies that are lingering in the air are all cutting-edge technologies from the current related industries. Once the allegations of infringement are established, these seven companies will pay huge compensation to Haoyu Technology. This is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that the related products and equipment produced by these seven companies will face the risk of being removed from the shelves, which will affect the normal life of hundreds of millions of people. Relevant countries should stop Haoyu Technology's application for patent rights protection and prosecution this time, and truly protect their own interests. And urge the relevant countries to come up with a series of response policies, classify these technologies as national security, confiscate and deny Haoyu Technology's technology patent rights.

This article hit the nail on the head and hit the nail on the head, so it was quickly reprinted by major Western media. Some media even bluntly warned some countries that how to indulge Haoyu Technology in such a way to oppress Western companies will affect the dominance and leadership of the Western world in the world, which is beyond doubt.

As for Ugly Country, it also responded immediately. It issued an announcement saying that it will further evaluate a series of negative impacts brought about by this incident, and it does not rule out that it will make further reactions to protect its own country and its enterprises. Interests.

With the ugly country's statement,

Some younger brothers who couldn't wait also expressed their opinions one after another. Some younger brothers directly stated that they would never allow such fraudulent behavior and would resolutely safeguard the interests of several companies.

Facing the voices of these media and clowns, Wu Hao did not back down, but posted on his personal social account.

"Maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of technology patent developers is the consensus of the whole world. If anyone dares to risk the dissatisfaction of the world and trample on this system and law established by countless people for more than a century, then he will definitely The bad smell lasts forever. And the chain reaction brought about by this is like opening Pandora's box, and it will definitely eat back at itself and fall into a place of eternal doom.

Wu Hao's news was quickly forwarded by the crowd and became the news that all major media rushed to report. No one expected that Wu Hao would be so tough this time, without any intention of compromise. And this time he came very well, directly applying for the disclosure of the trial process of the relevant case, so that the whole process is transparent and open, so that people from all over the world can be judges together, and see who is the thief!

For a while, the headline "Who is the thief?" became a hot topic. Everyone was naturally divided into two factions, one faction supported Wu Hao and the others. In their view, all these technologies were first released by Haoyu Technology, and they naturally have the patent rights of their technologies. Other companies apply related technologies to their own products, which is infringement, and should stop such infringement immediately and compensate for the losses.

Everyone also praised Wu Hao's proposition. As long as the case is made public for everyone to watch, everyone will naturally know who the real thief is.

On the other hand, those who support the seven companies are prejudiced and believe that if a company that came out of a country full of counterfeit products can have its own technology, these technologies must be stolen from others. It's really abominable to beat back now. As for the disclosure of the trial process of the case, it is completely kidnapping the court, the judge, and even the people, so as to achieve their own goals.

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