Military Technology

Chapter 1576 Intelligent Bionic Artificial Heart

Facing everyone's expectations, Wu Hao smiled slightly and then preached.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 20 million people die from various heart diseases every year in the world, and more than 5 million people die from various heart diseases in our country every year.

It can be said that heart disease has become a major killer of human life and health, and compared with other diseases, heart disease is more dangerous. If the patient is not treated in time, he may lose his life.

For many severe heart diseases, in the end there is basically no good solution except heart transplantation. Even after a heart transplant is completed, it is actually very uncertain how long the patient can survive. Because allogeneic transplantation technology has a big drawback, that is rejection, which requires long-term drug maintenance. Therefore, this allogeneic heart transplant surgery can only help patients prolong their lives, but cannot truly cure them.

The longest recorded survival time of allogeneic heart transplant patients can reach thirty years, which is a remarkable number. But for many young, especially adolescent patients with severe heart disease, thirty years is too short. And this is only the longest record. According to statistics, the average survival time of allogeneic heart transplantation is about twelve years. This time can be long or short depending on the individual differences of the patients.

For patients and their families who have spent a huge amount of money to complete the allogeneic heart transplant surgery, this little time is obviously not enough.

Moreover, after many patients complete allogeneic heart surgery and transplantation, their personal quality of life is actually not very high, far from reaching the level of normal people. They can only maintain a basic normal life, such as some strenuous sports, and even some exciting activities and even stories will be far away from them.

For the vast majority of heart disease patients, most of them do not have the resources or conditions to undergo heart transplantation. The cost of treatment, which can easily reach hundreds of thousands or millions, is a huge expense for every patient and family member, and not everyone can afford it. Moreover, the final result is uncertain, and we don’t know how long such a large expenditure will last.

It is possible that what will be exchanged in the end is a situation of no one with no money.

For many patients with severe heart disease, in addition to conventional surgeries, they are also equipped with artificial hearts. The so-called artificial heart does not actually completely replace the heart. It can only replace part of the functions of the heart and perform blood circulation. Most artificial hearts are actually magnetically suspended axial flow pumps that use the pumping principle to replace the heart for blood circulation.

Because of this, many heart disease patients lose their pulse after being fitted with artificial hearts. Blood flows smoothly through the blood vessels, so the pulse does not beat. There is no heartbeat sound from the stethoscope, and even if an electrocardiogram is taken, it is just a straight line without any data displayed.

This artificial heart is indeed a great invention that has saved the lives of many patients. But it is not without its shortcomings. First of all, its flow rate is stable, so the blood flow rate it delivers is the same no matter what time it is.

This means that patients with artificial heart transplants cannot engage in strenuous exercise or excessive emotional reactions, and they even need to pay attention to their diet. Once you exercise intensely, have a strong emotional reaction, or eat a little too much, other organs in the body need a lot of blood to work. The blood flow rate of the artificial heart is quantitative, so it may cause hypoxic damage to other organs. Moreover, long-term fixed flow rate will also lead to a series of cardiovascular diseases, and may even cause serious thrombosis and other risks.

Of course, scientists discovered the shortcomings in this area and immediately developed an artificial heart with a heartbeat and pulse. The pulsating flow of the college is simulated and realized through the different rotation speeds of the magnetic levitation tensioner, thus generating a pulse. However, there is still no heartbeat, and the pulse generated is also a very regular ripple. Although some problems have been solved, most of them have not been improved.

Subsequently, scientists developed an intelligent artificial heart that can sense the intensity of the human body's exercise and match different blood flows. This technology has definitely improved a lot compared to before, but it still has many problems and great limitations.

And all artificial hearts cannot actually cure the patient, they can only extend the patient's life. And limited by factors such as materials, the service life of most artificial hearts is only five years. It needs to be replaced after five years, but not all patients with artificial hearts can get a new heart in time. Due to long-term implantation of artificial hearts, many patients no longer meet the conditions for secondary implantation.

So for these patients, they can only wait calmly for the end of their lives. This is cruel, but it has to be faced, and no one can change it.

Wu Hao's words made the atmosphere at the scene a bit depressing. These are facts, but they are facts that no one is willing to face.

A more frightening fact is that almost all of us will have such heart disease patients around us, and there will also be relatives who died of heart disease. So when everyone faces this kind of life, old age, illness and death, they are always so powerless.

So the more this happens, the more people are looking forward to the smart bionic artificial heart mentioned by Wu Hao. I don’t know whether it can really solve this major disease that seriously threatens human life and health.

After a slight pause, controlling the rhythm and giving everyone at the scene time to react and anticipate, Wu Hao continued his sermon.

“Almost at the same time as our smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye project, we launched the smart bionic development project of human organs, and the smart bionic artificial heart is the top priority of our entire project.

In our opinion, the human heart structure is the simplest in terms of structure and functionality compared to other organs, and it is also the easiest to be bionic in theory.

But so far, it seems that no artificial bionic heart has appeared in the world and can be successfully put into clinical treatment. Why? Is it because there is no such technology in the world at present? "

Wu Hao shook his head and said: "Of course not. In fact, with our current technological level, we can completely create a lifelike artificial heart. However, this kind of heart may not be suitable for implantation in the human body. The main reason is that it is limited by the material. . On the one hand, the corrosion resistance, stability and reliability of these materials, and on the other hand, the service life.”

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