Military Technology

Chapter 1589 The greatest technology of the 21st century

Chapter 1590 The greatest technology of the 21st century

Therefore, some experts and scholars have speculated that Haoyu Technology’s research on brain-computer interaction technology has been very mature. In addition to being first used for medical purposes, this technology is likely to be used in more fields in the future and may even be weaponized. .

These experts and scholars analyzed that this brain-computer interaction system may be used in Haoyu Technology's latest mobile communication devices and virtual game devices to replace Haoyu Technology's current smart AR and VR products. Once this technology is applied to this field, it will completely change human society and even human survival and lifestyle. By then, the real society and the virtual society will overlap and blend together, and the boundaries will become smaller and smaller.

Through this technology, humans may gradually say goodbye to manual labor, and through brain-computer control, they will be able to remotely control robots thousands of miles away to perform operations.

Even, through the brain-computer interaction system, users can spend sweet time with their loved ones on the other side of the world. You can also have a virtual meeting from multiple perspectives.

In addition, under the influence of this technology, companies and enterprises will say goodbye to entities in the future and a large number of virtual enterprises will be born. These enterprises exist virtually and have no physical units. Through the brain-computer interaction system, employees can work in a virtual enterprise while being anywhere in the world, and then work.

In fact, the virtual world in Wu Hao's smart VR equipment can now achieve this, but there is no brain-computer interaction technology to achieve it completely.

Military experts and some people with ulterior motives believe that based on Haoyu Technology's close relationship with the military, this brain-computer interaction technology is likely to be quickly applied to its military weapons and equipment.

For example, brain-computer interaction systems can be used to remotely control drones, missiles, and fighter jets to achieve virtual online control. In other words, through this system, the driver's consciousness can be transmitted to drones, missiles, and fighter planes to control them for related battles.

In addition, this brain-computer interaction system can also be widely used to assist control and assist driving. The control steps that may have taken more than a dozen people to complete in the past can now be completed by one person through the brain-computer interaction system, and the response is very fast. This will greatly improve combat efficiency and maximize combat effectiveness.

Of course, these voices were not loud and were quickly drowned out by mainstream sounds. Everyone believes that this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye technology can completely liberate mankind from the fear of darkness. Not only can it restore light to all blind patients who are in the dark, but it can also alleviate and eliminate everyone's fear and despair caused by blindness.

Compared with this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye, the news about the smart bionic artificial heart has attracted more attention. Some experts even commented that this may be the greatest technology of the 21st century, and its significance may be no less than Humans have built nuclear fusion power plants.

Tens of millions of people die from heart disease every year around the world. It can be said that heart disease has become one of the deadliest killers affecting human health.

Compared with other diseases, heart disease is more dangerous and will immediately put the patient's life in danger once it occurs. If the rescue is not timely and the method is not appropriate, the patient will most likely lose his life.

Even if rescued, some complications may occur, such as brain damage, blood clots, rib collapse and fractures caused by cardiac resuscitation, etc.

Of course, these are all lucky. Although many patients received timely rescue and standardized treatment, it was still to no avail.

There are currently many treatment methods for heart disease, including drug treatment, surgical treatment, minimally invasive interventional treatment, etc. These treatments have helped countless patients escape danger, but there are still many patients with heart disease who are difficult to cure.

Whether it is drugs, surgery or interventional treatment, it can only alleviate the condition but cannot completely cure it. And as the disease progresses and becomes more severe, these treatments will gradually lose their effectiveness. In the end, patients are faced with either waiting for death or seeking opportunities for heart transplant surgery.

However, there is a shortage of hearts for heart transplant surgery. Every year, millions of patients around the world need "heart transplants", but only a few hundred people actually complete heart transplant surgeries.

This also means that the results faced by the vast majority of people...

In response to this tragic situation, scientists are constantly working hard, and they have also developed an artificial heart. By using a miniature magnetic levitation centrifugal pump to help promote blood circulation in the heart, the patient's life can be prolonged. However, the general service life of this type of artificial heart is not long, and there is rarely a chance of secondary implantation.

And this type of artificial heart has many shortcomings and drawbacks. For example, because it adopts a pumping blood supply method, the blood flows too slowly in the vascular network, the arteries lose pulse, and the heart stops beating. As a result, blood clots may form, endangering life and health.

Therefore, the average survival time of patients with artificial hearts is actually not high. Although it can help patients buy some time, for many young patients, this time is really too little.

The intelligent bionic artificial heart released by Wu Hao at the press conference this time is a bionic electronic heart that is completely modeled after a real human heart. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com It has the same functions as a real heart. It bids farewell to the traditional artificial heart pumping method to supply blood and circulates bionics. Instead, it uses the same contraction and slow beating method as a real heart to supply blood.

In this way, the real heart function can be truly simulated, allowing the patient to have the same heartbeat, pulse and function as a real heart.

It can also access the patient's postoperative restrictions, allowing the patient to live a normal life, and even engage in some strenuous sports, etc., allowing the patient to say goodbye to the troubles of heart disease.

In addition, this smart bionic artificial heart also uses new medical composite materials, which can extend the use time of this smart bionic artificial heart. And its modular design also facilitates later maintenance and replacement of parts, which can greatly save the patient's life.

Then there is its ultra-high reliability and safety. Compared with the traditional pump-type artificial heart, this intelligent bionic artificial heart adopts a modular and disaster recovery design, and adopts a variety of backup designs, which greatly improves the reliability of the product.

In this way, even if one of the devices fails, the intelligent bionic artificial heart can still operate normally, ensuring the patient's life safety to a great extent. Unlike traditional artificial hearts, once something goes wrong, the patient's life may be in danger immediately, and there may not even be time to rescue.

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