Military Technology

Chapter 1582 The patient’s new life

"The next step is the most critical adaptation period. Whether the patient's body can accept this smart bionic artificial heart and whether this smart bionic artificial heart is functioning normally will be the focus of our observation.

No matter for our entire medical expert team, scientific research and technical team, or family members, there is no turning back. If everything goes well and succeeds, there is nothing to say, but if it fails, it means that the patient will die directly without any rescue measures.

Therefore, this short period of time is very stressful for all of us. After all, a living life is at stake.

In addition, we also need to pay close attention to the anastomotic interface between the intelligent bionic artificial heart and the aorta vein in the patient's body. How to connect fresh blood vessels to artificial materials without causing rejection, and also to ensure that the aorta-veno-arterial vascular interface will not shrink or leak. This is what we need to observe closely. "

"In fact, in order to realize the anastomotic connection between the intelligent bionic artificial heart and the cardiac aorta and main vein, we have made a lot of efforts in this area. On the one hand, we need the entire connection method to be quick and fast to reduce the operation time. In this way, the blood vessel network in the patient's body can be circulated as quickly as possible, so that coagulation and thrombus formation will not occur because the blood stops flowing.

In addition, it is also to prevent other tissues of the body from being damaged by hypoxia due to long-term lack of blood oxygen supply. Especially the brain, if there is no timely supply of blood oxygen within five minutes, permanent and irreversible damage may occur.

Although blood anticoagulants and auxiliary vascular circulation equipment are injected before the operation to assist the operation, the entire operation time must be as fast as possible. Therefore, this requires that the entire vascular anastomosis surgery be completed as quickly as possible. Conventional anastomosis surgery only requires the same front line.

What we used this time is artificial arteriovenous blood vessels, so the anastomosis with the patient's arteriovenous blood vessels must be innovative in technology. In addition to conventional anastomosis surgery, we also applied a bioprosthetic glue to its seams and superficial wounds.

This kind of biorepair glue can quickly cover the wound, allowing it to heal quickly, and can improve the pressure-bearing capacity of the anastomosis. In this way, even if the patient's blood flow rate is too fast and the blood pressure is high when exercising for a long distance, the safety of the anastomosis interface can be ensured. "

At this point, Wu Hao took a breath, and then continued: "The patient regained consciousness eight hours after entering the ICU, and twenty hours later, he was fully awake and in good mental condition.

Test data from various equipment show that the patient's physiological indicators have gradually returned to normal. However, in order to ensure the safety of the patient's life, we continue to closely monitor the patient to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Five days after the patient entered the ICU, all physical indicators had returned to normal and his mental state was good. At the patient's strong request, we transferred him to the intensive care unit. "

"In the following month, we conducted continuous tests and examinations on the patient. All the patient's physical indicators have completely returned to normal, and a series of symptoms caused by heart disease have shown signs of improvement.

The patient got out of bed normally and walked without any problems. We have even begun to try to let patients start jogging in a small amount to speed up the body's blood circulation.

After joint research by the technical project team of the medical expert group, we believed that the patient's various physiological indicators had reached the discharge standards. It was meaningless to continue to stay in the hospital and it was a waste of medical resources. We then decided to handle the discharge procedures for the patient. He was discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate. "

"The patients and their families were very surprised by our decision and couldn't even believe the fact that they had recovered. After repeated confirmations, the patients and their families were discharged and went home happily.

It has been almost half a year since this patient was discharged from the hospital. During these six months, the patient has been reviewed every month. The results of the review show that the patient's physical indicators are all normal, and the patient has suffered from heart disease before. The high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia have disappeared.

The patient is now obsessed with running. He now runs every day and even occasionally plays badminton for a while.

Relatives and friends around the patient couldn't believe how this patient who had been dying in the hospital bed suddenly returned to normal.

The patient's family was also very grateful to us. Not only that, they also sent us fruit specialties from their hometown.

When he saw me, he seemed very excited. He held my hand for a long time and refused to let go. He kept thanking me for giving him a second life. "

Bang bang bang bang...

Looking at the series of changing pictures and videos above, everyone at the scene gave warm applause. It is unimaginable that such a thing would happen to anyone. This patient suffered the greatest misfortune, and of course, he was also the luckiest. Fortunately, he was given a chance that few other patients would have, and he was given a new lease of life.

The situation of the second patient is similar to that of the first, but she is very young, only fourteen years old, a little girl. The little girl suffered from congenital heart disease and had undergone three surgeries before. Despite the careful care of her family, her heart disease had developed to a serious stage when she was twelve years old. Search for books The little girl’s family visited countless hospitals, both at home and abroad, but there was only one result. There was no other solution except heart transplantation and heart surgery.

Then the little girl began a long road to happiness. She needed to stay in the hospital to ensure her physical condition and wait for news about her heart. This way, once a suitable heart source becomes available, she can immediately undergo a heart transplant.

But two years later, the little girl's heart disease became more and more serious, but she still had not found a suitable heart source. Although there have been several opportunities in the past two years, they either did not match, or the opportunities were almost missed and missed.

There are many patients waiting for heart transplants across the country, and this little girl is obviously unlucky.

The little girl’s experience was heartbreaking, so she was naturally included in our first batch of clinical trials. Although her family still hopes to wait for a suitable heart source, they also know that according to the little girl's condition, there is not much time left.

After finally signing the consent form and the success of our first patient’s smart bionic artificial heart transplant, the little girl’s family found us, hoping to perform the surgery on this little girl.

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