Military Technology

Chapter 1528: Three Choices

200 billion, this number really surprised everyone present. Even Brother Xiao Ma, even the old horse is a little uneasy.

Impossible, we don't have that much money for you. Sun Shu then raised his voice and said.

Two hundred billion, not twenty million. It is too risky to pour so much money into such a project with unknown risks. Snow Soldier spoke.

After Xuebing's words fell, Liu Qixiang said to Wu Hao and Lao Ma and Xiao Ma, "We have already invested too much in this project, and we don't have any extra money to continue investing."

Seeing some people who overreacted, Wu Hao said immediately: "Everyone, don't get excited, 200 billion may seem like a lot, but it's actually not that much.

And for us, there are many ways to solve it. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone fell silent and turned to look at him. He said there is a way, so listen to what he has to say first.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Wu Hao said with a smile: "I believe everyone knows the details about the lithography machine industry or the chip industry, so I won't go into details here.

Everyone should know that the chip industry is a high-input, high-output, high-return industry. If you want high returns, you must invest a lot in the early stage. Whether it is Helan Company, Benji Electric or S Star, they have invested a huge amount of money in the fields of lithography machine technology and chip manufacturing technology. The annual R\u0026D investment of a single company can reach tens of billions. Even in the research and development process of some EUV lithography machines, hundreds of billions of dollars were burned within a few years.

Compared with them, the 100 billion we invested is not low at all. In conversion, it can't even reach their one-year research and development expenses.

Second, the chip industry is a winner-takes-all industry. In other words, only the winners have the market. At present, the high-process lithography machines in the world, especially those with processes below 7nm, are monopolized by Helan Company. It can be said that it occupies 100% of the world market.

And what we have to do now is to break through the opponent's monopoly and tear a piece of fat from the opponent's mouth. This will inevitably cause a fierce reaction from the other party, and no one is willing to share what they say to the other party.

It is foreseeable that we will definitely be targeted in the future, which is conceivable. But you don't have to worry, because we have our own advantages. First of all, we have a huge domestic market, which is our natural reliance. With our huge domestic market, we can remain invincible. Secondly, several of our companies also have their own needs in this regard, which also means that we will also become important customers of this project.

With the support of our companies, this project and this company are not so easy to fall down.

And now, we have passed the most important stage, we have developed our own 5nm EUV lithography machine. It can be said that half of the success has been achieved. The next thing we need to do is to improve the entire production chain and put our lithography machine into production as soon as possible.

Moreover, we have to buy as much time as possible before the opponent reacts and takes action, so we must race against time. Therefore, funds must be in place as soon as possible, so as to promote the smooth progress of the whole project. "

Having said that, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at the crowd and continued: "Two hundred billion seems to be a lot, but when we share it, it's actually not that much.

In addition, I think in this regard, we can seek relevant support. The country has been committed to investment and support in lithography machines and chips. Now that our project has made significant progress, I think we can apply for some special fund support in this area, and we can also properly consider supporting loans.

These two down, can help us solve a considerable part of the funds. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xue Bing shook his head and said: "It's too idealistic, it's indeed a good choice to seek relevant fund support, you can try it, but don't hold out too much hope.

There are only so many related special support funds. Even if our project has made significant progress, there may not be many that can be allocated to us. Let's make an optimistic estimate, and I think it is enough to give us more than one billion yuan.

There is a lot of special support funds, 180 billion, but it can't be helped by so many people's ideas. There are too many monks and too little porridge, so I am afraid that it is already very good to distribute these to us.

As for supporting loans, in this regard, I think about 10 billion supporting loans can be solved for us, and there will be no more. Now that the central bank has tightened market regulation, the major banks are strictly controlling the housing loan to prevent and reduce the bad debt rate.

Although our project has a good development prospect, the available loans are very limited. "

Everyone nodded in agreement with Xue Bing's words. Although Wu Hao had been poured a basin of cold water, what he said was true, and the reality was indeed the case.

In this regard, Wu Hao was not discouraged, but continued with a smile: "Then there is another way, which is to attract investment. We have now produced a 5-nanometer high-process EUV lithography machine. I think whether it is Private capital or SDIC and even related banks will be very interested in this.

As long as we are willing, I think they will be very happy to join in, and the funding gap will definitely be solved very well.

Of course, this also means that everyone has to give up the reduction of shares. But there's nothing wrong with that, you don't need to spend any more money, and you can also make the plate bigger, so that future profits will naturally increase accordingly. "

After listening to his words, the meeting room fell into silence again. Everyone frowned and thought, weighing the pros and cons. This is indeed a very good way to attract investment to solve the problem of shortage of funds. In fact, this is also a common practice, and many companies in the industry also did this at the beginning.

Facing the contemplative crowd, Brother Xiao Ma smiled and said, "If everyone wants, we can take out some more, and that's no problem."

Hearing Brother Xiao Ma's words, everyone looked at Brother Xiao Ma in unison, as if they wanted to kill Brother Xiao Ma with that look. Brother Xiao Ma's meaning is very simple, that is, if you give up the shares to outsiders in your tone, you might as well give them up to him.

Anyway, for them, there is plenty of money. They have earned so much hot money from the Internet, but they don't know where to spend it.

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