Military Technology

Chapter 1535 The yearning and pursuit of technology will not change

Lao Ma smiled and said: "Haha, our country has always been a big food country, and it can be said to be extensive and profound in food culture. In this respect, no country in the world can compare with us. You know, our cuisine alone has The four major cuisines are divided into the eight major cuisines, and even now there are ten major cuisines. In addition to these cuisines, snacks, local specialties, etc. are rich and diverse."


Amidst a burst of laughter, the boss Chi finally finished introducing these dishes, then took a porcelain pot from the young chef and showed it to the three of them with a smile: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, Mr. Wu, I know you I have a schedule in the afternoon, so I didn't prepare any other drinks for you. This is the green plum wine made by ourselves in our small restaurant. It tastes good and the strength is also suitable. I gave it to you to taste, which is my little heart."

Oh, thank you, Boss Chi has a heart. Lao Ma thanked him, then looked at the porcelain pot of green plum wine, and laughed loudly at the crowd: "This is really a bit like cooking wine with green plums and discussing heroes today."

Ha ha ha ha……

After laughing happily, Boss Chi led the people away, and there were only a few of them left in the private room. The old horse picked up the wine cup and smiled at everyone: "There are no outsiders here today, just the three of us, so don't be too polite. Come, have a drink first, and then we can do whatever we want."

Immediately, the three of them raised the wine cup and drank a glass. Not to mention, this wine is really delicious, with a hint of sourness in the sweetness, and it retains the fragrance of plums, and the taste is relatively silky and smooth.

good wine. The old horse praised him, then picked up his chopsticks and greeted him: "Come on, don't be too polite, eat quickly, take time to rest after eating, there will be a meeting in the afternoon."

Wu Hao and Xiao Ma were not polite either, and immediately picked up their chopsticks and started eating. Not to mention, this private restaurant really has something to offer, the taste of the food is really good, the three of them couldn't help but praise.

The old horse wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "I also came here for the first time after being recommended by a friend. This is a surprise."

The main reason is that the environment here is good, suitable for some entertainment. Of course, it is also very good to have a quiet meal with friends or family. Brother Xiao Ma nodded and said.

Wu Hao also praised: "I just hope that this kind of place can make people relax. It's not like some restaurants where you go to have a meal, and a group of people guard the side, for fear that you won't be able to take it away. I don't know that this kind of place is the most relaxing. Helpless, and the most uncomfortable.”

Hahahaha, I feel the same way. Lao Ma picked up the wine cup and clinked glasses with Wu Hao: "So, when I go out, I don't eat outside a lot, but ask my assistant to buy it for me and eat it in the room, which is relatively better."

This is the helplessness of celebrities. Sometimes I really don't understand why so many people dream of being famous. Brother Xiaoma couldn't help sighing.

In life, what one pursues is nothing more than fame and fortune. You have it now, and you are used to it, so you are a little tired. It's like a siege, some people want to come in, some people want to get out. The old horse joked with a smile.

Fame and fortune have long been overlooked at our stage. Brother Xiao Ma sighed, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "It's you, boy, who is surprising. You don't have any pursuits in this area at all. This doesn't seem like your age group."

Wu Hao put down his chopsticks, took a sip of the soup, and said with a smile: "Everyone's pursuit is different. Compared with fame and fortune, I actually value the pursuit and desire for the unknown more.

Instead of being troubled to attend those vanity fairs and enjoying the treatment of being admired by everyone, it is better to stay quietly in the laboratory and concentrate on research. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao showed a trace of regret and said: "As the company grows larger and more businesses are involved, there is less and less time left for me to do scientific research.

This is a decision that has to be compromised. In everyone's opinion, this decision is correct.

But for me, this choice is not happy. "

Haha, despite the aura of an entrepreneur, you are still a very good scientist. Lao Ma exaggerated, and then said to him: "This is an inevitable decision for many people to start a business at a certain stage, just like Xiao Ma, he also has such a decision process, such as Li Feihong, Xue Bing, Tao Zhengyang, they all turned around like this.

In fact, this kind of executive officer or CEO who understands technology is very meaningful for the development of a company, especially a technology company. Because we understand technology, we can always understand the situation of the company and the market industry, so as to make the most appropriate decisions and choices in a targeted manner, which is very important for the development of many enterprises.

Of course, apart from these, for many people, we are very selfish and hope that you can transfer to the field of technical research. On the one hand, this will save us a difficult business competitor. On the other hand, we really don't want your talents in the field of scientific research and technology to be lost like this.

A great entrepreneur is common, but a great scientist is rare. "

Hehe, Brother Xiao Ma smiled, and then said to Wu Hao: "I made a very difficult choice in this regard, but looking back, this choice is correct. For me, maybe I will How can I become a very good IT engineer, maybe I'm still in 996 now."

Hehehehe... Hearing Xiao Ma's teasing, both Wu Hao and Lao Ma laughed.

I always think that I made the most important and correct decision in my life at the most important stage. All the achievements today come from this time, so I am very grateful to the original me. Speaking of this, Ma looked at Wu Hao and said: "You are different from us, you are special. You are equally talented in business and scientific research, so it is understandable that it is difficult to make a decision.

If you can, I suggest that you don't give up, maybe you will focus on it, but you shouldn't give up completely. We don't want to lose a talented young entrepreneur, let alone an extraordinary scientist.

At least for me, I don't want to. Although we are commercial rivals, we are also a respectable one. You really relied on your own hard power to defeat us step by step. In this regard, we are convinced that we lost.

And I personally appreciate your talents, especially your achievements in scientific research. For me, your scientific research achievements will greatly affect our quality of life in the future. "

Hearing what the two said, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then filled the two with wine, then raised his glass to toast: "Thank you for your encouragement and encouragement, I will think about this aspect. No matter what, My yearning and pursuit of new technology and technology will not change."

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