Military Technology

Chapter 1552 The destined sleepless night

With so many things happening in one night, Wu Hao would definitely not be able to sleep tonight. Not only could he not sleep, many people would not be able to sleep today.

The convoy transporting lithography equipment has returned to the road under the escort of the police and is heading to Shudu. The fire at the core technology company campus in Shanghai has also been successfully extinguished, and subsequent cleanup and investigation into the cause of the fire are now underway.

In fact, no investigation is needed to know that this fire was definitely no accident and was definitely caused deliberately. So now not only Wu Hao and the others want to find out the reason, the police and the security department have also intervened and started investigating.

After this incident, Yuan Shouyi and the others did not dare to be careless and began to arrange personnel to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the entire Core Technology Park to eliminate all possible hidden dangers.

On the other hand, security measures need to be strengthened, and the police and security departments will also enter the park to conduct camps to prevent the enemy from coming back.

Naturally, such a big news cannot be hidden from anyone. Some well-informed people already know about it. Some people even posted photos of the fire in the Core Technology Park on the Internet, including videos and photos of the motorcade's car accident on the highway. It was posted online and was forwarded by some big V bloggers, attracting the attention of many netizens and even making headlines.

Something happened to a team member or a colleague in the company. Apparently netizens didn’t believe it was a coincidence, so a lot of conspiracy theories came out one after another.

This also caused some of Wu Hao's friends, elders, and relatives to call and inquire about related matters. In particular, Wu Hao's father, stepmother, and prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law also called in the middle of the night to inquire about the situation. Apparently, they also saw the news from the Internet.

Wu Hao felt very guilty about his family's worries and making them worried. To be honest, this was also a kind of unfilial piety.

In this regard, Wu Hao could only comfort his family as much as possible. After showing them some current photos and videos, they were finally appeased.

Wu Hao's work is not over yet. On the one hand, he has to recover other elders, leaders and friends who care about him. On the other hand, he also has to deal with a series of problems derived from this incident.

Before I knew it, it was getting bright.

Lin Wei, wearing a red suspender skirt, came down from upstairs and came to Wu Hao's office. As soon as she opened the door, Wu Hao, who had just been lying on the chair and squinting for a while, woke up. Looking at Lin Wei who walked in slowly, Wu Hao yawned and said, "What time is it?"

It's half past six. It's still early. You should go to bed and sleep for a while. Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao's tired expression and couldn't help but express concern.

Wu Hao rubbed his eyes, then shook his head and said, "No, there's still a lot of work to do at dawn. I just squinted for half an hour, that's enough."

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Lin Wei wanted to persuade him again, but he swallowed it back. He knew Wu Hao's character, and in this situation, even if he was asked to go back to his room to rest, he wouldn't be able to sleep. .

So thinking of this, Lin Wei no longer insisted, but said to him: "If you want to eat something, I will make it for you."

Don't go to such trouble, just ask someone to buy some. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand.

Okay, I'll make the arrangements, don't worry about it. Lin Wei smiled slightly, then glanced at Wu Haona--\u003e\u003e

He said with some greasy hair on his head and oily skin: "After staying up all night, I feel like taking a shower and changing clothes."

Wu Hao also felt a little uncomfortable, and then nodded, then called the elevator to go upstairs to freshen up and tidy up.

Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao's back with a worried expression, but it quickly disappeared, regained her smile, and started to prepare breakfast for Wu Hao.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Wu Hao walked downstairs feeling refreshed and found Lin Wei already busy in the kitchen.

Wu Hao smiled slightly and continued to work.

In fact, he had been waiting for calls from both sides all night. As for the high-speed accident, the police had used surveillance cameras along the route and recent high-speed toll station surveillance to determine the situation of the relevant vehicles before the convoy entered, and focused their suspicion on a large black off-road vehicle. On the car, the timing of the appearance of this off-road vehicle was too coincidental, and after investigation, it was found that this off-road vehicle was not far from the convoy and followed it for hundreds of kilometers. It wasn't until before entering the tunnel that he accelerated past the convoy and drove to the front.

In this way, the police have reason to suspect that this off-road vehicle and the people in this off-road vehicle are suspected of committing major crimes.

At present, the police have begun to deploy controls at various exits and have begun to intercept the off-road vehicle.

However, the police's control and interception operation was still a step late. After all, inter-provincial operations require responsible procedures, which is a waste of time. As a result, the off-road vehicle drove out of the high-speed exit of a small county town in the next area. After calling the county town's relevant road surveillance, the police found that the vehicle appeared several times in the county town's surveillance footage and then disappeared.

Compared with big cities, the monitoring facilities in counties are still not complete enough. They are mainly concentrated at some major intersections. Apart from this range, some suburbs and towns rarely have public monitoring systems.

At present, the police have arrived at the scene and have begun to cooperate with the local police to search for the car and the people in the car. Although knowing that such a big target would be almost impossible to escape attention, it would still take time to find the car and catch the person inside.

On the Shanghai side, look for Shuyuan The police have obtained accurate information from the fire department. Whether it was the chewing gum discovered by the electrician squad leader or the fire in the electrical facilities behind, it was all caused intentionally. The fire department also confirmed that this was a fire caused by an electrical short circuit. Thinking of the chewing gum discovered before, everyone knows it. This is the double insurance taken by the other party. No matter which electrical facility catches fire, it can cause a fire.

Fortunately, Wu Hao reminded him in time, and Yuan Shouyi and others led people to investigate. Otherwise, if it was not dealt with in time, the fire would probably get out of control and spread to the Dao Scientific Research Laboratory Building and even the entire park.

Now that the cause of the fire has been determined, the police and security departments began to investigate to see who caused the fire.

The security system of this core technology company park is the responsibility of the Haoyu Technology technical team, and the security system they use for external commercial use is also used. Logically speaking, such a major security breach should not occur, but unexpectedly, a problem still occurred.

As the police and security departments, they have also learned about the excellent performance of this system, so they are also curious about who is so powerful that he was able to succeed twice under such strict security system monitoring.

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