Military Technology

Chapter 1550 A race against time

Chapter 1551 A race against time


While Yuan Shouyi and the others were investigating the park, a flashover suddenly occurred at a facility in the park very close to the research laboratory building.

The huge flames jumped more than ten meters high and quickly enveloped the facility in a sea of ​​flames.

Yuan Shouyi and others who were not far away were stunned by the sudden fire. Yuan Shouyi was the first to react and shouted at everyone: "Quick, put out the fire. Don't be stunned. Put out the fire quickly. Call the fire alarm!"

Yuan Shouyi and others who hurried to the scene with dry powder fire extinguishers found that employees had begun to come out of the laboratory building in panic, and several people were holding dry powder fire extinguishers and preparing to put out the fire.

Facing the chaotic situation, Yuan Shouyi knew that he must not panic at this moment and must stay calm and clear enough.

"Don't be nervous. The security personnel quickly maintained order on the scene and organized the rapid evacuation of personnel. At the same time, the security facilities of the research laboratory building were strengthened to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos to cause trouble."

"The rest of the people will fight the fire with me and wait for the arrival of the rescue team." Yuan Shouyi took the lead in pulling out the safety pin of the dry powder fire extinguisher in his hand and walked towards the fire scene with the fire extinguisher in hand.

Seeing this, the remaining people didn't hesitate much, but they all pulled out the safety pins of the fire extinguishers they were holding, and followed Yuan Shouyi towards the fire scene.

Mr. Yuan, this is a power distribution facility. Now we must cut off the power supply before we can carry out rescue, otherwise there is a high risk of electric shock.

The hurried electrician squad leader shouted at Yuan Shouyi.

Yuan Shouyi sprayed the dry powder again and again and shouted to the electrician squad leader: "Then what are you waiting for? Cut it off quickly."

The electrician squad leader expressed his worries and concerns: "But once the power is cut off, some data in the experimental building may be lost, and some equipment may even be damaged, which will lead to some irreparable losses."

I can’t worry about so much now, I’ll cut off the power first. Yuan Shouyi said decisively. Compared with data loss and equipment damage, the most important thing now is to put out the fire. Otherwise, once the fire spreads, the damage caused will be truly inestimable.

Etc., etc. At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and holding a fire extinguisher came over and shouted to Yuan Shouyi and the electrician squad leader.

"Mr. Luo, we cannot cut off the power rashly. If the data inside is lost, then our work in the previous months or even years will be in vain."

The person he blocked was very familiar to Yuan Shouyi. He was the person in charge of one of his first system projects, named He Yang. What he said was not unreasonable, but at this critical moment, Yuan Shouyi could not wait any longer: "If the data is lost, then get it back. If it is gone, we will do it again. But if the laboratory building is gone, then we have nothing." Gone.

What are you doing here? Turn off the power immediately. "

Etc., etc. He Yang threw away the fire extinguisher and opened his arms to stop him: "Give me ten minutes, just ten minutes, and I will save the data. It only takes ten minutes. Mr. Yuan, this is the result of our hard work."

Hearing He Yang's words, Yuan Shouyi hesitated for a moment, then looked at the fire scene that was still burning fiercely, then turned to He Yang and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I'll give you ten minutes. If you can't play in ten minutes, then The power was immediately cut off.

You go there in time, and when ten minutes are up, the power will be cut off immediately! "Yuan Shouyi gave an order to the electrician squad leader.

yes! The electrician squad leader responded immediately.

Enough, enough, ten minutes! As he spoke, He Yang began to run towards the laboratory building, waving and shouting at the evacuating employees as he ran.

At He Yang's shout, several young people who had not yet taken off their white lab coats rushed into the laboratory building following He Yang.

Yuan Shouyi glanced at the backs of He Yang and the others, and then, as if he had made an important decision, he looked at the blazing fire in front of him and shouted loudly: "Everyone, stay here for me and make sure to keep the scientific research laboratory building."

It's the end of the world at this time, the weather is already very hot, and with this blazing flame man, everyone feels like they are being merged.

This was especially true for those who rushed in front of the fire. The sweat from their bodies was quickly evaporated by the high temperature, and their skin was illuminated red by the flames.


There was another flashover at the scene, and the huge flames forced everyone at the scene to retreat.

Mr. Yuan, we can't wait any longer. The power must be cut off, otherwise we can't fire up the water gun. Several anxious cadres urged.

Wait, wait. As Yuan Shouyi spoke, he looked at the scientific research laboratory building from time to time. The staff had already laid out several connected water hoses and held the water guns in their arms. As long as the power is cut off, these water guns can discharge water, which can suppress the fire scene.

But now, the power cannot be cut off and smart dry powder fire extinguishers are used to put out the fire. But with such a huge flame, firefighters holding fire extinguishers can hardly rely on it, let alone put out the fire.

He Yang, are you okay? Yuan Shouyi picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

He Yang's urgent voice soon came from the intercom: "Give me a few more minutes, just a few minutes, and I'll be able to do it."

Bring me all the dry powder fire extinguishers, quickly!

Where is the fire brigade?

Yuan Shouyi threw away the intercom, then picked up the fire extinguisher next to him and shouted OK.

"Several fire departments nearby are on their way!"

At this time, everyone suddenly heard a buzzing sound, and saw five or six large multi-axis drones beginning to hover over the fire field, with the lights above scanning the people at the scene from time to time.

Whose drone? Yuan Shouyi shouted loudly. Find Shuyuan

It seems to be from the security department. Someone answered.

Now, what are they doing to join in the fun? Yuan Shouyi shouted dissatisfied, and then started to put out the fire on his own. However, in the face of the raging fire, the dry powder fire extinguisher in his hand was of no use at all.

Is the time up? Are you still okay? Yuan Shouyi grabbed a walkie-talkie from someone unknown and shouted loudly.

One minute, just give me one minute, I'll be fine soon. He Yang's hoarse voice came from the intercom.

Hearing He Yang's voice, Yuan Shouyi and everyone present began to count down silently. The electrician squad leader in the main control room of the park's power facilities was also staring at the intercom nervously, waiting for the voice inside.

It was said to be ten minutes, and ten minutes have passed now. According to Yuan Shouyi's previous instructions, he should cut off the power decisively. But if he did this, it would mean that He Yang and the others' hard work had been in vain, so he was also waiting for the voice on the intercom.

Okay, repeat, the storage is completed and the power can be turned off! He Yang's urgent shouting came from the intercom.

Power outage. The electrician squad leader gave the order decisively.

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