Military Technology

Chapter 1590 Hope before death

Chapter 1591 Hope before death

It is precisely because of its many advantages that this intelligent bionic artificial heart has become the most perfect heart substitute currently created by humans, and it also gives hope to patients who are dying of heart disease.

Maoguo, a pastoral-style manor on the outskirts of Bari. But from the outside, no one would have guessed that this is the best hospital or medical institution in Europe.

This is not a hospital in the traditional sense, but more like a medical research institute. In addition to researching some diseases, it also takes into account related treatments. Therefore, this medical school is not open to the general public. It is only open to the wealthy and aristocratic classes, and gives priority to those funders.

In a very special and luxurious ward located in the ward of the medical school in this manor, a pale blond patient was leaning on the bed and looking at the scenery outside the window.

Who would have thought that the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed at this moment is actually a famous rich man in the entire country. His family company involves many fields, such as red wine, clothing, cosmetics, luxury goods, and other traditional advantageous industries of the country. Involving automobiles, hotels, and aviation fields.

Originally in the prime of life, he should have worked hard to push his family's business to a higher level, but the heart disease inherited from his family made his life full of anxiety. Since he had a heart disease in his twenties, he has been in poor health and has undergone more than a dozen large and small operations. The biggest operation was that he completed a heart transplant six years ago and successfully transplanted a heart. The heart of a young crew member who died in a traffic accident.

After the heart transplant, his body recovered for several years. Although it was not comparable to that of a healthy normal person, he could still live a normal life. He originally thought that this heart from the crew could save him for more than ten years, but he didn't expect that something would go wrong in the sixth year.

Perhaps because of the crewman's heart transplant, he actually fell in love with the sea after the heart transplant surgery, which also led him to go on vacation to the Mediterranean beaches in the southern part of the country every few months.

He was initially worried about something, but he accidentally drowned while swimming and choked a few mouthfuls in the seawater, which subsequently led to a lung infection. He was immediately transferred to the hospital for treatment.

After timely treatment by doctors, the lung infection was under control, but there was a problem with the heart. Although he received adequate treatment and intervention, his heart problem became more and more serious, and he was immediately transferred to one of the top medical research institutions in Europe for further treatment.

After being transferred here and undergoing three surgeries, his condition did not improve, but instead became more serious. Because he has already had a heart transplant before, the possibility of another heart transplant is very small and the risk is huge.

What's more, in Europe, cardiac sources are also in short supply. There are many patients waiting for cardiac sources, and they will not get much priority just because they are rich. What's more, patients like him who have already undergone a heart transplant are not considered in principle.

Although he and his family used a lot of resources, the results were not ideal. His medical experts made it clear to him that his chances of receiving a second heart transplant were now very slim. Even if there is a suitable heart source, the transplant may not be successful.

The opinions given to him by the experts were very vague, but as an excellent businessman who has been in the business for decades, he still felt the implications of the experts' opinions.

If you do not undergo a second heart transplant, you may be able to live longer. If you risk a second heart transplant, you may not be able to get off the operating table or leave the ICU.

Faced with the experts' cryptic warnings, he was frightened. If it were six years ago, he would definitely choose to take the risk, but now he has chickened out. There are many reasons. He is afraid that if he fails to wake up, the huge family behind him may fall apart.

Because so far, he has not found a qualified heir who satisfies him. Although there are a few, he is actually not very satisfied and not at ease.

Therefore, he retreated and hoped to use the last few moments of his life to cultivate a qualified heir for himself and his family.

After careful and repeated consideration, he finally chose his 24-year-old daughter to be the future heir of the family. Although this decision was opposed by many people, including other heirs, under his insistence, her His daughter, who had just completed a master's degree in economics from Yingguo, came back to take over his business. Under his guidance, he did well, which made him somewhat gratified.

Now he finally felt a little relieved and began to wait quietly for death to come.

Looking at the scenery outside, he couldn't help but think of the many happy, painful, and unforgettable moments in his youth. This is something that people will experience in their final lives, that is, recalling themselves and summarizing their lives.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... With the sound of high heels, a group of people walked in quickly from outside. At the head were his heir, the young daughter, his two underage sons, and his third wife.



Everyone excitedly greeted him lying on the bed.

After waking up from his memories, Durand looked at his family and immediately smiled: "You are here."

dad! The leader's daughter, who was wearing professional attire, looked at her frail father lying on the hospital bed and was so excited that she could not speak.

Irena, you are my heir now, you should be stronger. Besides, I'm not dead yet. Durand gave instructions and then joked with a smile. His tone was very relaxed. On the one hand, he wanted to make his family feel at ease and not feel sad. On the other hand, he had seen through life and death and faced it calmly.

No, Dad, there's great news. Irena shook her head repeatedly and said excitedly to her father lying on the bed.

Good news, the company's stock price has gone up? Durand smiled and said, "Baby, I know you can do it."

Because of Durand's critical illness and the fact that his 24-year-old daughter took over the entire huge company, the outside world was generally not optimistic about it. In addition, investors were worried, so their company's stock price fell severely.

Durand has been concerned about this matter, so when he heard his daughter's words, his first reaction was that the company's stock price had risen, which made him feel relieved.

No, Durand, dear, there is hope for you, you can live, do you understand what I mean, there is hope for your disease. His third wife next to him threw herself in front of him and said excitedly to him.

There is hope, can we live?

Durand's eyes opened wide, his body trembled uncontrollably, and then a look of pain appeared on his face.

Doctor, doctor! The daughter and wife at the bedside saw his appearance and called out in panic.

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