Military Technology

Chapter 1536 Looks big, but it's actually a toothpick

After lunch, Wu Hao and the others returned to the hotel for a short rest, and then went to participate in relevant industry seminars. The overall atmosphere of the meeting was good. Everyone spoke freely, expressed their own development on the problems existing in some industries and the problems encountered in the development of their own enterprises, and put forward relevant improvement suggestions.

As for the leaders, they listened and recorded more, and expressed their views on some issues. Of course, such things and issues related to industry development cannot be decided on the spot and need to be discussed, and some even involve legal and regulatory issues, which is even more complicated.

The entire meeting lasted for more than two hours, and at the end, many people were still unsatisfied. In the end, everyone agreed to wait until next year's relevant chip industry forums to discuss freely. As for this time, we have talked enough, and these issues raised at the meeting also need a period of time for discussion and resolution.

After attending the seminar, Wu Hao's trip in Shanghai was over. So he rejected all the invitations to stay, and returned to Anxi by plane.

However, news related to today's ceremony is still being fermented everywhere, and the Internet is almost full of topics in this regard. And as the popularity continued to increase, some new news was also unearthed.

Someone exposed a photo of Wu Hao and the others having dinner in the clubhouse last night. In the photo, everyone was sitting in front of a long dining table chatting. Some people commented that this may be the most expensive meal in the country and even in the world. The net worth of these people and the market value of the companies behind them may add up to several trillion yuan, which has surpassed most countries in the world. It is worthy of saying that a country is as rich as an enemy.

Some netizens even ridiculed that if a missile falls at this time, the loss will be immeasurable.

There are two things that attract the most attention in this photo, and they are all related to Wu Hao. First of all, among so many big shots, Wu Hao is the youngest and the most handsome. Of course, this is mainly a foil, because the looks of all the big shots are really not very good. So under such a backdrop, Wu Hao's handsomeness is even more eye-catching.

Immediately, a lot of fans also reposted and liked it one after another. In the comment area, there were a lot of husbands, brothers, and even fathers. What made Wu Hao even more speechless was that some fans and netizens sent him a lot of private messages, in which they posted various photos of various scales. What makes his head full of black lines is that these photos have both men and women.

There was even a man who directly sent a full photo, and then left him a message, his brother is very big. But in reality, it was a toothpick.

For this, Wu Hao really wanted to take a selfie for him, showing off his capital, mine is bigger than yours.

Of course, he just thought about it, Wu Hao let his intelligent personal assistant 'Coco' deal with all these messes.

This is a bright spot, and the other bright spot is a device in Wu Hao's hand, which looks a bit like a tablet, but it is very thin.

And it's transparent, which made countless netizens start to speculate.

That's right, this is the smart transparent folding screen device Wu Hao showed you. Although the folded appearance is not shown in the photo, the unfolded appearance alone has attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people left messages asking Wu Hao if this is a new product that will be released this year. Many digital technology bloggers also forwarded it immediately and made some wild guesses.

Wu Hao didn't respond to this, but let them talk. This product will not be released in the near future, naturally there is no need to warm up, let's keep some mystery.

Of course, these are all small episodes. Although they are also attracting attention, the focus of everyone's attention is still on the lithography machine chip. Another thing is that Wu Hao announced that the floating-point computing power of their 'Tao' supercomputer has completely surpassed the most advanced and fastest supercomputer in the world.

This news may not be as good as the lithography machine and chip news. It is covered under the lithography machine and chip news, and it is not too attractive. But for all industries and people interested in technology, this news is no less shocking than the news of lithography machines.

Supercomputers have always been the cutting-edge field of competition among major technology giants in various countries. It can be said that they represent the highest technological achievements of a country or a company.

And Wu Hao and the others have allowed their self-developed supercomputer to reach the international leading level in so much time, which shows how powerful their scientific research strength is in the computer field.

What's more, this is not a traditional supercomputer, even if it is a traditional supercomputer, it is difficult to reach the leading level. But Wu Hao and the others did use photonic chips to realize the super photonic computer they developed. The technology contained in this is enough to shock and effervescent experts and scientific researchers in the computer field all over the world.

At present, the development of computer technology is more and more affected by Moore's Law and can even be said to be limited. The photonic chip is likely to be a key to breaking through Moore's Law, allowing humans to get rid of the restrictions of Moore's Law, so as to obtain chips with more powerful computing capabilities.

And the resulting impact will be huge, not only for the technology industry, but also for everyone on the planet. Because in the current world, the use of computer technology has penetrated into every aspect of our lives.

It can be said that the current human society has been closely bound with computer technology, and the improvement of computer technology will greatly promote and affect the major impact and changes in human society and even personal life.

This is also the case, so many experts and scholars can't help but question it, thinking that this news is false. It may be that Wu Hao deliberately boasted and exaggerated in order to attract people's attention. Although Wu Hao and the others have developed a super photonic computer, many people still do not believe that the computing power of Wu Hao and their super photonic computer has surpassed that of traditional supercomputers.

Some people even produced so-called evidence to testify against Wu Hao's fraud.

Many people in the company couldn't stand such slander and attacks, and hoped to release the relevant data information immediately, but Wu Hao refused. In Wu Hao's words, let them jump first, no matter how high they jump now, the worse they will fall later.

Moreover, the focus of the media and the public at this stage is on lithography machines and chips. The effect of the release is not great now. It is better to wait for the attention of lithography machines and chips to fall before releasing it.

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