Military Technology

Chapter 1660 This is a miracle

It is not only the doctors who suffer, but also the patients and their families. Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to everyone, but it must be accepted. For the patient, his subsequent life will be obviously dark, and his lifestyle will undergo tremendous changes. No matter what he was doing before, he has lost his previous ability to work after becoming blind.

Therefore, compared to patients with other disabilities, blind patients are actually more pitiful and helpless. Although all sectors of society have become more and more friendly to the blind in recent years and try their best to help and improve their living standards, the inconvenience of blindness basically runs through their entire lives. If this problem cannot be solved, then there is no way to help them. Get out of trouble.

And now, the intelligent bionic electronic eye technology launched by Wu Hao and others has undoubtedly given everyone hope. The technology that everyone thought was impossible for a long time has indeed appeared, and it amazed the world when it first appeared.

Although this technology is not yet on the market, many people have begun to inquire and apply, and there are also many medical institutions and charity organizations that have taken the initiative to cooperate with Wu Hao and others, hoping to promote this technology as soon as possible Go down and help all patients in need.

It is also with the help of these people that compared to the intelligent bionic artificial heart, the clinical trials of this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye are more smooth, and it has now entered a larger-scale second phase clinical trial.

CCTV reporters interviewed many patients this time and recorded their entire treatment process. Initially, everyone thought this was a very complicated operation, but after watching it, they found that the operation was very simple, especially with the intervention of the medical intelligent multi-tentacle surgical robot, the entire operation process was very smooth. Although the entire treatment cycle is relatively long, it is very smooth and there are no unexpected incidents.

In particular, it was reported that the patient felt the excitement and madness when wearing the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye for the first time, which made the audience moved.

What follows is a process of witnessing a miracle. As the patient gradually recovers and adapts, the pictures he sees become clearer and clearer, especially the final picture of reading to a magazine, which makes all the audience so excited that they can't help but applaud. I have to say, this is a miracle.

Compared with the intelligent bionic artificial heart, it seems that this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye technology should be recorded in the history of modern medical development. It will become an iconic technology product in the field of ophthalmology and even brain science and technology, and will be remembered by future generations.

What makes everyone even more happy is that Zhang Jun said in a later interview that they will do their best to control the R\u0026D and manufacturing costs of this technology, thereby reducing the related prices so that more blind patients can use this technology. product.

And Zhang Jun also listed a three-step plan. Currently, this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is still in the clinical trial stage. There is no mass production, so it is expensive. The price of each pair of smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes exceeds one million. Next, they will further compress the price, controlling it to around 600,000 to 700,000 per pair. In the second part, trial production will begin, increasing production and reducing costs, and controlling the price to around 4 to 50,000 yuan. In the third step, with large-scale production, the increase in output will also reduce production and manufacturing costs, thereby controlling the price to around 200,000 to 300,000 per pair.

This price is very conscientious. As Wu Hao said at the press conference, a denture costs tens of thousands, let alone such an important organ.

Even without this comparison, just say that the ears are as important as the eyes. The cochlear implants worn by some deaf-mute people are not cheap. Domestic ones cost hundreds of thousands, and imported ones cost hundreds of thousands. The price of Wu Hao's pair of intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes was finally controlled at 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, which is considered very conscientious. After all, compared with cochlear implant technology and its implantation surgery, the technology of the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye itself and the difficulty of the transplantation surgery are much more complicated and difficult.

Is this price expensive? Of course it is. Especially for disadvantaged groups such as blind patients, such prices are also very expensive and cannot be afforded by many people.

But in horizontal comparison, especially when compared with other products, this price is definitely much more conscientious. All the people also approved and praised the final price quoted by Zhang Jun. After all, after some introduction, they all knew that it was not easy to develop such a technology and a product, and the investment was astronomical. If it is purely about generating electricity for love, then who will dare to engage in technological innovation in the future?

So while netizens affirmed this price strategy, they began to make plans one after another. There are suggestions to set up a public welfare fund to collect social donations to help and support all blind patients who undergo intelligent bionic electronic eye transplantation. In this way, blind patients only need to pay part of the cost, and then the public welfare fund will subsidize part of it to help them carry out intelligent bionic electronic eye transplantation, allowing them to regain their sight.

There are also suggestions to allow this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye to be directly included in medical insurance and to conduct centralized procurement negotiations. See Shuyuan wwwww.zhaoshuyuan.comm. In this way, the market can be used to exchange for the largest price reduction, so that all patients and groups in need can income. As for medical insurance, it can help those disadvantaged groups in need of help to the greatest extent, so that they can truly benefit.

Others suggest that this technology should be made public directly and allowed to be co-produced by other pharmaceutical companies, which can reduce prices. As for Haoyu Technology’s losses, they can be compensated through tax cuts, subsidies, and social welfare funds.

However, such a proposal was immediately rejected. If this was the case, perhaps ordinary patients could benefit. However, Haoyu Technology, as a developer, has suffered huge losses and unfair treatment for no reason. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to companies that focus on technological innovation, and the adverse effects will directly affect our country's technological innovation. overall development situation.

There are many similar suggestions, to which Wu Hao and the others have not responded. At this time, it is better not to say anything than to say it. As for centralized procurement and inclusion in medical insurance co-ordination, they are happy to see this happen. Of course, the premise is that they have to benefit, which is the most important thing.

As mentioned before, they are a company, not a charity. As long as it is beneficial to them, why should they refuse? If there is no benefit, why should they agree? After all, they have developed to the point where no one can influence them.

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