Military Technology

Chapter 1577 The astonishing difficulty of development

“If we simply create an artificial heart, it will be no different from those products on the market, which is not what we want.

What we want is a technical product that can truly replace heart function and allow patients to return to normal life. Patients no longer need to worry about diseases and can enjoy normal life like ordinary people. They should also enjoy the stimulation brought by sports and even try some extreme sports that ordinary people cannot try. "

So with this idea in mind, our intelligent bionic artificial heart technology research project team immediately started research work in this area.

Before the relevant research is officially launched, in our opinion, this should be a project that is not that difficult. But when we actually got involved, we found that the technology in this project was far from being as simple as we imagined.

First of all, we rejected the use of pumping technology in traditional artificial hearts. In our opinion, this technology has great limitations, so we did not decide to adopt it.

Since we need a bionic heart, can we create an artificial heart that has the same structure as a real human heart? This artificial heart, like a real heart, relies on contraction to promote blood flow, so that the patient's heartbeat and pulse can be achieved.

Of course, heartbeat and pulse alone are not enough. It must also be able to make corresponding adjustments according to the different conditions of the transplant recipient. For example, when the transplantee is walking normally, the smart bionic artificial heart will contract normally. When the transplanter starts running or doing distance exercise, the smart bionic artificial heart will also be based on the transplanter's exercise intensity and the blood oxygenation of each organ. The demand is adjusted to increase the frequency of contraction and blood supply to support the patient's corresponding high-intensity exercise.

At the same time, when the transplant recipient calms down, such as lying down to rest, the intelligent bionic artificial heart must be able to detect the corresponding state and make targeted adjustments. For example, the number and amplitude of contractions can be adjusted to reduce blood flow, thereby ensuring that the transplant recipient's major organs return to normal and will not continue to be congested and excited.

It’s not enough to just consider function, we also have to consider materials. Since it is necessary to bionicly simulate the heartbeat contraction of a real heart, there are strict requirements on materials.

First of all, all the materials that make up this smart bionic artificial heart must have good corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, good biocompatibility, etc. Because these requirements determine the operating time of this intelligent bionic artificial heart in the transplant patient, and are also directly related to the life span of the transplant patient.

Therefore, we must extend the working time of the intelligent bionic artificial heart in the human body as much as possible, which places extremely strict and even harsh requirements on materials.

In addition, they must have extremely strong biocompatibility. Simply put, these materials must be compatible with the human body and must not have reactions such as rejection or allergies. After all, these materials need to exist in the patient's body for a long time, so once these reactions occur, it will seriously affect the patient's health.

Generally speaking, materials with these elements are metals, such as titanium, which is the most commonly used metal in human medical devices and equipment because titanium meets the above conditions.

But titanium also has its own limitations, and not all parts are suitable for this metal. In particular, this smart bionic artificial heart needs to simulate the beating and contraction of a real heart, so the material must have a certain degree of humanity and softness. Only in this way can the contraction be carried out.

Metal obviously does not meet this condition, and the only one that meets this requirement is polymer composite materials. It is also a polymer composite material that combines the above elements.

Next is the energy supply. The smart bionic artificial heart certainly cannot rely on the human body to provide energy support like a real heart, so it still needs to provide its own energy. In this regard, batteries are generally used as energy to drive the operation of the entire device. However, the battery life is limited and may need to be replaced over time. This will require re-operation on the patient, which places a great burden on the patient. and pain.

So can we choose a new energy source or a new battery to ensure that the battery does not need to be replaced for a long time, or even for a lifetime.

Some people may have already thought about whether to use the nuclear batteries currently used by humans in space exploration. The nuclear batteries have long-term discharge properties. In this way, they can meet the energy needs of the artificial heart and do not need to be charged for life.

The idea is great, but nuclear batteries are not as good as everyone thinks. It also has a series of problems, such as radiation issues. Nuclear batteries use radioactive isotopes, which have a certain degree of radioactivity. If placed in the human body, whether it will cause harm to people and whether there will be some safety hazards is worth considering.

In addition, the heart is so big that there is very little space for the battery. It is obviously unrealistic to put a nuclear battery in such a small space. Even if it is plugged in, the continuous battery power generated by such a small size is very limited, and it may not be able to support the operation of this smart bionic artificial heart.

Finally, the decay period of radioactive isotopes is actually not as long as everyone thinks. Generally speaking, it is about ten to twenty to thirty years. If it is really used, it will be a big problem to replace and dispose of it.

Therefore, we still set our target in the field of ordinary batteries. As we all know, we at Haoyu Technology have always been at the international leading level in the field of battery technology. So whether we can develop a battery that meets the above requirements and serve as the energy source to drive this intelligent bionic artificial heart will also be one of the major problems our team overcomes.

After the introduction, Wu Hao took a breath and gave the audience some time to react before continuing.

"After we listed these problems and the related technologies to be overcome, the entire team, including some well-informed executives in the company, were dumbfounded.

This seemingly simple intelligent bionic artificial heart brings about a series of technical problems that we have never thought of before.

If we continue this project, the difficulties we will face and the investment required will definitely be unprecedented.

Should you continue or give up? "

Wu Hao looked at everyone and said with a smile: "We chose to continue. This is a very difficult decision. Because in the eyes of many people, our project will not bear fruit.

But I firmly believe that we can succeed. On the one hand, it is because I have enough confidence in our scientific researchers, and on the other hand, we have also firmed up our goals, because we know that once this technology is successfully developed, it will not only bring huge economic benefits, but more importantly, Can save countless lives.

It is precisely because of this belief that we have the courage to persist. "

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