Military Technology

Chapter 1662 “Low-key” Biological and Life Sciences Research Center

, military technology

Of course, Zhang Jun's words naturally caused some controversy. Everyone is worried that today Zhang Jun will ban these people from using their products and refuse to provide them with services. So will they refuse to provide services to them for other reasons in the future?

Zhang Jun's words and the public's concerns also became a topic of speculation by some people with ulterior motives and the media, causing controversy for a while.

In response to this, Wu Hao couldn't sit still. He directly posted: "Haoyu Technology is a responsible company and aims to provide high-quality, reliable and safe products and services to all consumers. Therefore, we will not refuse anyone , everyone can rest assured on this.

As for a very small number of people, we still have the right to refuse to provide services to them. This is also to safeguard our own legitimate rights and interests. And this right will never be abused. It must be fully reviewed and signed by the company's senior management and legal affairs before it can be determined. If the personnel have objections, they can file for reconsideration, and we will conduct manual compounding and publish it. "

Of course Wu Hao would not veto Zhang Jun's words. After all, Zhang Jun is the general manager of Haoyu Technology. If he directly denied it, it would be equivalent to slapping Zhang Jun in the face in front of everyone, which would only make those sheepdogs even more rampant.

Although this was Zhang Jun's decision in anger, Wu Hao still wanted to defend it, but he also made slight modifications, which could slightly weaken the impact.

In fact, every company has a so-called internal blacklist, which lists relevant personnel and refuses to provide services to them. However, this kind of blacklist is an internal secret of each company, and it is impossible for outsiders to know it. It is only for internal communication. Even when rejecting people on the blacklist, other reasons will be found, such as sold out, proofing, etc.

This time, Zhang Jun directly made it public, so the controversy caused was quite large. But, it doesn't have much impact, because this kind of internal customer blacklist is an open secret. But no one has ever talked about it so openly.

Moreover, this time, Zhang Jun was targeting the shepherd dogs, so from this aspect, he gained even more understanding and recognition from most people.

Of course, criticism is inevitable, especially from major media outlets. As for Wu Hao, he also asked Zhang Jun not to appear in public for a short time. As for social platform greetings, he was temporarily disabled.

Although Zhang Jun was a little aggrieved, he also knew how impulsive and stupid what he did in the heat of the moment was, so he had to reluctantly accept it.

Fortunately, there are many things going on in the company, and Zhang Jun is busy with these things all day long, so he can temporarily forget about this matter.

This series of events, including these technological achievements, has also brought Haoyu Technology Company and its biological and life science research center and intelligent medical bionics technology research center into the public eye, arousing everyone's strong interest. .

Compared with the Intelligent Medical Bionic Technology Research Center, which has been in the limelight recently, the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center seems to be relatively low-key. The only remarkable thing seems to be the specific drug it has developed to treat Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, which is a super phage cultivated for Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

In addition, there are some fragmentary reports, and these reports are also submerged in the massive information consultation.

Not long ago, a report made this biological and life science research center reappear in everyone's career, and aroused widespread public coverage.

Several self-driving tourists discovered a rose garden of approximately hundreds of acres next to the Northwest R\u0026D Center of Haoyu Technology. Although it was already late summer and early autumn, the flowers in the rose garden were still in full bloom, and various roses The flowers are colorful, colorful and very beautiful. Especially in the middle of the Gobi desert, there is a rose garden of hundreds of acres that can bloom so beautifully despite the high temperature. This has to be said to be a miracle.

Therefore, since the opening of this rose garden, it has attracted a large number of tourists to visit, and this rose garden has also become a very famous local internet celebrity check-in place, and is quite famous on the Internet.

However, not long ago, some tourists discovered that the hundreds of acres of rose garden had been pushed directly under the rumble of more than a dozen bulldozers. Immediately, these tourists posted the video and photos they took on the Internet, which naturally caused an uproar.

This news quickly attracted the attention of netizens and successfully became a hot search topic. Some media also reprinted and paid attention to it.

The reason why netizens are so concerned about it is that on the one hand, everyone loves beauty. Such a beautiful rose garden and such beautiful roses, why should they be pushed away and destroyed at any time? This is such a pity. . On the other hand, everyone feels that in the center of this lifeless desert, there is such a rose garden of hundreds of acres. Looking for the book garden This is really amazing and should be well protected to play a role. Windproof and sand-fixing effect. But why, just push it and destroy it. Isn’t this destroying the ecology and destroying the vegetation?

According to the in-depth attention and understanding, everyone is pointing the finger at Haoyu Technology. Everyone thinks that the expansion of the Northwest R\u0026D Center of Haoyu Technology ruined this beautiful rose garden.

Faced with such overwhelming accusations, Haoyu Technology had to post an explanation on its official website and official social accounts.

This rose garden itself was cultivated and planted by Haoyu Technology to study their latest genetic engineering technology of desert rose varieties. Now that the experiment is over, this rose experimental field will naturally be demolished. As for why this is done, it is also explained in the description.

These rose varieties are genetically modified and gene-edited products. If they are not produced, they are likely to be leaked, spread outwards, and contaminate the genes of surrounding plants and animals, causing genetic changes in surrounding animals and plants, causing ecological disasters.

People can understand this explanation, but it is a pity that hundreds of acres of rose gardens, especially such beautiful roses, have been eradicated. Many people have asked why it can't be preserved deep in the desert, where there are no plants and animals.

In this regard, Wu Hao also came forward to post a photo of them browsing the rose garden, and explained in the text: "The rose garden is very beautiful, and I can't bear to eradicate it like this. But because of responsibility, and being responsible for the surrounding ecosystem, We have to do this. Although it is a pity to destroy flowers with such pain, for the sake of the overall situation, we can only "reluctantly give up love". But don't worry, when these varieties are stabilized, these roses will be replanted and bloom of.

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