Among the eight companies present here, if anyone has the strongest capital and the richest, it must be Brother Xiao Ma and his penguins.

Even if it is another well-recognized boss, Lao Ma can't compare now. Especially in the past few years, the business of the company under Lao Ma has actually not developed well. In particular, its payment business, which has high expectations, has now been surpassed by Penguin and has begun to suppress it. And the current situation is actually not good, because the market share is still decreasing.

If it weren't for Wu Hao's cooperation in the intelligent logistics system and the two major virtual system platforms to help them, I'm afraid their lives would be even worse now.

As for the other companies, they were pretty much the same. In comparison, Xuebing's corn was a bit more prominent. But Wu Hao and Tao Zhengyang are quite special. The two of them are not listed companies now, so they need to be counted separately. For Tao Zhengyang and the others, they have been targeted all these years, and the market business has shrunk a bit, but they are still produced, but they are not as nourishing as before.

As for Wu Hao and the others, it may be that Brother Xiaoma and the others came out of the inside, living a more nourishing life. Although it is also being targeted and attacked overseas, the core market business has been maintained and developed very well. And with advanced technology products, it still has a high market share in the consumer market.

In addition, there are two virtual system platforms developed by Wu Hao and the others relying on smart VR glasses equipment and AR glasses equipment. Now these two virtual system platforms can be said to be making money every day, and have become their important supporting business.

Besides, this is Wu Hao's business in the supply chain, such as battery products, high-definition high-refresh screens, super wireless remote charging technology and modules, intelligent voice assistant systems, intelligent driving systems, and so on. These businesses have also brought huge income and profits to Wu Hao and the others, and they are also one of their most important market businesses at present.

Then, it is Wu Hao's market business revenue in the field of military technology. This business accounts for a small proportion of the company's overall revenue, but it is still an important part of revenue, and the profit is very considerable.

Their current sources of revenue in terms of military weapons and equipment are mainly divided into two parts, one is domestic business and the other is international business. In fact, the revenue of the two businesses is not much different. In contrast, the revenue of the domestic business is more. Although the profit is lower compared to the overseas arms market, it cannot stand the large volume and small profits but quick turnover, so the profits will naturally rise.

Finally, it is the business in the emerging industry field. Although it is still in the process of continuous investment, some of them have already emerged. For example, in the field of medical and health, they have developed intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics, medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems, new drugs that will be launched next year, and several medical technology achievements to be released at the press conference, etc.

In the future, the medical technology field will be one of the most important sources of revenue for their company, and its revenue may even exceed their current main consumer business revenue.

Related to the field of medical technology is their research in life sciences and biotechnology, so in addition to medical technology achievements, there are also a series of achievements they have made in biotechnology, such as the drought-resistant plants, drought tolerant roses and more. However, there are no benefits in this area yet, and there will be in the future, but relatively speaking, the cycle is nothing more than that. In fact, more benefits in this area are ecological benefits, future carbon index transactions, and so on.

Then there is the field of aerospace technology. Although this area has already generated revenue, it is still in the process of continuous investment. It is difficult to make profits in a short period of time, so there is no hope for this area.

These add up to bring Wu Hao and the others a very considerable revenue and a very generous profit every year. In addition to a part of these proceeds being invested in transformation development and production, a considerable part is used for R\u0026D investment in various projects. The rest is to remit to the investment company and start investing in some promising projects.

And it is also necessary to select some areas for continuous investment according to the company's strategy.

Even so, there is still a large amount of funds remaining in the account every year. Regarding the handling of these funds, everyone has different opinions, and some people even proposed to invest in some other fields. However, it was rejected by Wu Hao.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to come up with a sum of money. However, he did not take the lead in expressing his opinion, but the reaction of others.

Seeing Brother Xiao Ma's statement, Lao Ma immediately said not to be outdone: "No problem, we are willing to spend part of the funds to continue investing in this aspect.

Now is the last darkness before dawn, everyone, don't give up easily, it is not easy to achieve such a good result. "

Compared with Brother Xiao Ma's arrogance, Lao Ma is relatively low-key. But what he said is also very clear, they are also willing to pay, as for how much they can pay, I don't know. However, according to the tone of the old horse, billions of dollars should not be a big problem.

The two horses expressed their opinions one after another, which caused everyone to focus on Wu Hao. As the initiator and leader of this project, Wu Hao and his Haoyu Technology have also made a lot of money in the past few years. All businesses are very prosperous, and life is very nourishing. Now that the two horses have expressed their views, everyone looked at Wu Hao, wanting to see how he expressed his position and how much he could show.

Facing everyone's eyes, Wu Hao spread his hands with a smile and said, "I have no problem. Although our family is not as rich as the previous two, it is not a problem to spend tens of billions."

Good guy, you have such a big tone, it's not a problem to spend tens of billions, how much money is there. I heard that Wu Hao and the others have made a lot of money in the past few years, but because they are not a listed company, they have not released their financial reports. The outside world is only a rough guess about their revenue, which is about hundreds of billions a year. Now it seems that their estimate is less, and the other party may make more money than they imagined.

Thinking of this, everyone present, especially some older ones, looked at Wu Hao with a trace of envy and jealousy, and even a trace of resentment, with too much in their eyes.

Compared with Wu Hao, who is young and shameless in front of him, where did they live in this life? Give birth to a son like Sun Zhongmou, give birth to a son like Wu Haoyi. Looking at Wu Hao and thinking of the unlucky child in their own family, they were all angry. If their children can be like this kid in front of them, no, half as good as this kid, then they can all close their eyes and smile happily.

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