Military Technology

Chapter 1661: Strong and tough!

Since the release of these products, the attention abroad has been no less than at home. Major foreign media, including some social networking sites, are paying great attention to these technological achievements, and have even opened special sections and topics for discussion.

Obviously, overseas people are extremely excited about the advent of these technologies, and they are asking when these technological achievements will be available on the market and enter their regions and countries.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others had already responded before. In response to their replies and targeted accusations, some overseas countries and regions also responded accordingly.

For example, a spokesman for a rogue country responded that they have noticed the emergence of these new technologies, which have a huge role in promoting human beings' victory over diseases. Therefore, Haoyu Technology should disclose these technological achievements, so as to Benefit people all over the world. The rogue state has always been a great country and will serve as a world leader to lead the people of the world to continue to move forward on the road to defeating the disease.

In response to the concerns of people in rogue countries about the introduction of these technological products into their domestic applications, its spokesperson also responded. They believe that there are possible backdoor systems in these technological achievements, which will affect people's life safety. Therefore, we must be cautious when entering these technological products into our country. Only by fully proving the safety of its products and strictly monitoring them can these technological achievements receive special approval for domestic sales.

Regarding this shameless response, Wu Hao and the others were not polite at all, nor did they back down, they directly retorted.

Haoyu Technology has been committed to the research and development of high-tech products so that more people can benefit from them. The related products we have launched have been recognized and affirmed by the market and users. In terms of security and reliability, especially in terms of protecting user privacy, we have won unanimous praise from all users. So far, we have not There has been a case where user data was leaked due to our fault. This has always been a benchmark in the industry and has won us wide credibility. From this point of view, the international credibility of a certain rogue country may not be as good as ours.

In response to the spokesperson's response that they would conditionally license their related products into the country, Wu Hao and the others said directly: "We do not accept such a biased decision, and we will not use such a decision. This is an aggrieved gesture into an area of ​​distrust and excess towards us and our technology products.

Even if we want to enter, we will enter in a dignified manner. Compromising is not our style of doing things. So unless we are treated fairly and all previous accusations and repressive measures against us are eliminated, we will not consider entering their country. Search for books

In response to the needs of its people, we can only say sorry. If you are in serious need, you may consider traveling to our country or a third-party country for treatment. "

This news about Haoyu Technology instantly caused a storm. Basically, no one expected that such a technology company would dare to directly invade the world's largest rogue state. And he didn't buy into his threats and inducements at all.

This has never happened before, and it naturally stings the nerves of many people. Most of them are people in the West who feel good about themselves, and a small number of them are shepherd dogs from home and abroad.

The rogue country has always been a beacon that cannot be desecrated in its heart. Now someone actually dares to attack it like this, and it seems that it is defeated. How can this be accepted by these sheepdogs? So at this time, almost all the sheepdogs Everyone began to come out to protect the Lord.

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