Military Technology

Chapter 1549 Hidden Danger

Chapter 1550 Hidden Danger


After reminding Yuan Shouyi and ending the call, Wu Hao hesitated for a moment and then shook his head and said, "No, I need to contact the security department."

Lin Wei, who had been by his side, nodded, then leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, and then said: "I'm busy in the kitchen, don't worry too much, it's okay."

Watching Lin Wei leave, Wu Hao had a smile on his face. It was obvious that this was Lin Wei's excuse. She knew that she was not suitable to be present on this call, so she left with an excuse.

This time, Wu Hao did not use a big screen. Instead, he used his own smart mobile communication device to dial a digitally coded phone number.

"Hey, it's me, Wu Hao. The call is connected," Wu Hao said immediately.

A familiar voice came from the phone. This person was Xu Hui, an old acquaintance of Wu Hao. He replied on the phone: "I know it's you, so what do you do?"

"Have you heard about what happened tonight?" Wu Hao asked.

The caller replied: "I heard that a brother unit has already taken over this aspect."

Wu Hao nodded and said: "I know, but I think the other side of the convoy may be the smoke bomb released by the other party. In order to disrupt the audiovisual and divert attention, their real target should be our lithography machine development company in Shanghai.

Destroying a lithography machine will not have much impact on the development of our domestic lithography machines, but if we destroy our R\u0026D company and the R\u0026D data we have worked so hard to accumulate, then this project will really Died in infancy. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Xu Hui's breathing on the other side of the phone became more rapid. He immediately said: "This is just your guess. Is there any direct evidence?"

Wu Hao said firmly: "There is no direct evidence, this is my inference. They have no reason to just destroy a photolithography machine, and do it so blatantly. So I think the other party must have a bigger leader. From this point on They said that our Core Technology Company Park in Shanghai is indeed their best choice."

Xu Hui was silent for a while on the phone, and then said: "I will immediately contact the brother units in Shanghai and ask them to strengthen their vigilance."

"Excuse me, I'll treat you to dinner another day." Seeing that his goal was achieved, Wu Hao immediately smiled and said.

Xu Hui didn't buy what he said at all and said: "You don't have to eat, just let us use your newly developed special equipment for a few days.

You should also pay attention to one thing these days. Compared to the photolithography machine, your value is more attractive to them. I will arrange for someone to come over and you can have someone contact you. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao nodded and couldn't help but laugh and curse in his heart. He was really a master who never suffered any losses. Compared to a meal, those newly developed special equipment are obviously more attractive. Of course it is a trial, and the other party is still honest in this regard, but it is not clear how long the trial will be and how long it will take to get the money back.

At Shang Haixin Technology Park, after receiving Wu Hao's warning, Yuan Shouyi did not dare to be careless and immediately began to make arrangements. For a time, the entire park was brightly lit, and everyone who could be mobilized in the park took action.

Some employees who were confused about the situation were restricted by their supervisors and prohibited from moving around. Security personnel and internal technical confidentiality personnel, led by department heads and leaders, began to screen employees.

Inside the park, Yuan Shouyi personally led a group of people and began to conduct a blanket investigation with flashlights.

"Mr. Yuan, Mr. Yuan, the security department reported that the surveillance just now found that there were abnormal sparks near the factory building in Area C. Repeat, there were abnormal sparks near the factory building in Area C."

"Received, we will rush over immediately to strengthen the security of the park and investigate every weird person in the interstellar." After pressing the interstellar phone and saying this, Yuan Shouyi waved his hand and shouted to the people behind him: "Follow me, hurry!"

Immediately, a group of people, led by Yuan Shouyi, ran to the reporting location at full speed. They heard the voice on the intercom just now. At such a critical moment, even if there is a trace of movement, they must go all out to eliminate the danger in the bud. This company and this park are everyone’s hard work, and problems cannot be tolerated.

When Yuan Shouyi and the others ran to the reported location, panting and sweating profusely, they found that several electricians had already arrived and were setting up ladders to check.

Seeing Yuan Shouyi and the others, the electrician squad leader immediately came up to him: "Mr. Yuan!"

"How's the situation?" Yuan Shouyi nodded and asked, looking at the power facilities above.

The electrician's squad leader didn't waste any time and said directly: "The preliminary judgment may be that the circuit is faulty, but the specific cause requires further inspection to know."

"Then investigate quickly. We'll wait here." Yuan Shouyi urged.

"Yes!" the electrician squad leader responded, and immediately stopped talking, and instead checked the equipment and prepared to go into battle himself.

Just when they were about to go up, suddenly sparks came out from the electrical device above again, which made Yuan Shouyi and the others jump.

The electrician squad leader didn't care anymore and took the lead on the ladder and climbed up.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, the electrician squad leader climbed up, then picked up a tool and unscrewed the wiring device bit by bit, and picked up a flashlight to investigate carefully.

Suddenly, he was attracted by a burnt thing. He poked it with an electric pen, then picked it up, looked at it and smelled it.

When asked about the faint aroma of the burnt smell and the thick texture of the black stuff, the electrician's face suddenly changed, and then he shouted loudly: "It's chewing gum!"

"chewing gum?"

When everyone standing now heard the words of the electrician squad leader, looking for Shuyuan, they were surprised and confused, and their faces became ugly. How could chewing gum exist among such important electrical equipment?

So the only explanation is that the chewing gum was put there intentionally. If Wu Hao hadn't reminded him in time and they hadn't strengthened their investigation of the park, it would have probably led to serious consequences that are unimaginable.

Yuan Shouyi's face was livid and his eyeballs were bulging, as if they were about to pop out at any moment. He shouted to the electrician squad leader: "Check carefully and eliminate all hidden dangers."

"Everyone, continue the investigation. Please be alert tonight and don't let others take advantage of it." At this point, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and held it down: "Security department, strengthen the security of the park and strictly control the people entering and exiting. From now on. From now on, no one is allowed to move around the park or enter or leave the park unless approved by me."

"Mr. Yuan, should you call the police?" A senior manager next to him suggested to him.

Yuan Shouyi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need for now. If they come, the scene will be even more chaotic. Contact the security department and report our findings to them. At this time, they are more effective than the police."

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