Military Technology

Chapter 1616 Biological 3D Printer

"First, stem cell cloning organ culture technology. The current internationally accepted research direction is to use mice to conduct experiments and cultivate relevant human organs and tissues through stem cell cloning intervention, such as ears, hearts, etc.

We believed that the practical application of this technology was of little significance, so we abandoned this research direction and went straight to the point. How to cultivate mature artificial organ technology in artificial placenta.

This artificial placenta can also be regarded as an artificial organ incubator. Its main principle is to simulate the growth and living environment of embryos and organs, so that cloned organs can be grown from embryos into mature organs.

In this way, as long as this technology is successfully developed, it can be quickly put into the market for commercial use. We can build such a biological organ cultivation factory, or we can distribute this artificial placenta or artificial organ cultivation box to various hospitals, and each hospital can cultivate it independently.

In this way, we can greatly provide patients with timely treatment and save more patients' lives. It can also greatly reduce related costs and reduce the burden on patients.

More importantly, we use stem cell tissue from patients for clonal culture. Therefore, the cloned organs cultivated are essentially the patient's own organs. Therefore, implantation of such cloned organs will not produce any rejection reaction, so the patient does not need to take a large amount of anti-rejection drugs after surgery.

And because the fit of the organ itself is relatively strong, the patient’s postoperative recovery will be very optimistic. "

The experts were still surprised when they heard Wu Hao's simple introduction. Unexpectedly, Wu Hao and the others were so ambitious that they would start directly from the most difficult one.

But after thinking about it, everyone understood what Wu Hao and the others were doing. For them, all projects must have market value. Rather than following the step-by-step process and catching up with a large group of biological research institutes of pharmaceutical giants, it is better to find another way and develop by leaps and bounds.

This direction may seem a little too risky, but if it succeeds, the benefits will be huge. The benefits it brings have gone far beyond the economic level and have risen to a higher stage. The significance it brings will undoubtedly be revolutionary and will have a profound impact on all mankind and the future world. Its status in history may be no less than that of humans inventing computers and the Internet, or even higher.

After letting everyone discuss for a while, Wu Hao continued: "Bio-3D printing organ technology, as the name suggests, is the use of bio-3D printing technology to print organs.

Everyone knows about 3D printing technology, and this technology has also been used in the medical field. For example, many current joint replacement surgeries use 3D printing technology to print the relevant replacement joints.

Compared with traditional technology, this kind of artificial joint printed using 3D printing technology is printed by scanning the patient's original joint shape, so it has a higher matching and is more conducive to the patient's recovery.

This bio-3D printing organ technology uses the principles of 3D printing technology to print organ tissues. Moreover, this technology theoretically not only prints organs, but also prints various limb tissues of the human body. For example, skin, muscles, hands and feet, or a certain part of the body, etc. "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed knowingly.

Wu Hao then smiled and continued: "The difficulty of this technology is how to use cells to print living organs and tissues.

You know, 3D printing technology is developing very rapidly now, and 3D bioprinting technology is also developing very rapidly. At present, there are companies using biological 3D printers to print raw meat, and its meat texture is exactly the same as real meat.

However, there is a problem, that is, the raw meat printed by these technologies is dead, not alive. Therefore, these printed raw meats can only be used for consumption.

Our 3D bioprinting organ technology prints living organs and tissues, which in layman’s terms is living meat, not dead meat. We are not using them to cook dishes, let alone frying steaks, but to implant them into patients. If the organs are lost after death, not only will the patient's life not be saved, but they may even be in danger.

So how to print living organs and tissues is the core issue we need to overcome. "

Having said this, Wu Hao picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, and then under the eager eyes of everyone, he continued: "To overcome this problem, we must start from two aspects.

First of all, we need to prepare the consumables required for this bio-3D printer machine. This kind of consumables cannot be purchased and must be cultivated by ourselves.

Our scientists believe that instead of using allogeneic cells, it is better to extract cells directly from the patient's body, culture them, and then use these cells to print organ tissue.

In this way, the printed tissues and organs will not be rejected after transplantation, which is beneficial to the patient's recovery.

Therefore, cell clone cultivation technology still needs to be used here, and how to cultivate consumable cells suitable for use in biological 3D printer equipment from cell clones extracted from patients.

Secondly, what we have to solve is the key to this technology, bio-3D printing equipment.

The principles and technology of 3D printers are actually not complicated, and manufacturing is also very simple. Currently, this technology on the market is very mature.

However, biological 3D printers are a brand new field, not to mention medical-grade biological 3D printers. It is very difficult to find a bookstore and print living organs and tissues.

Moreover, the consumables to be printed are cells that are only a few microns or tens of microns in size. This requires that the entire biological 3D printer must be fine enough so that it can print these tiny cells.

This places higher requirements on the mechanical structure and system control of the printer, and its accuracy can be no less than that of a photolithography machine.

The second is to print each organ and tissue accurately, and the more complex the organ and tissue, the more difficult it is to print. Although these organs and tissues are composed of cells in different arrangements, this involves the arrangement and combination of cells, so this requires the printer system to have a fully detailed understanding of the structure of the organs and tissues, so that Only then can it be printed perfectly.

Although we humans have a very deep understanding of the structure of our own organs and tissues, to be precise about the arrangement and combination of every cell, this will be a very huge systematic project. At present, there is no pharmaceutical giant, medical research institute or even that country. Realized.

So the difficulty before us is very huge. "

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