Military Technology

Chapter 1554 The conspiracy was revealed

Now that we have the face of the suspected killer, the next step will be easier.

The task force immediately took action. They first started intelligent search through the Skynet system, and searched and compared all public transportation monitoring systems in the entire Shanghai City and all public place monitoring systems covered by the Skynet system in the recent period. Yes, look for other traces of this person in Shanghai during this period.

A person's face can be changed, but the bones cannot be changed. The Skynet system uses skull data for comparison, and its accuracy can reach more than 95%. After checking through advance data, it is easy to Find this person.

At the same time, technical experts are still using the person's image data to compare it with relevant information in the database, such as resident identity information, passport information and even driver's license information. By comparing this information, they can find out the person's identity.

After several days of comparison, the results were mixed. What is informative is that through comparison with the Skynet system, the trajectory of this person's activities in Shanghai and even surrounding areas over the past few days has been unearthed, and more and clearer pictures have been continuously displayed in front of the task force.

What is worrying is that through comparison of residents’ household registration information and passport information of immigrants, although some similar objects were found, they were all checked one by one in the end. In other words, no information about this person was found. There are two results represented by this. One is that this person is a black householder and has not entered the household registration information collection. This is impossible. In today's domestic information environment where information is so developed, it is impossible to do anything without personally identifiable information.

So there is another possibility that this person is a foreigner and entered the country illegally. In this way, it can be explained clearly why there is no information about him in the system.

As the investigation deepened and personnel investigated, more and more information was unearthed. This person used false identity information after illegally entering the country, and the police found the vehicle driven by the killer. The car was rented from a car rental company. Of course, the information used during the rental was false. The car was not returned to the dealership as scheduled. After the owner of the dealership called the police, he and the police finally found it through the GPS traces worn on the vehicle, but it was found that it had been silenced in a lake.

After the police recovered the vehicle, they carefully searched and extracted it through trace and evidence identification experts. Finally, they found several fingerprints on the steering wheel of the vehicle and even in the trunk. Although they were blurred after being soaked in water. However, with the efforts of technical experts, it was restored.

Through fingerprint database comparison, no matching fingerprint was found, which shows that this is a professional agent who has smuggled in and has received very professional training. His purpose is very clear, which is to destroy the core technology company campus.

As a result, this case is beyond the scope of the police's functions and will be fully handed over to the security department. Of course, the police will also provide full assistance and cooperation.

The security department is not a vegetarian. Through various channels, they finally found out the identity of this person. Not surprisingly, they realized the nutrition they speculated.

Faced with such an arrogant opponent, the security department is not easy to bully. The leaders of the General Administration quickly instructed that it should be treated as a major case as a priority and that this person should be brought to justice before he slipped out of the country.

Immediately, a large invisible net unfolded, waiting for the fish to enter the net. As the police investigation became more and more intense, the killer also realized that he could no longer stay in the Shanghai area and had to leave, preferably out of the country.

Normal channels were definitely not working anymore. He went through some underground smugglers and finally got on board a coal ship bound for the north. Coal is transported from the north to the south, and the Shanghai area is also one of the important coal consumption areas. The coal transported from the north directly supports several thermal power plants around Shanghai, providing stable power output for Shanghai. In addition, Shanghai is also the most important transshipment port in East China, so the port trade is very busy.

The killer planned to board the ship first, escape from the merchant sea, and then sneak out from the north. However, this trend has long been grasped by the security department. After luring the man on board, the special service was immediately mobilized to arrest the man.

The whole arrest process went very smoothly. Although this man put up a stubborn resistance, he was weak and unable to fly under heavy siege. At the last moment, he wanted to commit suicide by taking poison, but how could the special service personnel let him do so? They had already learned about this situation. With very rich disposal methods and procedures, he decisively broke his wrist bones, knocked out the poison capsule, and successfully captured him.

Immediately, the security department began to conduct a surprise interrogation of this man. It was impossible for him to be the only one involved in such a large operation. There must have been other accomplices, otherwise he would not have been able to carry out the operation so smoothly.

On the other side of the high-speed traffic accident case, the police and the security department successfully dug out the profile pictures of the suspects through the driving recorders of several car owners, entered them into the database for comparison, and finally locked them. The identity of the suspect.

In the end, after layers of searches, these people were arrested and brought to justice in their hometown. After these people confessed, they were hired by a person who promised them a reward of 20,000 yuan each. Find a book garden These people were previously idle members of society with criminal records and no fixed income. After the other party proposed such an attractive and generous reward, they agreed without hesitation for a long time.

In their opinion, it was just a matter of causing a car accident and scattering some nails. There were so many vehicles on the highway, who knew it was them. For safety reasons, they also stole a car. Unexpectedly, in the end, he was caught and brought to justice by the police.

At this point, the case finally comes to an end. This also made Wu Hao and the others breathe a sigh of relief. If the suspect could not be caught for a long time, wouldn't they be worried all day long.

Of course, even though the case was solved, they could not take it lightly or be careless. Who knows if the other party will take other actions. The emergence of this five-nanometer EUV lithography machine has shattered many of their dreams, and is now regarded as a thorn in their side.

In response, Wu Hao and the others strengthened the security forces of Shanghaixin Technology Company Park and Shudu Factory on the one hand. On the other hand, the police and security departments have also increased their attention to the two facilities and taken relevant measures to protect them to avoid similar situations in the future.

As a result, Wu Hao and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, not everyone thought so, and a few of them began to waver.

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