Military Technology

Chapter 1553 A case with twists and turns

Through surveillance investigations, the police and security agencies finally discovered clues. Monitoring showed that three days ago, power department personnel inspected and maintained the power facilities in the park. This maintenance is a routine maintenance performed every month, so there is nothing unusual about it.

However, through surveillance footage, the police and security departments still found out. The electrical facilities where the chewing gum was placed and the electrical facilities where the fire broke out were both maintained by one person. In other words, this person is the most suspicious.

The police immediately took action and prepared to arrest the man. However, when the police arrived, the rental house where the man lived was already empty.

At present, the police have begun a city-wide manhunt, and have begun to verify and investigate the information of passengers entering and exiting the commercial sea, and are trying to quickly replace the power maintenance worker.

The unresolved situation on both sides really gave Wu Hao and the others a headache. Even if such results were truthfully announced, no one would believe it. Moreover, according to the current recommendations of the security department and the police, it is not appropriate to make this incident public until the investigation is clear.

So in the face of the swarming reporters, Yuan Shouyi had no choice but to issue a statement to the reporters. The statement briefly introduced the two incidents and stated that the cause of the incident was under active investigation. Once the preliminary results are obtained after cooperating with the police investigation, they will be announced to the public as soon as possible.

Naturally, both reporters and netizens were dissatisfied with this. Such a frivolous statement is obviously very unconvincing. However, in the face of various speculations from the outside world, both Yuan Shouyi and Wu Hao and other shareholders remained unusually silent and never mentioned this matter.

The investigation by the security agencies and the police is still continuing, but the results are not very satisfactory. First of all, regarding the high-speed accident, the black off-road vehicle was found and was found on the side of the provincial road, but the people in the car were missing.

Through investigation, it was learned that the car belonged to a certain coastal province. The owner had called the police a few days ago and it was a stolen and lost vehicle. So the clues have been cut off at this point. No one knows who drove the car or who was in the car.

So the police began to send a working group to the city where the car was stolen to investigate, hoping to find some clues. For example, some of the surveillance footage of the car when it was driving out of the city, including the footage of people witnessing it, would be easy to handle as long as the facial information of the people in the car could be locked.

On the other hand, the police task force began to visit the people in front and behind the provincial road, and actively collected surveillance footage from the people and in front of some commercial stores, hoping to find clues. We also started to conduct interviews and surveys on short-distance target buses driving on provincial highways, and requested on-board monitoring and so on.

The police are even planning to look for some vehicles driving on provincial highways during that period to see if they can find relevant clues from the driving recorders.

The investigation of the fire case on the campus of Shanghaixin Technology Company was not very smooth. With the efforts of the security department and the police, the power maintenance worker was finally found, but he was already dead. The Jiangsu Provincial Police received a report and found a body in the mangrove forest on the seaside. After police comparison, they found that this was the power maintenance worker that the Shanghai police were looking for.

Due to the high temperature and being soaked in sea water for several days, the body was severely decomposed, but the forensic doctor still found a lot of useful information from it. First, the time of death of the power maintenance worker was determined through corruption, which should be between five and eight hours after the fire on the Core Technology Company campus. In other words, at dawn the next morning.

This seaside mangrove is about 400 kilometers away from where Shang Hai, a power maintenance worker, lives, and from the Core Technology Company campus. Although it is not ruled out that this body floated over from a distance, one thing can be confirmed, that is, this person must have escaped on his own initiative, otherwise he would not have appeared on the seaside of Suzhou Province, more than 400 kilometers away.

Secondly, this man had no other injuries on his body, and the number of mobile phones, wallets, bank cards, etc. he carried on his body was not reduced. This also shows that this is not a murder case, but a targeted silence.

Moreover, the killer is very professional and can be said to be fatal with one blow. The electrical maintenance worker had only one wound on his body, which was on his vest. Someone had inserted a sharp instrument into his heart, stirred it up, and then pulled it out.

Such a professional killing method, killing with one blow, fully shows how powerful this killer is.

You must know that it is actually very difficult to kill a person, especially from the back. There are many ribs on the back. It is very difficult to insert the heart from the back. What's more, after the wound examination, it can be determined that the opponent used a saber with serrations on the back.

This kind of saber with a wider blade can be inserted through the gap between the ribs and can penetrate the heart at a very accurate angle, which shows that this person knows the structure of the human body very well. Find Shuyuan www. has certain knowledge of human anatomy.

It is obviously a habit to rotate the blade and stir it after piercing the heart, ensuring that it can kill with one blow without leaving any further trouble.

Moreover, this electrical maintenance worker is relatively tall, 1.8 meters tall. He has been engaged in electrical maintenance work for a long time, has plenty of energy, and has very good physical fitness. But such a person did not resist at all before his death. This shows that the electrical maintenance worker knew the killer and was relatively familiar with him, so he was unprepared and was killed from behind.

On the other hand, it also shows that this killer was able to kill this sturdy electrical maintenance worker very simply, and his physique and strength were not weak.

In addition, the police also found some rut marks and shoe prints around the scene, including cigarette butts, mineral water bottles, etc., which further confirmed the previous speculation.

But that's all. All the information clues have been cut off here. No one knows who this killer is. Everything seems to be back to the point. Where can we find a breakthrough?

For a time, this issue became the number one problem plaguing the police task force and the security department task force.

Just when everyone was at an impasse, a piece of news swept away everyone's anxiety for many days and made everyone excited. It turned out that the ETC system of the high-speed toll station where Shanghai went to Jiangsu Province was out of order and was undergoing maintenance during the two days of the fire on the Core Technology Company campus. Therefore, a manual toll collection window was temporarily used at the entrance of the expressway. Through the surveillance camera at the toll booth window, the police and the security department discovered the electrical maintenance worker sitting on the passenger seat, and a man wearing a peaked cap and black-rimmed glasses sitting on the driver's seat.

Everyone is likely to believe that this man is the killer who killed the electrical maintenance worker and the real mastermind behind the fire.

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